Author Topic: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions  (Read 95647 times)

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2020, 14:33 »
1-both maps should receive updates (somehow regardless of someone says no more updates).

Agree, i give you 1 month to fix tuskar and riki bugs and other. Then we all can enjoy best dota

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #76 on: December 15, 2020, 15:13 »

Let's address the fact that v7 won the poll when it came out, but it had to be pubbed using the !privobs command, something that mr. mordor911 is just completely ignoring, shall we?
Lagabuse/ belongs to Dota6.9 and with 2/3 games and 2/3 players it will be default again, or we will have separated leagues. Dota7 lost the poll when it came out. And with 1/3 player base and 1/3 from total dota games the very same event is coming :peace:

I am not sure if are mentaly dissabled or what but stop deceive yourself with lies. 7.0 WON THE POOL after removing fake votes from you and your faithfull supporters

He just keeps spamming his useless data, and at the same time, calling out to arms literally the worst flamers and game ruiners with countless warns and bans on their accounts. Talk about creating a healthy gaming environment, eh?
All data posted by me is related with this topic while posts from your the Lobbying groups are only insults and spam. That forest culture from some village hidden deep in the mountains... All toxic and bad players had moved to Dota7, so we are clean and with a new league you will barely have 25% players to play with you that shit Dota7. I'm calling good players and good people, they are all equal and normal players.

Says an BEYOND SPAMER. Honestly I am not sure if u are aware of your stupidity in those posts wich u just throw randomly.

But yeah, doing something about sarcasm is what's really important, right Sejtura? As long as we keep the focus on the right things.
Savages are supposed to be banned and their useless data should be removed in this topic.

Ofc remove all the facts and let only his retarded novels.

Some useful posts from previous topics:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Quote from: boyka on August 01, 2020, 10:33
This new map is unbalanced, lot of changes some heroes are retarded like bear huskar and some heroes are shit like tuskar for exsample you got stuck in your owne ice talents degrated just sheat. Good things are healing pools and warkey in the game. Just to much changes in one version. I am playing dota for 15 years and this much changes is like a new game to me i dont wona play lol or dota 2 cuz i like dota1 and am used to its grafics and gameplay, and with this map its no longer dota 1. Than i dont see any point playing this game on this server we can play dota 2?,197563.msg702434.html#msg702434

Quote from: boyka on August 01, 2020, 11:09
No good players have been left since the new map was played.,197563.msg702436.html#msg702436

Quote from: fortepsai on August 02, 2020, 03:51
New version has too many heroes out of balance .. it looks like alpha or some early beta stage . sorry but i dont like it to be honest .,191431.0.html
Quote from: Sejanus
Map is SHIT, bring back the old one.

Retarded colours... too many coins, f pointless shrines,


Quote from: Sejanus
It's like permanent "em" game,

some gets over farmed really quick,

alch was level 23, when our ursa was just 9, seems like less exp in the woods, more on the lane?

Quote from: Jimmy
I had a mental breakdown when i saw what you did to my boy.
Implementing Balance, adding heroes/skills/items , fixing mechanics , all the things one could do.
But changing the UI completely, to what end, if someone wanted to play Valve's DotA, he will go ahead and do that. Same goes for LoL,HoS and all the other copy cats that emerged from the holes over the years.
Again, Balancing, Implementing new Spells/Items and similar, removing Buggs from previous versions, all the strong suits a map developer can strive to when given such a nice Platform as IceFrog's DotA.
Talents gave it a Flare , few transfered Heroes, allright. But other than that workload should be focused on above mentioned things.

Metaphorically , you were given a Ferarri, and over the years u managed to put a Lada engine in it, and now ,you painted it pink.

Quote from: m3thead
this map is like Corona virus, u hate it but have to go with the flow... PS Jimmy said it so well, old school map whatsoever kept w3 installed, I am afraid delete time is finally near after nearly 20 years.  ( FUCK DOTA 2 ANGRY FACE).... ;

Quote from: Dark_Tauren
This map kills dota 1. I am off...

Quote from: funnylol
I barely handle this talent version which make this game so unbalanced i dont say it was balanced before but for sure didnt make gameplay better.That shit wood map is for sure not anymore game we did know.I wont write much about this map becouse i played few times but it makes me just angry minimap is broken for sure color of heroes are wrong and i dont know shit from it,i cant bind ctrl for tp hotkey,AND THE WORSE SHIT CHANGING WOODS ADDING SHRINES AND BOUNTY RUNES.I think it made this game much easier like everyone got too much gold full items everywhere thats sad its like apem.I m not sure if i stop play this map or not but i got a feeling i will look for places where i can play olders maps even before talent version would be nice.

