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Messages - jogurtnemakicmu

Pages: [1] 2
Strategy / Re: Storm Build
« on: June 22, 2013, 14:52 »
THis is wht i dont get he is playing a pub game for his fun and some of u trolls are hunting him down coz he have low cs...He probably farmed good 50 creaps at the begging and later didnt farmed becouse he  saw they cant do shit to him so the man decided to fight them as much as posibru before the game finishes i dont see nothing bad in that in fact he had more fun then 90%of u public farming whores...  :-X

Strategy / Re: Storm Build
« on: June 22, 2013, 14:31 »
Im had it with u nab calling all other players noobs,played 4xtimes agianst u and u lost all fucking 4 times i dont get it wht  drugs are u taking to bust your ego or u are yust a no lifer that comes here to be  8) 8) 8) ???? u mybe know to play dota but u are far away for from being a pro + your ego is to big for your mid skills...
Who the fuck even gives a shit about items any good player makes item for the game needs...
If u cant replay to a topic with friendly adivce dont even replay...every fucking your replay starts with u being above everyone and then ur divine maggot explanation...

Strategy / Re: Storm Build
« on: June 22, 2013, 13:57 »
Dont get the point of the post but ok...
orchid as first item is not so wise but i guess u can rush the oblivions and farm which i think u are doing...
i see u having orchid linken and bs and treds wht isnt so smart either...if u make bs make sure u rush the arcanes then disemble to bs fast so u have it first (stack charges and good reg+god hp and mp) before orchid which i wouldnt buy anyways...linken is solid item for storm cant say nothing...but if u are making linken then there is kinda no need for bs(or esp orchid unlles u rly need to neutralize someone like warlock and u need to do it in order to win the fights) better spend the money on some other item like hex shiva if u are playing like that...

Storm is a imba hero esp for public newbie games...

PSC / Re: PSC #22 Voting
« on: June 12, 2013, 21:46 »

DotA Discussion / Re: Is this real?
« on: June 10, 2013, 11:55 »
Nobody likes grammar whores u can ban me warn me the fact will stay the same nobody likes u grammar dorks...

DotA Discussion / Re: Is this real?
« on: June 10, 2013, 10:07 »
>Insulting on forum is forbidden


If I had one euro for every 'OMG MH' sentence pointed at me...


Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 30, 2013, 19:00 »
Anyday bitch

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 30, 2013, 13:42 »
All these conspiracy theorists, holy fucking shit.

... hahahaha ...

As much as i like laughing at your stupidity, i'm getting slightly bored of it.
I'm gonna help you through it.

Take a small break, breath in, breath out, and look at yourselves.

You talk about something without even understanding what you are saying or what you are even talking about.
I assumed you noobs do this only for dota, but apparently you apply this for all other things aswell.

Let me spill some reality into your puny little brains.
In this world there are theories and there are facts.
If a theory is valid (valid as in being part of actual reality) then it is a fact, no longer a theory.
The "issues" you are babbling about here are called conspiracy theories, incase you haven't realised.
Do you know what that means ?

To translate for those of you with brain delay (most likely all of you), what i am saying is that you are "discussing" irrelevant things, which are most likely false.
You are wasting your time on an extremely retarded matter. Which is most likely false, and which is also irrelevant.
Do you realise now how dumb you are now ?

So there it is, i wasted 30 seconds of my time typing you this. (yes, i'm that fast, you jelly ?)

Now go to school.
If you already finished it, go and ask them to take you in again, because you clearly need it.
Not for what they teach you there, but because maybe (just maybe) there will be a slight chance that you will actually learn to use your melon head.

Nice weather today.

The retarded fact is that none of u camed to coment on the topic u camed here to say your vision which is ultra cool same as you  8)  8)  8)  8) ridiculing others that have something to say..u common are such a king i wish i could wrote this down in 30sec i must admit im yelly of ur wisdom ..Dont know why i bothered to replay on this topic its getting pretty  retarded...

and as for u penguin im not gonna give u my addres u can pm we can meet anyfucking where in this town make my day i beg u

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 30, 2013, 09:24 »
lol i dont have to prove u shit highschool kido...i see u started talking about justin bieber so now i leave this topic...And to penguine i see u are a croatian 2 so im begging u if u are from zagreb lets meet pls i would love to smash you in person nab...

