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Messages - Akuma

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Akuma please reduce your posts imo ppl are lazy to listen this all. Or maybe these with real life Like mé beyond  :angel: ;D

I don't see how does length of my post affect your real life. (and beyond)
too long

I still don't see how does it affect your real life (or beyond), please explain.
no time:D

-1 for taking ppl time for mega long posts and stupid asks.

Please, you are intriguing specimen, we will observe you further. I have no clue what -1 is about.

Akuma please reduce your posts imo ppl are lazy to listen this all. Or maybe these with real life Like mé beyond  :angel: ;D

I don't see how does length of my post affect your real life. (and beyond)
too long

I still don't see how does it affect your real life (or beyond), please explain.
no time:D


Akuma please reduce your posts imo ppl are lazy to listen this all. Or maybe these with real life Like mé beyond  :angel: ;D

I don't see how does length of my post affect your real life. (and beyond)
too long

I still don't see how does it affect your real life (or beyond), please explain.

Akuma please reduce your posts imo ppl are lazy to listen this all. Or maybe these with real life Like mé beyond  :angel: ;D

I don't see how does length of my post affect your real life. (and beyond)

This is quite interesting. Basically this means he pussied out once he realized you will remain in the game, am I correct?

If this is true, than public shaming such players is very appropriate.

I'd like to add that also being a TR is perfectly valid reason for him to kick you from his own games, since he can choose whomever he wants to play with. People from certain countries come with certain problems in communication this is mostly based on people from TR and MK.
(I am not saying you are such person, or that everyone has such problems, but its a valid fact I obtained both as a player and staff member here previously).
The only worse thing than having such guy in your team, is having a combination of these in your team. For example if you get to play with 2 MK-s and 1 TR its most likely ending in disaster. (Once again I'm not saying its a "RULE" but it happens way to often to be just ignored and not taken seriously).

Also for the sake of taking a side, I'd prefer a TR player rather than a MK one if I have to pick it.

Offtopic / Re: Dafaq
« on: February 02, 2020, 13:00 »
Wich idiot give mé still this retarded pic on my profile???

There are 4 possible solutions, pick which you like the most.

1. Usually admins are those who can access and change your profile.
This would mean you called certain admin who did it - "idiot"

2. Possible solution is that someone else has access to your profile, after you willingly gave him your password.
This would mean you are the "idiot", since you are staff member and have access to certain things.

3. Third solution is that someone hacked your password, and obtained it against your will.
This would pretty much also means you are an "idiot" just like in no 2. and that you got tricked into providing your information or had a "123456" password.

4. You did it yourself while you were on some sort of mental breakdown which caused a temporal memory loss. Such things are usually caused by abuse of certain often illegal substances like drugs, or legal like alcohol in high concentrations. (There are other possible things that could cause such behavior, but I'd rather not post it here because they might find it "insulting" again.)
This would also mean like 2, 3 that you are an "idiot" but I would also advice you to seek medical help for your problems.


DotA Discussion / Re: Against the odds
« on: January 30, 2020, 17:15 »
For the sake of going completely offtopic I will ask a question.

Why did he get warned if he wasn't reported for breaking rules, and I don't see guy who opened this topic asking for any kind of ban or warn.

Also mitev abbadon.

DotA Discussion / Re: Did you know?
« on: January 29, 2020, 18:07 »
Sniper is the hero with highest range,but do u know who is on number 2,I can bett u will be surprised :D

Sniper 1215
Winter Wyvern 1140
Terror Blade 990

p.s. for me most surprising are Terror Blade and Jakiro because you would not expect that range from those heroes :)

wait what?

did you know, that guy who opened "did you know" thread thinks winter wyvern and jakiro is same hero.

Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 21:04 »

As I still disagree that my "spam" warns were just I hope they will be reviewed soon, as well as I hope the outgoing result is satisfactory. Please post your decision here mr.cen.

Also a suggestion, to avoid these situations, hope you consider it.

1. Suggestion threads shouldn't be instantly closed, but rather remain open for a few days, and perhaps be explained-discussed (or until some agreement is reached).
2. Admins should try to explain the situation in best way possible instead of giving some "generic" answers.

I hope this suggestion gets accepted as well, and that suggestions and questions won't be instantly locked any more.

Also giving an "unofficial" warning before actually warning someone is quite a good practice, but its up to you guys to decide.

PS: Jimmy, I respect your work and dedication, as well as yourself, but you need to make a balance between these things, especially when something constructive approaches, because these things don't work in your favour.
(Also this an example how can thread have some discussion without being locked, and not turning into flame war or whatever)
PS2: Also, I had like 5x posts I have atm but who cares, i'd like them as they are now.

Lock it, and thanks.

Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 19:54 »
OK lets put it as simply as possible:

Me: Hey admins why is train to London not going this evening?
Jimmy: You have a bus station. (Locks thread/closes discussion)

what do we get from here?

1. I still have no idea why train isn't going (So I am probably going to ask again)
2. You told me I have a bus, I was already aware I have a bus station, I don't want to take a bus from the station, I want to know why train isn't going, while that same train was going from there for years.

Its this simple.

Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 19:46 »
Also a suggestion, to avoid these situations, hope you consider it.

1. Suggestion threads shouldn't be instantly closed, but rather remain open for a few days, and perhaps be explained-discussed (or until some agreement is reached).
2. Admins should try to explain the situation in best way possible instead of giving some "generic" answers.

Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 19:37 »
2. The first answer to your question was a clear hint that staff list already exists
And I was perfectly aware of this, so the information provided was meaningless to me.
(My question wasn't if the staff list exists anywhere, but why doesn't it exist where it used to exist.)

there is no interest to have another list with the same information which then needs to be maintained on two places.