Quote from: Noci
The Dota 1 classic game is ruined with the new update !! Totally...
If we want to play dota2 we will play dota 2 !!
We want the Dota 1 classic game!! Give us the old Dota1 back !!
I agree with that guy who says that the new update is cheap version of dota 2.
I don't know where to look.. i feel like i play LoL.. gold is bottom, heroes top .. etc..
wtf is that with 3 fountains?!? New heroes imported from dota 2 ?  whyy?
Please don't ruin what is unique !! Reconsider that desicion about the new update !
Rubick is killing mort with ease ?? Come on that makes no sense... why should i play after the new map update lookalike dota2 ? You all have to worry about quitting playing dota on lagabuse.. don't let that happen !!
Think about this... Who ever wants to play dota2 , he can play... Dota 1 is the classic version we want to play.. since the new update was released i am not playing anymore.. and i am fan of dota 1 classic.. i want to play again the old dota1..

Quote from: Dark3r
wtf is this honestly it isnt like dota 1 or dota 2 it looks like fucking dota 3 nothing is the same

Quote from: Sejanus
New map not the whole new millennial system.
Icefrog at least was consistent.

A few rational thoughts
- we should give the map a chance for some time and give constructive feedback if you want to change something for the better
- v7 is not even final yet, a temporary reversal back to v6 is not a problem
- like Icefrog dota was the-map back in the day, d1stats is the-map today. When Icefrog did something bad we just had to accept it and move on, now it is at least possible to contact the developer directly and give feedback, whether it is accepted or not.
- staying on v6, if decided by the community, is not a viable long term solution unless there would be some kind of an LTS program for that version. Even then, we would miss any good features coming after v7.

I think we should stay on v7 for a few weeks, collect feedback and then decide if we go back to v6 for a period of time, stay on v7 or what the next steps should be. If there is no consensus within community one side will have to give in since hosting both versions is not an option, it will diminish the available player pool and make lobbies longer.

Just a few thoughts about this.
1) Our problem is not to move on with the map. Over the last 10 years, we always had new heroes added, new skills, new items, and minor map changes. But they all came step by step, while always staying loyal to the main concepts. They were just furbishing the game. Obviously mistakes were made, unbalances were fixed later.
We adapted and learnt the new ways. This is NOT our problem.

2) Our PROBLEM is that this map wants to make DOTA2 from DOTA1, and it's unacceptable for me, and for others also.

3)I dont like and don't want DOTA2 MAP terrain in dota1. No need to copy paste it, new runes, outposts new roshan location. No need, and no like. I don't know who asked for it ever.

4) The new user interface is a catastrophe as it is. Everything is bigger, takes too much of the screen, icons are misslocated, minimap change also dislike.

5)If you want to add new heroes have my upvote! If you want heroes rebalances GOOD. New items? FINE. Keep the rest as it was, classic UI, classic terrain (minor changes are ok if really needed).

6) The game feels like APEM. Easy and fast farm. everybody is having expensive items after 20 minutes, this reduces the importance of gangs and farming skills for individual players.

7) Make a POLL, let's see how many players would like to play v6 or v7. Or make it possible for us, classic dota1 players, to play v6 again. If we can play both maps simultaneously.

8 ) Missing any good features from v7 in the future? Or just avoiding any more bad features perhaps? It's a matter of point of view. What if the majority of players doesn't like v7 and the way where Drakolich takes Dota1? We have to go that way because nobody else works on the map?

9) Lastly, for last time: Don't morph Dota1 into Dota2. We can go and play Dota2 already. We are here to play Dota1, and if you force us to swallow this, we (Me) will simply abandon LA as it is, as it's not enjoyable anymore in this form.


+++ To all that. (Like russians say...)

Had one game yesterday, which lasted 85 minutes, no side was able to finish it. Game was extremely random, and chaotic, communication was zero.

Loads of people are completely lost, and can't see shit on the map, you can ping them 100 times, and nobody sees nothing still.

Solo stat playing is for now 200% increased as it's easier to gank clueless, and lost players with new overpowered heroes like morph.

Yeah woods are not as good as used to be, which maybe is good, maybe not.

Free wards makes no sense, still most player's can't even place them, or help you de-ward. Everything blamed on support. While growing a support character seems much harder now with all the selfish players. They still refuse to gank, or attack and only farm on sides.

Loads of new Russian players? There was some merge, or something? I find it extremely hard to communicate with them, ignorant bastards they are. (Not all tho)

Only plus side I found is that the gold from coins is shared, rs timer on the top is not so bad, but too much in the face, I loved to check the time on the score board, still find myself opening it for no reason.

