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Messages - pastmistake

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managed to push all 3 accounts from top15, to top 10 ..

... b o r i n g

A proper balancing formula shouldn;t try to match exact PSR total. PSR_Team 1 = PSR_Team2. Rather it should place each player in a "category level".

1600 - 1699 .. is considered 5
1550 - 1599 .. is considered 4
1500 - 1550 .. is considered 3
1450 - 1500 .. is considered 2
< 1400 is considered 1

and then u try to balance those category levels in each team. Ofc presented numbers are to explain the logic, and do not represent the final formula.

PS: the main factor in imbalanced games is the periodical ladder reset and the fact ppl can multiaccount and smurf. There should be no ladder reset, as the current formulas already drag down the top ranks from going too far ahead and it makes easier for new players to climb fast to the mid-section of the ladder.

So rather than changing formula, you should rather prioritize something to make users use only 1 account. Some rewarding system or w/e.

As long as anyone with any PSR joins game, there;s no magical PSR formula. You either favor the lower ranked or the higher ranked. There shouldn't be allowed games where top PSR is 1600+ and lowest is 1400- .. those will never be balanced games or PSR worth.

Any formula you'll pick is still abusable: I;m currently with 3 acc in top 15,  and going up. Without stacking or choosing games. B O R I N G

Ban Requests / Ban [uGt]xHiTsUx xenophobe and racist
« on: February 04, 2020, 18:49 »
Weird guy starts flaming me, blames "gipsies" and "romanians". Hard to post , all the lobby is full of his chat.

03:41   [uGt]xHiTsUx   gipsy
03:46   pastmistake   u sure ?
03:47   [uGt]xHiTsUx   ROMANIA
03:52   [uGt]xHiTsUx   do u know that shit country?;sa=game;gid=6250474

No Lol. The idea is he didn;t had the balls to say it on chat. I wouldn;t have cared much if he'd tell that lie on chat and not through dm. But the hypocrite had no balls  :shit: And as I said ... i was already in lobby when he joined. It's not like I joined last. He had the option to simply leave  :like a boss:

This is quite interesting. Basically this means he pussied out once he realized you will remain in the game, am I correct?

If this is true, than public shaming such players is very appropriate.

I'd like to add that also being a TR is perfectly valid reason for him to kick you from his own games, since he can choose whomever he wants to play with. People from certain countries come with certain problems in communication this is mostly based on people from TR and MK.
(I am not saying you are such person, or that everyone has such problems, but its a valid fact I obtained both as a player and staff member here previously).
The only worse thing than having such guy in your team, is having a combination of these in your team. For example if you get to play with 2 MK-s and 1 TR its most likely ending in disaster. (Once again I'm not saying its a "RULE" but it happens way to often to be just ignored and not taken seriously).

Also for the sake of taking a side, I'd prefer a TR player rather than a MK one if I have to pick it.

What? I'm not even TR. That;s the idea, he invented a reason for host to kick me. Tooshade knows pretty well i'm RO. And even If i was TR. I had best stats in that lobby (LOL). He chickend out, but instead of leaving wanted to kick me..  :boy:

The guy has issues with me eversince I refused to stack with him. He noticed I play well and was constantly spamming me to stack. I refused, and whenever he'd host and after !balance i'd be opposite team he'd kick me xd

Still makes no sense.. that;s something you need to tell TooShade. not me.
He';s the one who doesn;t want me in his game. For obvious reasons ... PSR hore.

Did you read ? I don;t care with whom I play.
The tried to kick me .. if you ask me that was ez win vs him. Couldn;t care less if he stayed or not. He wanted to kick me, and after he saw host won't kick, he left :))

Who does that ? If you look closer in the print he's a hate instigator "Kick him, he's TR" .. what;s wrong with TR ?

General Discussions / TooShade , the too shady guy from lagabuse
« on: February 02, 2020, 14:23 »
When you join last, but try to make current game your game.
Tried to invent reasons to kick me, except he DM me instead of host. This guy is legendary .. stacking and starting imbalanced games was not enough.

Ban Requests / Re: ban d-low feed and antigame
« on: February 01, 2020, 03:30 »
No. Close. IT seems bad plays and bad manners are considered allowed. I get it. Sorry for the waste of time.

Ban Requests / Re: ban -kym- antigame
« on: February 01, 2020, 03:29 »
No need. I already provided times for the afk in the other thread. First one was closed, even though I DID POST AFK minutes in 2nd reply.

And after getting closed, I was warned for providing a 2nd report with complete information, that was including the minutes he went AFK. Even though the first thread already had them  :like a boss:

Solid forum performance from you mods.  :marine:

What you basically tell me, is that since my first report was "incomplete" the guy did nothing wrong, and cannot be reported in a "complete" re-post.  :y:

Closed. Whatever.. waste of time reporting.

Ban Requests / Re: ban -kym- antigame
« on: February 01, 2020, 01:51 »
Roger that .. Any build works. See you on forums, lets hope not too many players will report my sniper dagon build.  :boy:

Ban Requests / Re: ban d-low feed and antigame
« on: February 01, 2020, 01:49 »
You come with queling blade on pudge ,and start last hitting INTENTIONALLY from your core.

Ban Requests / w1ckeed_s1ck^^ afk
« on: February 01, 2020, 01:48 »
Goes afk 5 min at a time , 3 times .. fucking dog. Unreal how i get  4 morons.
I already posted minutes in last post, but nobody cares. Min 23, and 28 he starts afking.;sa=game;gid=6249512

Ban Requests / ban szcasap- allchat flame
« on: February 01, 2020, 01:47 »
Triggered kid, starts flaming allchat.

31:06   szcasap-   [All]   better
31:07   szcasap-   [All]   go afk
31:11   szcasap-   [All]   romanian dog;sa=game;gid=6249512

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