Perhaps true, but it was something that stood there for years and people (including myself) got used to it.

Your complaint then is for receiving warns about the b&u list. That is therefore noted and will be reviewed.

Exactly, I don't consider my suggestion-explanation a spam, and I disagree it should be treated as such.


Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 19:22 »
Explanation is very simple, the rules are written the way that anyone can be banned for anything, its just a matter of how the Staff want to interpret your messages. There are additional rules which prohibit trolling, spamming and rebellions which you did clearly break. It seems that the topic with them was deleted but its clear that they are still in effect.

I am aware of this, I want to hear his interpretation of this specific rule so I don't repeat myself again.

As for you participating in writing down the rules as you claim, it doesn't mean that they don't apply to you or me.

I never said rules don't apply to me.

As told by Cen, spamming topics is forbidden as well as Admin's words are indisputable. What you are doing now is just giving the Staff more reasons to ban you (just like i'm doing now...).

This is a completely different discussion, about completely different warn, therefore it mustn't be considered a spam.

(While having some info-seeking from the previous warns, it shouldn't be considered as a complaint in my point 1. rather information request  as topic name suggests. )

Complaints Board / Re: Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 18:50 »
Whether something is insulting or not is up to staff to decide on case by case basis, it is impossible to put such a general thing into the rule book. You were denied by two staff members already, opening yet another complaint won't change anything. Feel free to read the rules again in your spare time.

0. General Codex
Note: All decisions are mainly rendered by Moderators and can vary from those from 'Table of Sanctions'.
      Note: Admins' words are always indisputable.

1. Member must not spam:
      c: Spam with requests (Ban, Unban, MH) is not allowed.

3. Member must not insult users:

I am aware of this, I am not complaining about decision about those +10 for "insulting" any longer, but I still want to know what exactly in my posts was considered insulting in order not to post such things again. Mr. Jeandarc can answer either here, either via PM choice is his.

I ask this mainly because these kind of things were not considered "insulting" a while ago.

About spam thingy, you maybe didn't read my request(s) correctly.

For years there was a sticky topic (B&U Team), while it was in lagabuse staff all the time as well.

1. I ask why certain feature (which was available for years) was removed, and ask to bring it back.
2. Admin didn't answer my question properly and tells me there is b&u in staff list (and it was there all the time, even while it was stickied as well, and I was perfectly aware of it).
3. I was unsatisfied with an answer (because my question actually didn't get answered). I was given information I already possessed, so I open another topic to clarify what exactly my question was. I even kindly asked to merge my topics and give me a proper explanation.

4. I am NOT unsatisfied with answer in my second topic, I expected* to get this answer in first topic (therefore I wouldn't even open second topic), but instead I was given useless information and my question was not answered. (So basically my suggestion wasn't dealt with properly the first time).
(perhaps my suggestion was not a good suggestion, but still it was a valid suggestion right? )

5. I ended up with 15 warn points for spamming, and I still don't consider my post a spam, as explained.

Also important note: This wasn't a complaint request, it was a suggestion, there is a big difference when someone opens "complaints" in a bulk or posts a "suggestion".
So basically this topic is
1. Requesting information
2. Complaint about absolutely another thing from other complaint I posted.
I posted them in same thread, perhaps I needed two of them.

*by expected I mean - get at least some proper explanation why something was changed, and not getting something I already know.

Complaints Board / Information request
« on: January 27, 2020, 17:43 »
OK, I got forum banned for 2 days, not quite a big deal, but I would like some explanations from mr @jeandarc  and the rest.

I'll quote mr jeandarc for a moment:
Locking thread - threads where people go offtopic and start to insult others will continue to get locked, whether you like it or not.
I'd like you to point out where my post was insulting anyone, and why did it get locked in this specific thread. It was posted in offtopic section, which is meant for all kind of things. I'd also like to mention that offtopic section has 5 or more pages of unlocked threads most of them being absolutely meaningless, while my got locked.

Deleted threads - threads where you or someone else start insulting someone and get personal with them from the first post will continue to get deleted, whether you like it or not.

I'd like to know what in my deleted thread was insulting (you can answer me via PM if you don't want to post it here) so I know what NOT to post in future.

Getting warned for insulting someone, especially getting personal with them - you will continue to get warned, whether you like it or not.
Why others didn't get warned but I did :( - you insulting someone and their personal life doesn't get excused because someone else did it in the past. If you want them warned/banned you have the freedom to report them, but in no way you can take them as an excuse to continue insulting other people, whether you like it or not.
About removing your warn - the warn rightfully stays, as a matter of fact now that I reread how you insulted Mara, I'm gonna give you another +5 warn points.

Once I get required information from first two questions, I will decide whether I post a massive complaint about other people or not, I want to know what is accepted and what is not accepted here
If your explanation satisfies me I will gladly take in 10 infraction points you given me and I will even apologize about my thread.

Nothing important but a remainder, I am the guy who reworked rules some time ago, things I posted were not a big deal at that specific time, so I am inquiring about possible changes which I am probably not aware about at this moment.

I got 15 warning points for "spam" and I absolutely cannot agree that my post was spam.

I provided detailed information why in my opinion certain feature should be reintroduced.
my opinion could be either right or wrong about this matter (that's not actually important at the moment), but it certainly wasn't a "spam" it was a valid suggestion it wasn't offensive and it was according to forum rules (I even apologized and explained why I opened another topic, as well as asked for merging).
Anyway, suggestions should never be considered a spam, whether they are good or bad, should be open for discussion at least for a while, and people should never get warned for posting a suggestion.

I would obviously want these warn points removed.

I would also like this thread not to be instantly closed until we reach some kind of agreement.

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