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 29, 2013, 21:57 »
Pls stop talking nonsense... You really think that if the so called illuminati exist you would know about them? If there is some1 you will never know about him/them! Remember, the puppet master is never seen! Ppl are basing this shit on "things that ex illuminati members said"... you think they would be alive to tell some1 those things? You think that would get out into the world?? And btw you are saying the map of the world is fake? hahahaahhaha... I heard there is more land than water and that oceans are a myth... and they didn't want all the ppl to have water so they put salt in the big lakes that we think are oceans, and they cut down trees in desert areas!! Get your head out of your asses already... Real ppl are pulling strings behind the scenes just as politicians are not running countries, there are always some rich ppl that you probably didn't even heard of so... have a nice day!

Ur arguments are invalid ofcorse the puppet master is behind the sceens but all i said is true,and its not based on wht  ex members said...second of all i didnt said the world map is fake i yust said that africa is bigger then it is on the map which it is...the story u said about water and salt i dont even want to comment so the meaning of your post is ridiculous so dont replay and quote people if u cant back it up  ??? have a nice day 2

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 29, 2013, 18:46 »
Lol penguin first of all u can laugh all u want to u mybe its yust crap but to some isnt and dont act like a smartass cos im 99% sure i have done more with my life then u...
And second u suck at playing dota which is the main thing we are here so i dont see the point of your existance here...

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:42 »
Its is spelled the bilderbergs and yes they meet every year at one place,then they plot theire plans when they are together or wht ever who can know wht happens on those meetings...i must correct u the iluminati is not a devirsion for the bilderbergs  ;D the bilderbergs are iluminati members,,,u have 32 degrees for masons every step u know more,for exp the owner of disney walt disney is a 32 degree mason...ww3 is happening in azia but i would call that war the mass media war,that is wht im talking about them shaping your perception,since u were a child...its normal today for people to know that every day hundreds of people in azia are being killed they dont respand...on africa africa is the most looted continent on earth the amount of resources minerals and other shit are/was rich in africa,the map size of africa is not even the one u learnt in school it is much bigger but someone obviously dont want u to know that...they decided to help the african people with medicine they fucking injected aids in many of them as a "cure" they start matting and now u have every 3 african has aids...Go look up your favorite cereal brand nestle u will found out the owner of it has half of the world...We are beeing poisened by gmo food and other shits(yust to say if u are eating gmo food u wont know coz the third generation is the on that suffers) the third one will have problems with penises,tumors and that type of has been tested on other animals such as mouse all of them coud not mate....i know lot of u know hitler so let me say to you he was inspired by a american who wrote a book about geopolitcs if u look closer he had his own system of filtrating people if u had 2 stupid kids u couldnt make the third one or if u had some illneses in your bloodline u werent allowed to make baybys loot of people were killed coz they "werent good enough for the new world ortder"then he stardet hunting the jews and the others...

Offtopic / Re: New World Order
« on: May 28, 2013, 23:55 »
In short il explain they are the one making all the rules poisening your air your food,making your lifes meningless by putting effort to slow the progres of human race...they want to decrese the population drastic...the bildeberg family and the royal family are "famouse members" ...iluminati  control the USA same as the BANKS...they make money out of war by going to war u have to lend from the world trade bank its dirty laundry 90% of that money dosent even exist its yust a number in the computer...they control the mass media and are making a twisted perception in subliminal mesagges...they are infiltrated in the vatican...the farmacy etc...(even some video games and comercial music and tv shows to make people more shalow/pefethic/stupid...there are much grather things that are not showed to us fools we stoped evolving as a specie yet are evolving with techn. in near future space tech.(which is again things we can be controled with) go look up terms such as the"third eye on your right side of the brain(horus eye)"  , DMT=the most ilegal drug , acient geomety ,

Strategy / Re: Robofight
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:21 »
Would killl u all with shredder

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