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Messages - Sirinity

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General Discussions / Re: Mhing confession
« on: January 20, 2013, 22:16 »
Oh so much fuss it never was my intention to accuse anyone or anything as i wrote it was merely a bye bye thread but to clear some things.

There is no greater pleasure than ruining a game for a maphacker like you, either by winning you, or sabotaging your own team by going afk in the key moments in the game.

Makes you go back to call of duty instantly right? But i'm guessing you hack there too.

Out of 1000 games i afk/dropped twice maybe,it's not about game ruining it was always to get even.

you could just pm an admin with your "cool story" because you just wanted to tell us that you can evade the anti hack of xpam & if we want to know it we should "beg/ask" you

it took me 5 mins to adjust my mh and get in,i wont write how but if a moderator wants to know send me a pm.
i would call it attention whore ... but nvm, thanks for your help

Umm ya of course i love the attention,it was a bye bye thread not me bragging,why thank me?And umm who are you?

If i understood correctly, ur nick was hakuna matata. I remember your nick, and  I know that I commanded you not to play with us, with our "private group".
Honestly, i would never reply on a stupid post of some cheater, but u mention me and my friends, who are not cheaters like every1 know.
So, i have only 1 thing to say to you, and to all, which i have learned long time ago:

Oh come on using words like "command" sounds so bossy and immature if i had to guess daddy issues?
About u not maphacking umm let me see if you can remember this one there was a game with u playing weaver while the enemie team used smoke trying to gank us we were loosing witch u hated so in a desperate move to save us and the game u ran to them hoping to blow their cover and hit ur ulti to escape certain death but u fucked up and hit it like a mili sec to soon failing in revealing them after wich u nervously wrote lol and spammed go back go back this was all the proof i needed. 

General Discussions / Mhing confession
« on: January 19, 2013, 00:27 »
Hello everyone as the title states I have been a passionate dota player for many years now even tho i considered myself highly skilled i always used "cheats" more precisely sofisticated maphacks.
The main reason for my disshonest playstyle was always the fact that other people used it aswell Dota was always a highly emotional game for me,out of 10 people if there was one using any sort of extra help i justifed the use of cheats.
From time to time occasionally i burned out like most people do i quit and get back to the marvelous yet simple game we all adore,this time for good tho.
Why the need to write this down u may ask,why bother when most of you will write something like "Who cares gtfo out dont bother the ones that stay behind", Well to be honest i just felt like it dota was always a great hobby of mine where endless hours have been spent so why not take 20 mins and write something as a farewell letter.

On a side note last season i got way above 2k psr with 2 accs,I'v played in a private group if you can call it that with kalius and people like mnogotepam sale who i see on high psr this season.They busted me once for maphacking and with so many games we played together (it takes one to know one) i noticed that every single one of us was mhing,imagine that shit top 30 ranked players and every one of them being a cunt.
A mate of mine told me about the new gproxy fixes where u cant use anything whilst logging into xpam,and imagine my surprise it took me 5 mins to adjust my mh and get in,i wont write how but if a moderator wants to know send me a pm.
Sadly this is it i wish the best for you guys and may the odds be ever in your favor. :'(

50% or more xD?
you guys are a joke, even ''pro maphackers'' get caught.
It might take a while, but even if you compare games you can figure out he has mh.
and thats Never 50%, not even 20%

And we are the joke here?People like u still belive that 1969 during the first moon landing it was simply a windy day.

theres a difference between a good player and a maphacker,
people like you accuse more than half of the players of mh just because you lack the skills

They are so pathetically happy in their ignorance. ...

Guys la gente esta muy loca WTF loool nobody gonna read that dude :xD to much ^^

Gosh u caught me my agenda was to write a huge wall of nonsence while hoping to boost my karma without people even reading what i wrote!My plan was a utter failure.
/Shivers in shame.

1500- > %90
1500-1600 > %80
1600-1700 > %70
1700-1800 > %25
1800-1900 > %5
1900-2000 > %*1 (1/1000)
2000+ > non

+1900 %1000 1 mher.

duh On pd there are currently 320 people with 1900-2000 psr saying something like 1% of them use mh is ignorant If i were to bet how many there are I'd say 20%.People learn from their mistakes u don't see so many people getting caught and banned is cause it's common knowledge that 99% of approved mh reports are fow clicks.
So to put it short dissable clicking in fow.
                            Don't avoid every gang with tps.
                            Don't spam rosh the moment they go there (pass by accidently and then give word to the                 
And ur safe to hack to ur hearts content,it's truly sad...I'd even say that the group who have 2k+ psr have atleast 20% mhers who are just cautious and became what i name them "Pro mhers" this group can afford pro invoker sun strikes,chasing invis heroes or even having a 0.1 sec respond time (having a stun ready using ur hotkey and waiting) Do you guys know what the average human responce time is? 1 sec and saying like "WTF u talking about I'm a superhuman Micheal Shumacher had 0.6 sec and earned tons of money competing in F1.)
We let them by saying hes a pro when in realty when war3 patches u see half of the higher ranked players take a dota break for already known reasons.

So what can we do?Is there a way to protect from these egoistic self proclaimed hardcore players...
The answear is no!.War3 is a old game it's been hacked in every possible way,sure we can boast in pride once in a while when we catch a high psr mher,or even take joy in the everyday ban spree fiasco where 50 people get banned spare 1 minute cr8 a new account and woala pew pew again.

My point here is that waging a war against mhers is pointless it's impossible to win,so should we quit doing what we did since now?Give mhers a break? By all means no but let's not pretend that the numbers are so small that ur safe once u reach xxx psr.


I just watched the entire video without fast forwarding just to see him loose at the end?

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 31, 2012, 19:12 »
Imo the end is coming soon! Remember 21.12.2012 push it to the to do list before its over?! :'(
nope 2012 world end is just myth (proven by scientists already)

so false hopes to die in next 9 months :D

Yaay so i can't die in the enxt 9 months???Ima immediately go bunge jumping! 8)

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 28, 2012, 19:08 »
Imo the end is coming soon! Remember 21.12.2012 push it to the to do list before its over?! :'(

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 26, 2012, 00:05 »
Dreams crushed

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 25, 2012, 21:31 »
So whats the next step?We spam mun?Is there a staff meeting where this kind of stuff is discussed :P?

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 25, 2012, 13:50 »
If i counted right 8 people support this keep it up =P!

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 23, 2012, 20:30 »
The score you have in 1vs1 ladder may not show your real skill, expecially if you can play against a friend that feeds your stats.
but account's that join should have a limit , i mean not all accounts should be part only those with the required level of PSR and higher so it avoids stat boosting .
Thats a great idea u would need atleast 1800+ or 100 games in 5v5 to start a 1v1 challange. +1 for the idea.
Keep it up!!

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 23, 2012, 20:28 »
Well even if we support this , mun will code it in 2016th  :D

Jokes aside how much coding would it take?Because I really love the idea,and get pumped up by just imagining,
Example . Dota 1v1 1680-1800 Sirinity
Btw do you support this?

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 23, 2012, 20:23 »
The score you have in 1vs1 ladder may not show your real skill, expecially if you can play against a friend that feeds your stats.

It doesnt have to be like the 5v5 ladder and even if it is exactly like that what's stoping you from doing this in 5v5? The fact that after some point in ur psr increase u stop getting psr when facing someone with lets say 1500 and u have 1700.

DotA Discussion / Re: 3v3 and 1v1 ladder?
« on: March 22, 2012, 23:04 »
More feedback please a +1 or -1 will suffice!.

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