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Topics - pastmistake

Pages: 1 [2]
Ban Requests / ban d-low feed and antigame
« on: February 01, 2020, 00:09 »
he comes on my lane with queling blade and starts farming , 2/20 end of game mass feed.;sa=game;gid=6249569

Ban Requests / ban szcasap- allchat flame
« on: January 31, 2020, 21:47 »
Triggered kid, starts flaming allchat.;sa=game;gid=6249512

Ban Requests / ban w1ckeed_s1ck^^ afk
« on: January 31, 2020, 21:45 »
Goes afk 5 min at a time , 3 times .. fucking dog. Unreal how i get  4 morons.;sa=game;gid=6249512

Ban Requests / leaver
« on: January 08, 2020, 21:38 »
1: pastmistake
2: scarpion & deepweb.....
3: scarpion leave, deepweb afk
4: start of game

5: scarpion whined all game to ff, then left. but not after hiding his items. DeepWeb, mortred, afk half of game intermittently. Min 12 was 4 creeps or something.


Ban Requests / ban antigame
« on: January 08, 2020, 21:32 »
1: pastmistake
2: dinky_toy & fatandviolent
3: game ruining
4: start of game

5: This idiotic pudge was afk. I ask for mid.. nobody challanges. I pick luna and go mid.. then this player picks pudge comes mid ,, and tells me he's mid , pudge is mid hero, he doesn't care. Then he mutes me, him and his boyfriend gondar. Both of them lost their lanes and had below mediocre farm. EZ LOSS.
Like it wasn't enough he even !sd me , and saw i was highest PSR in game.


Not the first time some low psr idiot wakes up in the middle of the game and ruins mid, after I already request it and pick mid hero.

Ban Requests / antigame
« on: December 23, 2019, 21:57 »
1. monthofthedagon
2. riflorin
3. antigame
4. taking first 3 coins on purpose, even though he had alch in team, cause he died like a moron diving tower.

Ban Requests / Ban request (why close ?)
« on: December 09, 2019, 12:57 »
1. pastmistake
2. born2WIN
3. I wait 10s. I request mid. I pick mid hero and items + ward. He picks jugger and comes mid like nothing happened, and tells me he "always mids" :)). He didn't have decency to contest/roll for mid or even request it. I did all the decent stuff to announce/request mid + was the highest pts in that game (not only team)
4. Then he starts to trash talk and harass me on whisper, telling me I will get permabanned on all accounts .. yada yada yada.


SO regarding your "closed" thread. There are 2 things I learned today:

1) Going dual lane mid, even though you did not requested IS NOT GAME RUIN. Gonna go dual lane or 3 lane starting from my next game, every game.  :like a boss:

2) I literally see lots of ppl banned for "flaming/harrasing" through whisper. You say "oh.. just squelch him". WOW.

Ban Requests / Ban request
« on: December 08, 2019, 21:42 »
1. pastmistake
2. born2WIN
3. I wait 10s. I request mid. I pick mid hero and items + ward. He picks jugger and comes mid like nothing happened, and tells me he "always mids" :)). He didn't have decency to contest/roll for mid or even request it. I did all the decent stuff to announce/request mid + was the highest pts in that game (not only team)
4. Then he starts to trash talk and harass me on whisper, telling me I will get permabanned on all accounts .. yada yada yada.


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