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Messages - Bogda

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: September 02, 2014, 14:02 »
3.plugging / Gproxy+ abuse  (I had internet, but when i started game my gproxy had some problems, and i couldnt reconnect and i was the host...and in that moment i had internet, i can show you viber msgs when i wrote to my friend wtf is wrong i have internet...)
4.I hosted, so there is no reason why i would leave, also it kicked my friend who was locked with me
5.I had internet, but when i started game my gproxy had some problems, and i couldnt reconnect and i was the host...and in that moment i had internet, i can show you viber msgs when i wrote to my friend wtf is wrong i have it kicked me out of my own game Dota 1 long time, few years

General Discussions / Re: how to create custom game on lagabuse??
« on: September 02, 2014, 13:55 »
then how can i create map on bot? so when it is full to start by itself?

first i go to this and i host /w .map then map name, and then /w .gopub anyname...then when i go into game it starts when i type .start and then it kicks me and whoever is in game with me.... maps from this list  .... it just says g proxy not connected... how come? i play dota with no problems...and host it without probs never kicked me on these custom i tried to host  Legion TD Mega v3.4.w3x and it also didnt started, i picked mode, and then after building my first def it disc me.... regards

Not dota, i know how to host dota ofc, i want to host for example Pudge wars, or Mirana wars etc....or whatever custom map i want. regards i think i have proper gproxy  , since i play dota without problems, and also host dota without probs

General Discussions / how to create custom game on lagabuse??
« on: August 29, 2014, 15:29 »
I followed your directions on how to make custom map.... but then when i create a game, and start a game and map loads, it disconnects me and also whoever is in game with me...can you tell me how to fix this and how to properly create custom game i want. regards

DotA Discussion / locked acc cause of???
« on: October 25, 2012, 20:25 »
some player named "ultravoice" joined my game and destroyed beggining with his farming...when we ignored him he started to flame, and then locked my account somehow...can some1 unlock me,cause i didn't deserved that thing, from that type of player...

DotA Discussion / Re: mh reporting
« on: July 29, 2012, 02:11 »
tnx.. how can i get it?

DotA Discussion / mh reporting
« on: July 28, 2012, 23:38 »
I noticed that some of mh reporters write how some1 of mh players had clicked in can they see it when they watch replay?,,i mean how can they see where certain player clicked>?? can some1 explain me so that i can see that on replays..tnx

DotA Discussion / Re: gproxy
« on: July 27, 2012, 16:07 »

DotA Discussion / gproxy
« on: July 27, 2012, 15:51 »
can some1 give me the download link of proper gproxy??? tnx

DotA Discussion / Re: Autobanned for 1 day
« on: July 26, 2012, 13:10 »
Yes i had Gproxy ofcourse.,,thats why this is strange,,,i always turn it on before i enter euroloader... tnx anyway...

DotA Discussion / Autobanned for 1 day
« on: July 26, 2012, 11:52 »
I was axe in previous game, we were winning the game, they started voting !ff,,,,4/5 it was,,, i came wood to farm a little bit more and than i lost connection somehow??? i had internet, i checked the was just said 'your connection to bnet has lost' ..when i wanted to play once more it said i am autobanned....what for?? i didn't left the game, i was winning it, and that game isn't showed in my stats...??? can some1 explain me why than i am banned...greetings. bye

Pages: [1]