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Messages - theNoobie

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
DotA Discussion / Re: Bug dota 6.69b for lone druid :)
« on: November 06, 2010, 02:06 »
Pretty sure there have been bigger bugs.

Anyways, 6.67 c is out in case you guys didnt know...

Fixes the bug

DotA Discussion / Re: List of auto-banned heroes at -cm mode
« on: September 17, 2010, 05:54 »
This ^
These are all heroes with newly remade skills or just new heroes.

Icefrog wants responses of these heroes from high level pubs so he can determine if they are balanced or not and then put them into -cm

General Discussions / Re: Dota Tournament
« on: September 16, 2010, 07:26 »
1v1 is all about atropos and doom >.<

Suggestion Board / Re: once upon time, backdoor wasnt allowed...
« on: September 14, 2010, 06:04 »
There really isn't such a thing as backdoor anymore. In 6.68 Regen on towers was increased to prevent backdooring.
There's only a few select heroes that can still backdoor and you should be smart enough to always carry a tp if they do try.

DotA Discussion / Re: Guide to Warding by mugen89 & Shorttail
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:09 »
Check this out:

It's updated to 6.68 c and it goes more in depth with explanations

General Discussions / Re: Dota Tournament
« on: September 12, 2010, 22:25 »
The problem is that people arent familiar with the competitive scene and the roles of heroes. Their playstyles are based on getting good stats and the current stat system promotes it. People think heroes like CM, VS, and Tide all need to farm in order to carry.

General Discussions / Re: Lets play some PRO Games!!!
« on: September 12, 2010, 22:24 »
Im in

Strategy / Re: Crystal Maiden Guide.
« on: September 07, 2010, 04:48 »
Perfect guide; I rarely get to aga/bkb though since i spend all my money on wards

Frost bite IS level 1 - Disable > Slow

It helps in First blooding a lot more.

Strategy / Re: Stealth Assassin guide - by _Dead_Shoot_
« on: September 07, 2010, 04:44 »
Riki is weak hero,he maybe seems strong because noone is buying dusts/gem in pubs.

Your brute is strong

DotA Discussion / Re: Trax bug?
« on: September 04, 2010, 05:17 »

Heroes can be denied if they are affected by Doom, warlock's dot spell, etc.

Exclamation mark is only for dota

use a period for all other custom games

Yeah ill be sure to join

Just played against stacked teams 10 games in a row and basically lost all of em

Not hard to do when you stomp a game...

General Discussions / What is ECONNRESET?
« on: August 18, 2010, 09:11 »
Just recently happened to me and my internet was fine.

Just curious what is it?

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter - Leviathan
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:36 »
No matter the situation, nor opponents, dagger will always be a MUST on levi. I think it's second best initiator, after ES.   As for rest of the items, I'd never go for s&y/diffusal/bf ..imo, worst items on him. Hood if necessary + vanguard ( how does vanguard mess up your kraken ?! iirc, it 'improves' it ) , refresher , shiva and hot ..  well, yeah , expensive items ,but said for the record :D to fill up slots.

umm, yea ... tide isn`t second :) tide is 4 or lower ..
and ES isn`t the best, because his skills dont go through bkb :) like enigma or magnus would
only way of avoiding a magnus ulti (a magnus + dagger) , or an enigma ulti (same) is being aware and seeing him getting in blink range, and blinking away asap

like in this video, around min 2 on the scourge side middle lane :

perfect demonstration of magnus imba ulti land, incredibly fast. Nada was able to avoid it because he was ready to blink away when he saw him on minimap :) if he waited to see magnus near him, he wouldn`t be able to :) as you can clearly see.

you might say ES is equally effective. but it isn`t, because bkb owns him, and it`s easier to see him come in and you use bkb, rather than see a magnus or enigma come in and being forced to blink away.
therefore -> magnus and enigma > all

The thing is, Tide is one of the most item independent heroes ever. All you have to do is press V, and your team can easily win the teambattle. Tide is best played as a roamer/initiator

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