Author Topic: no players !!!  (Read 8683 times)

Offline luke

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #15 on: September 06, 2022, 20:57 »
I believe there are very few mature persons with their own lives, who are spending their own money and time to keep this server alive, to keep it available for players;
They are already doing enough work for this server, what else effort you want? It is already a lot of effort for a place that does not have any shop, that does not require you to pay the money;

I doubt even 5% of the player base are actually supporting the server at least with money, they are playing for free, without even doing anything themselves to make the server better; They only flame people in games, flame moderators, flame administration, they got shitstain behavior everywhere on this server, that gives them ability to play for free without insane limitations;

This is you, animals, who are supposed to do anything in a nearly open-source project, to make it better;
If you can do anything useful - feel free to join it and help, if not - then just watch how this server will slowly die as well with time; I personally wish it will not happen


I wish I was 16 again.  :'(

Ofc we all do

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #16 on: September 06, 2022, 22:15 »
If 7.04b wasn't broken in the beginning of the summer I would have already killed v6, draco taking some vacation it seems..

Summer seems to be a historically low point anyway so it's really not that bad compared to pre-corona years:

But yeah, we all have jobs now so developing the server further is tough, motivation is low. I wish I was 16 again.  :'(

You still dont get it, players who are playing v7 version swap to RGC. Others play v6 here, i really dont care if they do.
Now is only option, leave it as it is.
It is too late when 7.04 releases, to jump from 6.90 to 7.04, you should kill it when v7.0 released.
I dont know what you will accomplish when you kill v6 when v7.04 releases, because it is big difference between those 2 versions.
If they adjust to 7.00 then slowly swap to 7.04 that would be great scenario, just you ruined at first beginning.
Im not fan of v6, just you will do nothing really, just making it worse, my opinion.

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #17 on: September 06, 2022, 23:10 »
If 7.04b wasn't broken in the beginning of the summer I would have already killed v6,
but you killed the server instead
Jimmy retiring from being admin is the only good thing happened with v7.
That guy was a lunatic abuser with skizofrenia. banning players left and right for no fucking reason. Thx God he is gone and won't abuse players anymore.

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2022, 04:39 »
What amuses me the most is the amount of you guys being like: "You didn't switch from v6 to v7, YOU killed the server". I guess absolutely no impact came from:

- The fact that D2 took majority of good players
- Cen being legitimately busy with real-life obligations
- Being stuck on 6.83 version for years, which originally allowed platform divisions
- Over half of you bitching about 6.85 differences once it came out
- The sheer toxicity of the community
- The LA staff having at least one or two idiots all the time who would bend the rules as per their need or need of their friends
- LA staff no longer being able to host tournaments and events on a regular basis
- Monax ( @AntlermanXXL ) admitting to using hacks, literally hacking people's accounts and data, admitting to said hacking, and now being recognised as a streamer?? (You know I love you mate, but for real, this is like the pinnacle of idiocity)
- Lack of time, dedication, and resources (including patreons) to keep the server up to par
- Lack of tolerance towards new players, and way too much rival toxicity between current best ones

You wanna talk about why people are on different platforms? The amount of time and resources spent on keeping / maintaining both, RGC and ICCUP is uncomparable compared to Lagabuse. Even FBG community on Bnet is more dedicated toward making improvements, any they're mostly consistent of ENT oldfags and still wanabees. Not to mention they went through 1.30 patch changes and a shitton of custom versions, they "survived" cause the player base was as dedicated as the owner to make a difference and adapt.

And for the love of God, stop bitching about v6 being the main problem, ICCUP still holds 6.83 as optional map you damn hypocrites.

You know the worst part? GameRanger, a platform that never even evolved from 6.83 to begin with, has a dedicated group of people that hosts "inhouse" games, and are less toxic than LA playerbase.

But yeah, Cen, and only Cen fucked up, let's give the dude a double-edged sword and shit talk from comfort of our chairs no matter what he does.

