Author Topic: Ban, if u can IP lock  (Read 444 times)

Offline phenomenalone

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Ban, if u can IP lock
« on: November 20, 2022, 22:05 »
.JODA., family related flame, national intolerance, ban avoiding, game ruin
42:33   .JODA.   [Allies]   mam ti mrusna siptaqrska da eba ( i dont know bulgarian, but it kinda means fuck ur siptar mother)
43:04   .JODA.   [Allies]   !f
43:13   .JODA.   [Allies]   siptar
As u see he went !f, and called me SIPTAR, cuz he thinks he'll offened me with that, but he wont. Its nationalism, and racism calling someone that word.
And he's known as multi accounter, already got permba banned on one.,201848.0.html


Offline VanGogh

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2022, 22:51 »
Sorry for spam, its not my thing to judge here long time ago, but, joda is really frustraded dude and I always stay away from his games and I loved to get kick him from my games too.


Cant really agree with you, because you really cant be offended by calling you being Shqipëria by national living. Its the same manner as you called me Serb dude, or Bosnian etc, nevertheless, joda is idiot(imo) and Im sure you rrally dont felt offended he called you Shqip, because you are Shqip, and Im Serb, and I dont mind someone calling me Serbian(nonsence)

Offline phenomenalone

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2022, 22:59 »
@VanGogh 1st of all, am a Serbian, 2nd of all, who da fuck u are to reply on my post? U know extacly that SIPTAR is an offensive word, and its not a NATION.If he thinks am Albanian, then he can call me that. Its like he said "I FUCKED UR SERBIAN MOTHER", its family and nationail related flame. Dont reply if ur a dumb kid and dont know where ur place is.
Sry again for spamm, regards for ban staff.

Offline VanGogh

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2022, 23:13 »
Than why you felt offended by calling you siptar? If you are not Albanian?

Offline orotel

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2022, 02:00 »
Shqip/Siptar is Albanian right? How can you be offended if you are not Albanian?
I was in this game. phenomenalone took Nevermore to farm all game long, he almost never been in team fights. For 20 minutes not a single time he moved from middle line while 4 of us kept the game balanced for some time until they break us with constant attacks at our towers and between lvl1 and lvl2 towers on both sides. Our Nevermore never used his teleport to help us and now Joda who did his best is his problem for bad gaming.,202457.0.html
And if Joda is known multi accounter what are you phenomenalone then? Leaver and ignorant player who don't really care about the game?;sa=game;gid=6488957
04:41    PhenomenalOne    [All]    am sry, but dude cant even deny
04:45    PhenomenalOne    [All]    gl
04:47       [All]    PhenomenalOne has left the game voluntarily, PhenomenalOne was autobanned.
04:47       [All]    This game won't affect your ladder stats, game result will be a draw.
04:47       [All]    Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.;sa=game;gid=6486638
19:22    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    who sold
19:23    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    axe's
19:24    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    dagger?
19:41    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    WHO SOLD
19:43    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    AXE'S DAGGER?
19:49    PhenomenalOne    [Allies]    -GG
20:21       [All]    [elek]HatakeKakashi killed PhenomenalOne
20:36       [All]    PhenomenalOne has left the game voluntarily, PhenomenalOne was autobanned.
20:36       [All]    This game will be saved in your ladder stats, you should play till the end.;sa=game;gid=6474899
41:50       [All]    [shiver]PAMETNAPLAVUSA killed phenomenalone
42:19       [All]    phenomenalone has left the game voluntarily, phenomenalone was autobanned.
42:19       [All]    Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.

18:10       [All]    [LittleLunch]Shabby^ killed [handsomebob]
18:14       [All]    [handsomebob] has left the game voluntarily, [handsomebob] was autobanned.
18:14       [All]    Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.;sa=game;gid=6487056
11:23       [All]    [votekickabuser]H.E.A.D.S.H.O.T killed [handsomebob]
11:26       [All]    [handsomebob] has left the game voluntarily, [handsomebob] was autobanned.
11:26       [All]    Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.;sa=game;gid=6480599
04:56       [All]    [handsomebob] has left the game voluntarily, [handsomebob] was autobanned.
04:56       [All]    This game won't affect your ladder stats, game result will be a draw.
04:56       [All]    Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.;sa=game;gid=6476548
09:32    [handsomebob]    [Allies]    erni
09:33    [handsomebob]    [Allies]    can i leave
09:36    iErnesto94    [Allies]    y
09:39    [handsomebob]    [Allies]    ty
09:41       [All]    [handsomebob] has left the game voluntarily, [handsomebob] was autobanned.
09:41       [All]    This game won't affect your ladder stats, game result will be a draw.
09:41       [All]    Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.;sa=game;gid=6474229
09:07    [handsomebob]    [All]    enjoy this game
09:11       [All]    [handsomebob] has left the game voluntarily, [handsomebob] was autobanned.
09:11       [All]    Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.

05:36    branislav_r    [All]    not interested to play this stack vs random noobs
05:37    branislav_r    [All]    gg
05:39       [All]    branislav_r has left the game voluntarily, branislav_r was autobanned.
05:39       [All]    This game won't affect your ladder stats, game result will be a draw.
05:39       [All]    Autoban is OFF, you can now leave or continue playing for fun.

Offline JODA

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2022, 19:23 »
This only shows how mentally traumatized kid u r. Not only u ruin our game  by not join team battle  and farm most of the time(and still finish 3-9 w never), u cry like a girl on chat to other team but u clearly admit in your statement  that u dont feel offended by "Siptar" so why exactly u make this post realy ?Just to scratch your smart ass mouth , u need special attention? No 1 of us make ban request about your retarded gameplay ,ruin the whole team..yet u cry about something u "dont feel offended" Ineresting...brain check bro ..brain check.I alws kik ur crying sorry ass from the game for this reason but this wasnt my game ,that is only reason u were in the game to screw it up... game ruiner and crying baby
« Last Edit: November 21, 2022, 19:34 by JODA »

Offline JODA

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2022, 19:29 »
Sorry for spam, its not my thing to judge here long time ago, but, joda is really frustraded dude and I always stay away from his games and I loved to get kick him from my games too.


Cant really agree with you, because you really cant be offended by calling you being Shqipëria by national living. Its the same manner as you called me Serb dude, or Bosnian etc, nevertheless, joda is idiot(imo) and Im sure you rrally dont felt offended he called you Shqip, because you are Shqip, and Im Serb, and I dont mind someone calling me Serbian(nonsence)

When exactly  u  kick me from your game since u r  1200++ psr and i will never join such a game? Other way around is truth

Offline TheJOkerBoy

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Re: Ban, if u can IP lock
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2022, 22:18 »

Ingame Rules

2. Player must not insult:

      a) Common flames[Not Bannable].
          - Retard, idiot, b*tch, motherf*cker and similar expressions are considered as common flames.
          - Excessive usage of common flames in one game may lead to a ban.
      c) Family related flame
          - Any insults or curses directed towards family members of a player are considered as family related flame.
      d) Provoking (only in extreme cases)
      e) National Intolerance/Racism
          - Insulting or cursing a nation as a whole is considered as national intolerance/racism.
          - However, referring to a person by its nationality, e.g. "f*cking serbian/turk/etc" still counts as Common Flame.

He was not insulting and cursing your nation. He was referring your mother. that's why we consider it as family related flame.

.joda. !Banned 2 days + 1 warn point due to Family related flame.