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Messages - Zerind

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Ban Requests / Ban request ShadowFi[ThEND
« on: April 15, 2014, 22:36 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
Pausing game for no reason
Family related flame

4: When rule(s) were broken?
Pausing around minute 15, then this:
ShadowFi[ThEND   [Allies]   fuck ur mother s pussy

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Was a fine game, thought this idiot was only there for stats, and kept arguing and flaming...

6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=5460146

A ban might be too severe here (he is just retarded) but he really should get a warn in my opinion.

Thank you for your time!

Ban Requests / ban request pantera_negra
« on: March 23, 2014, 23:50 »
1: Your NickName?


2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?


3: What rule did he/they break?

racism/national intolerance

4: When rule(s) were broken?

39:39   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   !f
39:43   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   oh serbian
39:44   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   ...
39:48   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   sry
39:54   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   i did not know you are serbian
40:09   Pantera_Neagra   [Allies]   the next stupid people after the turks are serbian

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.

Fun game, a bit of flaming and arguing in my team, nothing serious, then this pops out of this guy... Clear racist flame.
(Btw, I'm not Serbian, I just hate this kind of shit.)

6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=5444022

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 21:58 »
Well, I had like 4-5 desyncs in around a year, and all in the very first second.
And saw some ppl get dropped due to desync, same thing: very first second.

Desync doesn't mean u are dropped, unless you play on a bot. By theory, bots will drop you. Normal games, u will see that everyone else has lost connection. :)

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 20:54 »
Like teaching math to my cat.
Nvm, here I go again:

Desync is an error in the map. The system. Read this fucking link:,53567.msg166416.html
It is not the fault of a single player, it is an ERROR!

U didn't read it, if u did, u'd say u were sorry and I was right.

But hey, be a big boy, tell me, if u "solved" desync, how did u do that? :D Take me through the steps. You went and reverse engineered Warcraft, then changed the code?
Seriously, let's give you a chance here:
Tell me how to "fix" it. If it works, I'll say that I'm sorry and that I was wrong.

Well, this thread has been successfully trolled... Gj. Maybe a few days later I'll start a new one, and hope T_r..O_lL doesn't show up there to say idiotic things withouth taking the effort to understand what he is talking about.

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 20:39 »,53567.msg166416.html

Thank you very much! This clears it up.

P_u..D_gE, go read that thread in the link!

Desync is NOT MY FAULT! It is program error. U were lucky to have gotten it only once.
I love how you just can't get sarcasm. :D Nobody should get banned when desync happens. It is nobody's fault. Get it? Hmm, hard. Try to understand it, you can do it! :)

So, how about my suggestion? Warn for leaving at minute 0, after minute 0:01, ban. Any ideas?

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 19:35 »
This is not a modern society. And it doesn't care if you're good or bad person or if you desyin on purpose or accidentally. The only important thing is that people lose time while you desync, and that must be punished. Solve your problems before playing in this modern society.

- We live in modern societies. Well, most of us do, really.
- It has nothing to do with being a "good" or a "bad person", where did that come from?
- Desync is not my problem, friend. I can't fucking "solve" it. It is Dota, or the server, or your bot. But definitely not me. Oops.
- Punish? Why should I be punished for you (or Dota map, or wasting my and other 9 player's times? "Punish." Boy you are an aggressive one... "Kill them all! And burn the city, too!" ;)

I lose time too. I lose even moar time because I still didn't get unbanned! I demand the mods to be PuNiShEd! too. And Icefrog. And Blizzard. Roar!

Khm, back to being serious: desync is not my fault. And yes, we are trying to create some kind of modern, functioning society here. At least, some of us are... Are you?

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 18:54 »
Beleive me , there are retards , which go ingame , leave and go in other and ruin until banned. Even they can make desync happen

Yes, you are talking about trolls. And I say you are punishing normal players just to get trolls easier, instead of punishing only the trolls.

U know presumption of innocence? When I get desync, PD assumes I'm guilty and punishes me, and I have to prove my innocence. In modern societies, it is the other way around. We assume that people are innocent, unless proven otherwise.

How about this?
If someone leaves two continuous games in minute 0, he gets banned. Or isn't this why you have a warning system?
Leave in minute 0 - warning.
Leave in minute 0 with warning for this - ban.

This way, if you get desync and drop in minute 0, u can post an "unwarn" request, but still play on, even if it takes the mods hours or even days to process your unban request.

But trolls will be stopped on the second occasion, and ofc they won't be unbanned, as mods will see it is a continued offense.

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 18:31 »
You can get desynced after , doesnt matter. Its unlikely , that we change anything related. People abused everything they could , and if they dont change their mentality , we will make everything harsher.

Hmm and how about leaving in minute 0? That is 99% error, not abuse. How about turning on autoban only at 0:01?

Tupac, I do have GProxy. And in cases of Desync at minute 0, I will get unbanned. It is a clear case, not abuse.
And still, I talk about Desync, u talk about disconnect. 0.o?

Feedback / Re: Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 18:11 »
ARGH... This -tupac.
Collecting posts, pressing reply before reading OP eh?

Man, it is DESYNC!

It is NOT disconnect. DESYNC. Desynchronization happens BEFORE the VERY FIRST SECOND. It is NOT plug. It goes like this:

00:01   (All)    Warning! Desync detected!
00:01   (All)    Players in game state #1: lIlZerindllI
00:01   (All)    Players in game state #2: GOTcu, RIN__TIN__TIN, vaz, Hracicka, ARE.S, [FCC]GreeN, duzyizly, Posera_cz, Piun
00:01   (All)    lIlZerindllI was dropped due to desync, lIlZerindllI was autobanned.

See? You can't "do" this by unplugging the router...

Ah why am I talking? It just won't read this, it's just here to talk... And even if it did read it, it wouldn't understand. Damn halfwit...

Feedback / Autoban on desync
« on: January 22, 2012, 17:36 »
Why ban ppl who get desync?

This would be so easy to overcome...

Whenever I get desync and disc, I have to request unban, which is frustrating for me and extra work for the mods. And desync cases get unbanned 100% of the time.

So: don't ban ppl who get "Dropped due to desync". If that is not possible, don't turn on autoban until the 1st second of the game. Whoever leaves in the first secong shouldn't get banned, because he left because of desync or late Esc during countdown. Neither is bannable, both are bugs in the system...

Thank you!

Hope I get my unban by the time I finish this post... :)

Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: May 01, 2011, 20:17 »
Please, read the thread first.
Gproxy comes on is sy leaves. Not disconnects, simply leaves when game is finished. So, if eg. your draw happens, the ppl who wants play on will have to wait till all Gproxy player's timers run out. Good thing?

Oh, and about 1/500 scenarios:
A drew game with ppl wanting to play on, THEN sy disconnects and wants to rejoin with gproxy. That is 1/5000. Not worth making a post... :P

THINK before u comment. And understand the thread.

Btw draw drew drawn. No such thing as "drawed".

Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 29, 2011, 20:35 »
Thanks! I think disabling gproxy after tree/throne is down, or after successful !ff or !rmk would be a good idea. (If possible.)

Someone can disc ingame too, but that is bannable, so they don't do it that often.

And big thanks for removing the flamewar! :)

Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 26, 2011, 23:44 »
i told you if you wait till end +5 seconds gproxy will start reconnecting you have 5 seconds to quit is it that hard?

Wtf? Try english, I don't really understand your babbling. Game ends, kid disconnects, I have to wait 300 seconds or so till GProxy is on for that kid. What 5 seconds? There is no 5 seconds here.

Usseles topic... rly useles.... so hard to run task mng? lol... u must be one fat ass nolifer XD

So u come here and make a senseless comment, and call ME a nolifer? :D
Man, I am reporting a bug/potentional abuse. Yes, it is not a big one. Not a new hyperhack that gives you +20 levels when game starts.
But this is a place to report such things. What is wrong with that?
And seriously: if you have nothing to say, why the fuck do you bother grabbing keyboard and vomiting shit all over threads?

Hmm, maybe you guys are just jealous, cause u can never start a topic with a new idea, since you have none of those. Is that it? :D I guess so.

Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 26, 2011, 02:43 »
U are dumb. Just dumb. U collecting posts or what?
This can be frustrating for all players, not only me, so me making a program makes no sense. I AM asking for a solution on this forum. What guide? How to handle dimwit kids who talk nonsense on forums? OK, I'll google it.

Feedback / Re: Gproxy++ still on after game over
« on: April 26, 2011, 01:26 »
Ok, I use Win7, where it takes 3 more clicks. And yes, it is that hard. Why the fuck do I need to kill W3 and reopen-bnet-password again?
And yes, sometimes killing an idle process takes some time, even in Win7. Not always instantaneous. Wow that's a shock...

I so love these internet kids, they don't know the solution, but they desperately need to say something...
(-Hey, how do I do this-that in PSP?
-Don't use PSP, PS ismuch better u idiot nab lolz.)

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