Author Topic: The same rules apply to everyone?  (Read 3508 times)

Offline turecky

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The same rules apply to everyone?
« on: March 23, 2021, 19:02 »
Refusing to play 2 situations and refusing to vote situation.

The same map and the same game with different set of the rules. Is this ok or not? Check screenshots for both games.

Spoiler for SCREENSHOTS:

Quote from: Caneee
Added ban on alien1 in game Ap 1550 +1. Warn points: 5. Duration: 1 weeks and 3 days.
Request:,199408.0.html. Public description: Refusing to def .

Quote from: 4K
Think, for a moment if you wasn't naix who will report Naix? i'm sure you will report it, better stop to explain yourself.

After check replay,

Last 2-3 mins you keep pushing top, and ignores team & refused to def.

But it was also close to end game & scourge had no %15 chance

You will be unbanned after 24 hours from on now.

Final result 3 days ban in total for alien1. 2 towers were already down and final push lasted not longer than 2 minutes. 15% or less chance to save the game.

b^e^m - game ruining refusing to play with team and to defend base,199333.0.html
Similar case, 50% for Sentinel and 50% for Scourge to win the game, all level 3 towers are alive and healthy. 4 players are trying hard to save the game for Sentinel team, Sentinel have advantage in kills, Scourge advantage is only Necro player. For Mortred everyone from Scourge team is on 2-3 critical hits.

Spoiler for SCREENSHOTS:

Quote from: 4K
After watching the replay,

I still think scourge they see no reason to votekick, like fearspp

Three or fifth minutes  not enough to make sure. if player ruins or not, to avoid any Sanctions like "Refusing to votekick" and VoteKick Abuse"

(first vote not ignored as i see they see DK is runs great ,
second vote the last !yes typed after expire(Still DK playing normal they see everything runs great for till that time),

third vote waiting for sentinel to vote). you keep provoking the player and vote to kick him and when he almost felt that he will be kicked from the game, he teleported and sold his items, the players who got warned for refusing to kick, warns has got removed.

( @turecky care for next time won't be tolerated , there no reason for votekick, Please read the rules )

Which rule DK broken?
    Votekick Abuse
              - The !votekick command should only be used against players who are ruining the game intentionally by feeding on purpose, exposing or destroying items, abusing bugs/cheating, obstructing allies etc.

But you made all confused admins for invalid Ban & Complain request Even @Caneee is confused by your request, On hope don't repeat with players.

But it was also close to end game and sentinel had no chance anymore


Please help me understand. @alien1 is banned for Refusing to def and 4K agreed with ban, with less than 15% chance to win and after 65 minutes of the game.
In another case b^e^m said he will not be tank and he will not defend Sentinel base. In the most important moments b^e^m refused to defend, all evidence are in chat and on screenshots and this is "playing normal" - that 4K said. Now how votekick can be provocation?
7. Player must not ruin the game by:
      e) Refusing to play
          - Avoiding team fights, pushes, defending and similar in order to make own team lose on purpose will be considered as refusing to play.
      f) Refusing to Votekick a player who is ruining the game (intentional mass feeding/sabotaging team mates or the game, see also point 8 for valid votekick scenarios) may lead to a ban.
8. Player must not abuse bot commands:
      a) Votekick Abuse
          - The !votekick command should only be used against players who are ruining the game intentionally by feeding on purpose, exposing or destroying items, abusing bugs/cheating, obstructing allies etc.
          - Starting a votekick and voting !yes against an innocent player may lead to a ban.

See next screenshots, team problems with b^e^m are from 38 minutes, in screenshots you can see what he said in 20 and 30 minutes.
Spoiler for Hiden:

Everything is on screenshots. Fearspp is under protection, one set of the rules for one player and second for another player..
Is my obligation to defend base or not? Is the same obligation for alien1 and b^e^m and what about other players. Are they obligated to vote for game ruining or not?

Refusing to vote.
This is normal behavior lately, abusing the rules to ensure PSR. One team will delay to kick player from another team to get advantage until its over.,198379.msg704996.html#msg704996
Quote from: Sejtura
.MeRLiN.     OVCAR_KAABLAR    -MeRLiN-        s2p60    -THeLeGenD-        hariboo    [Ask]CeLLaT    fearspp  - Warn 1 point - Votekick abuse !

@fearspp Last warning for you !;sa=player;sid=1;nick=fearspp

It wont be tolerated next time !!!!

32:35       [All]    [[Ask]CeLLaT] voted to kick [ArthasTerenas] [7/8]
32:45    fearspp    [All]    he is good why kick
32:46    fearspp    [All]    ?
32:52    ArthasTerenas    [All]    i will report
32:53    .MeRLiN.    [All]    he is good mu
32:53    s2p60    [Allies]    !yes
32:54    .MeRLiN.    [All]    :D
32:55    fearspp    [Allies]    !yes
32:55       [All]    A votekick against player [ArthasTerenas] has passed.
32:55       [All]    ArthasTerenas was kicked by vote.
32:55       [All]    Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
32:57    fearspp    [All]    :D

Player was warned by [Sejtura] on [30-11-2020 17:57:04] with reason [!warn - votekick abuse!] in game [SD ++++ Fast Game #1].
Player was warned by [4K] on [26-10-2020 21:37:06] with reason [Refusing to Votekick] in game [RD EU 1550 + + + #3].
Player was warned by [tehnika8x8] on [04-06-2020 02:01:38] with reason [Game Ruining/Refusing to Votekick] in game [SD +].
Player was warned by [Renovatio] on [24-04-2019 18:24:58] with reason [Votekick abuse] in game [AP EU +1 FAST GO GO GO].

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2021, 19:15 »
Mordor, why do you need more forum accounts ?
Lag Abuse

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2021, 19:28 »
The truth is nothing is fair depends if u got administrator friends or not

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2021, 19:42 »
@MarvinJunior our boy is back

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2021, 22:07 »
The truth is nothing is fair depends if u got administrator friends or not

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2021, 23:47 »
@turecky the floor is yours, carry on

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2021, 11:07 »
@turecky i expect there will be daily analyses like before.

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Re: The same rules apply to everyone?
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2021, 23:55 »
Hi super ban machine , who are breaks rules in any game intentionally will be applied depends on actions player did , intentionally and purposefully, like Alien1, b^e^m

b^e^m was playing normal like any1, who lead him to sell the items? my anger? or your hatred, + scourge own the game With DK or without DK you couldn't do anything in game PRO.

I was about thinking to ban you but warn is good enough, for next time carefully when you provoke any player.

Who breaking rules without intentionally and knowing  like Fearapp

we will see more of this pro like you machine ban hammer.

Stop saying protect some ppls, just talking like Bla bla bla If you have proof go show it if i protect, if you don't have any proof, just turn off your brain and enjoy in gaming?

Don't advice me to what I do, Go find for who need advice like you.

You are working on banning people like a devil :)

P.S( I hope you understand it)
The same map and the same game with different set of the rules. Is this ok or not? Check screenshots for both games.
Like with fingerprints, no two people have the same brain Ok?

as i see they laughing on you, have to lock this topic, avoid spams and useless replys.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2021, 00:00 by 4K »