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2022, 06:00 »
Toxicity is a big problem here. This is far most toxic server. Even on rgc people flame less (if you consider the difference in playerbase size ofc), the only difference is that there are some "forbidden" flames here for which you can get banned 1 week easily, meanwhile some people are being toxic on daily basis but arent breaking any rules. This community also has a lot of "elitists" who think they are the best and a lot of people who dont want to adapt or show initiative. The classic player here is a guy with beer in 1 hand playing the same way for 15 years and bragging about it all the time.

Another thing i find very strange is that there are less leavers there althrough they HAVE NO AUTOBAN. But maybe its because they have different game hosting system, for example on iccup there are more leavers than here and they have same system
« Last Edit: September 07, 2022, 06:04 by luke »

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #20 on: September 07, 2022, 07:52 »

yes, I understand what you said is correct, but if you change some things a little and give the players a little more reason, I think good results will come out.

If some minor changes and innovations are introduced, I think much more players will participate.

Thx for all. x

Offline AntlermanXXL

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #21 on: September 07, 2022, 10:08 »
A guy with deer is me

Spoiler for Hiden:
10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

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40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #22 on: September 07, 2022, 23:32 »
I start the game in few minutes, fast. Of course its v6, often there is 4-5 games in progress and 1 or more hosted lobbies. On other side v7 is usually hosted by SNN and I see v6 games finished before v7 lobby gets enough players to start.
About the games with players who have over 1550 psr, there is almost no flamers in this group, almost all problems moved to v7 so v6 is almost clean and this about flamers is bullshit. Oh yes, flamers moved to v7. And the most of v7 people are already representatives of other platforms who only want to kill official games on this platform.
With great moderators and admins lately all requests are solved fast, normal players always get fast unban. You people should be rewarded with medals for your work and thanks for good work. Everything is good like it is now.

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2022, 09:21 »
Thank you @orotel
Hearing good words is very rare :)
Sometimes it makes me wonder... why do I keep spending all those hours for you ungrateful f.. >:D ;D
« Last Edit: September 09, 2022, 10:34 by iErnesto94 »

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2022, 00:13 »
Thank you Monax for hacking innocent players of eurobattle and stealing their data. You are really great guy. Did you make good money? If you've been able to steal a few credit card info pass etc, you've definitely earned something.
Farewell my friends.  Life is cruel and Anastasia calling me. To war

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2022, 02:19 »
I can already imagine innocent players on eurobattle

Spoiler for Hiden:
10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

40:14 don_Kondo [Allies] olen olen
40:15 don_Kondo [Allies] olenishka
40:18 Hiatus [Allies] AHAH
40:21 don_Kondo [Allies] ya net olen
40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
40:23 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAH
40:25 don_Kondo [Allies] ya mala myshka
40:28 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAHAH

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #26 on: September 11, 2022, 12:57 »
>hacked Eurobattle
>stole credit card

Nooo, evil hackers!!!1

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #27 on: September 11, 2022, 21:15 »
Thank you Monax for hacking innocent players of eurobattle and stealing their data. You are really great guy. Did you make good money? If you've been able to steal a few credit card info pass etc, you've definitely earned something.

Did he really do that? Hacking players data and credit cards and other shits?
And he is talking here like he has the moral highground...but what would you expect from a russian really?

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2022, 11:46 »
Hows your streaming been sir?

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Re: no players !!!
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2022, 18:52 »
Thank you Monax for hacking innocent players of eurobattle and stealing their data. You are really great guy. Did you make good money? If you've been able to steal a few credit card info pass etc, you've definitely earned something.

Did he really do that? Hacking players data and credit cards and other shits?
And he is talking here like he has the moral highground...but what would you expect from a russian really?

From what I understand, it looks like he did. It has been hidden in order not to damage the reputation of the server. Best not to talk about it any more.
Farewell my friends.  Life is cruel and Anastasia calling me. To war