Author Topic: v7 or v6? Drama Topic  (Read 1945 times)

Offline VanGogh

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v7 or v6? Drama Topic
« on: March 30, 2023, 01:08 »
Seen many of complains about newest changes about map version.

Lets see.. v6 players wont join v7 games at any cases becouse we like an standard old fashion way of dota. Without any other special effects, skins, shirnes, new extra recepies, shops that were shaked and messed around, me personally takes me 5 minutes to find where are the god damn boots to buy, at wich shop I need to seek for an eul recipe etc… It kinda makes me stressfull..

We are all here to chill at the evenings while our wifes and kids goes to sleep and to forget about real life problems and take some time for gaming and forget to any our problems we had since we woke up, went to our jobs and back up home.
Why do you @cen deny our punching bag? We love to play dota, we dont like to play shitty v7. If I do like to play v7 I would for sure quit d1 and switch to
dota 2. But I dont. I love XPAM, such a great memories from here, 15+ years playing on this server is too much!

You already have an decent amount of players leackage, this tempo this server will be done in the matter of months. You cant handle server with 50 people online daily, it would be nonsence to keep it alive.

Anyhow, this Wednesday you’ve only got 30 games hosted, last Wednesday 22th of March you’ve got 66 games hostes. Thats more than double games hosted! Think about it Cen!

I wont join xpam ever again if we dont get our v6 map. I wont for sure wait for damn Sunday, rather I will permanently delete W3 and forget everything regarding Warcraft.

All please comment.

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Re: v7 or v6? Drama Topic
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2023, 03:00 »
I recommend iccup, they have the good old 6.73d map with bugs fixed. Its not a cheap dota 2 copy like dracolich v6 and v7
« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 03:03 by luke »

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Re: v7 or v6? Drama Topic
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2023, 03:24 »
I recommend iccup, they have the good old 6.73d map with bugs fixed. Its not a cheap dota 2 copy like dracolich v6 and v7

before jeer at people i recommend you dota 2 with more advanced graphics than v7
« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 03:31 by BuyukUstad »

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Re: v7 or v6? Drama Topic
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2023, 05:20 »
I can tell you my story.

"I am a very simple man," said the man who was the first to arrive at my door, "and I am not in a position to discuss my private affairs with a stranger." "I don't know what you mean," I retorted. He said he did not know, either. We were both very angry at this, so we parted. Later, when we were alone, he remarked that I would have been a fool not to have known that there are two kinds of fools, those who are in debt to their friends and those whose friends are debtors. This was a new thought to him. I told him that he was very wrong to think that. A man's friends were always his debt ers and his friends his creditors. And that was why I was always so careful to pay my debts.

I was born in London, England. My father was in business and was an accountant. His father had been an attorney.

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10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

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40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
40:23 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAH
40:25 don_Kondo [Allies] ya mala myshka
40:28 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAHAH

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Re: v7 or v6? Drama Topic
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2023, 09:19 »
So basically you are saying you play "for fun". So where's the problem with v7 ?
Unless you lowkey don't realize your own reasons or do not understand your anger.

Most people that are mad, are mad because they feel like their (already questionable skill level) has gone even lower after map switch. Which is a common psychological thing. I, myself, have this problem when playing 6.90. Feels like I'm selecting handicap 50% on dropdown in lobby.

BUT. This happens only when playing a down version, because I'm not willing to spend time (re)learning "the old ways". Whenever a new version comes up, i`m actually hyped cause I can finally learn something new; think of new combos, redefine meta; find the next best op hero build.

tl;dr; People are angry, but they do not really know WHY is that.  :boy: