Author Topic: Ban request whoever votekicked me, thank you  (Read 461 times)

Offline AntlermanXXL

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1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break
griefing the game (allanon.) and votekicking (all listed)

4: When was the Rule Broken
25:36      [All]   [MevzuDerin-] voted to kick [Hiatus] [1/6]
25:38      [All]   [Allanon.] voted to kick [Hiatus] [2/7]
25:40      [All]   [PUREHATRED] voted to kick [Hiatus] [3/7]
25:41      [All]   [Erahalme] voted to kick [Hiatus] [4/7]
25:41      [All]   [No_LiFeR_xD] voted to kick [Hiatus] [5/7]
25:43      [All]   [PAMETNAPLAVUSA] voted to kick [Hiatus] [6/7]
25:44   SireKaiser   [Allies]   !yes

5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
Once again a player cannot have proper game with antimage pick (even if it was not really fitting against enemy draft, it could do nice in mid/late game on the map)


Dark Seer performed two awful pulls on purpose, to let me get exhausted due to constant hits from enemy creepwaves + ogre + wisp
Then he started using ion shell on me / himself on the lane to not let me lasthits, so i had nearly zero, if not negative, farm speed

Then i shifted to offlane to farm, with nearly zero creeps, but viper for some reason went to farm it as well, instead of playing safelane/mid, when his carry moves offlane;

Then, when griefing level did not reach maximum yet, they decided to votekick me after their own actions to not let me farm;

Not even talking about weird laneup; Like, jakiro had to be with me on safe lane, viper had to support dark seer on offlane; For some reason there was big role mess instead, which caused all this nonsense i guess;

6: Link of the game;sa=game;gid=6469679

Spoiler for Hiden:
15:06      [All]   SireKaiser killed Caneee
15:12   Caneee   [Allies]   FUCK
15:12   Hiatus   [Allies]   ?
15:12   Caneee   [Allies]   YOUR
15:13   Caneee   [Allies]   BF
15:14   Hiatus   [Allies]   are you ok
15:14   Caneee   [Allies]   FUCK YOUR
15:15   Caneee   [Allies]   FARM TOO
15:19   Hiatus   [Allies]   imn your carry
15:26   Caneee   [Allies]   YOUR MY COCK
15:27   Caneee   [Allies]   -mute 10
15:30   Hiatus   [Allies]   argumented
Also not sure if this is the way of speaking for a moderator; I think two years ago it was his massive issue, and it was talked about;
Quite interesting to note he is still communicating like this in games (not the first time)
« Last Edit: June 28, 2022, 01:17 by AntlermanXXL »

Spoiler for Hiden:
10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

40:14 don_Kondo [Allies] olen olen
40:15 don_Kondo [Allies] olenishka
40:18 Hiatus [Allies] AHAH
40:21 don_Kondo [Allies] ya net olen
40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
40:23 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAH
40:25 don_Kondo [Allies] ya mala myshka
40:28 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAHAH

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Re: Ban request whoever votekicked me, thank you
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2022, 19:09 »
lmao  :D

Offline TheJOkerBoy

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Re: Ban request whoever votekicked me, thank you
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2022, 01:27 »
allanon. !Banned 5 days + 3 warn points due to Command abuse(Votekick Abuse 2nd Time).
mevzuderin- !Banned 2 days + 1 warn point due to Command abuse(Votekick Abuse).
purehatred !Banned 5 days + 3 warn points due to Command abuse(Votekick Abuse 2nd Time).