Go with the poll already, if possible - just to see where we stand, while keeping new nuts millenial chaotic version atm.

I really believe this version has personality disorder, and looks like mental break down.

So far haven't even won one game, it's like random team wins at random time now.

40min of mid pushes stopped by simple techies was quite painful%uD83E%uDD2A

i was expecting new heroes new items like vessel and old type dota
but i didnt like that
i delete dota2 for new patch (too many changes)
now im gonna do same for dota1 too
im done with that hf everyone
bazarci out :)

pfff the new map is very boring. i played just a one time and i delete this game if u dont change this last 7.00 shit map. please return last map or i think you will lose a lot of player. map can be change but not so. please dont change old map.

what a weak naga siren why you change that heros skills idk and i lost a lot of shortcut skill.

if u love this last map please give us 2 alternative and we play old map.

Isn't it clear yet? Half the community hate the map? Give us the poll to show it in %.

Same arguments are for - as against the new map%uD83D%uDE01 exactly the same ones.

If 60% + vote for the new map I will shut up and try harder.

Maybe the problem is not the new map, but too many changes aka too huge jump/step of added new stuff at the same time, it's like a completely different game.

Gradual change would give people time to get used to it, and wouldn't cause the mass leaving now.

I dont like the map, for few reasons, there are no different colors for each side on the minimap.
I do not like gold placeholder possiotion at all, its overlapping with titles from items or spells .
About the characters i still have not played with many but already find out that pugna can just spam his life steal ulti which is totally rubbish .
In terms of wards which are for free, yet again i do not agree with it, its way too childish .

Give us old map,this new map is bullshit,i think many players will stop playing..We would all happy if you can give us old map!

Seems like most players want the old one, make a poll?

Pool made
Included wild card [icefrog's last map] ,because there has been alot of talk of "oldschool" dota around since latest Drako's map , so i included a real Oldschool map in the vote [ignore if reasons] , also few platforms use IceFrog maps so another reason to include as wild card.
For other Two choices, preety much Latest map-Previous Map due active conversation progress.

And the poll is gone%uD83E%uDD7A

Given to us just to take it away%uD83E%uDD2A

Not cool%uD83D%uDE01 even if it had no effect it was nice to see that 65%+ agree this version went too far %uD83D%uDE2C %uD83D%uDE05

I stopped playing since upgraded to new map.  Because everything changed to dota2. Im an old school player so i didnt liked dota2. I was playing here for old days just because dota was stil like 'dota1'

Poll will be opened over the weekend and stay open for a few days. Then we will decide what to do depending on the results (with staff having the last word, consider this a consultation poll). By that time everyone should have plenty enough time to play the map (almost two weeks) and evaluate.

To keep it simple, I propose we just have options to stay on v7 or go back to v6. That will decide what will be played for the near future until v7 is released in full. Meaning we will need to make a second more permanent decision sometime in the autumn.

there is something you forgot. during that time everyone will have forgotten the game because we decided already we never play that shit 7.00 version map. i like innovations but just good innovations. you still insist about that 7.00 map it is hard to understand this.

Soo many games now that one player owes without even having items%uD83D%uDE01

Definitely something is not right with some of the heroes.

%uD83D%uDE01Didn't ever see 40+ kills on single hero before, now like every tenth game someone gets greedy enough, and map allows him to, and the gap of levels makes it way easier to grief play, and ruin the game for others.

It's support solo stat play not the team as you guys think%uD83D%uDE01

Also waiting for a game seems way longer now, already some players have left?

I think this 7.00 is really hard to all, It's not real DotA because everything (almost 70% of map comprising textures / Options Menu / heroes skills and whole map system) totally changed. Just reverte back to 6.90, acutally the best vesrion in my opinion (not offensive, just personal opinion, but I'm sure some others agree too).

To much changes, just to much for one version dont like it!!!;sa=game;gid=6313955

another example, rubick lose 2 towers mid early game to "sylla", to his BEAR actually.

and BEAR owes heroes better than hero itself.

Another RETARDED change.

Dude honestly I don't give a shit if I have to use !pub or !publ comand. If I can host/join 6.9 it doesn't really matter. I already told my opinion about v7, so I have nothing to add here... The moment they remove 6.9, I stop playing on LA. easy as that.
Anyway, all pros left to play dota 2 for money long ago, those who stayed here are playing for nostalgia (like me), or they have potato PC to play Dota 2. Happy and the other tits sucking kids can just fuck right off, I won't even bother reading their giberish here.

Peace, see you ingame.

Ok, my first impression is, that this new map sucks hard. Give us an option to host 6.9 version, or just throw this rubbish into the bin. If I want to play Dota 2, I go and play Dota 2. No need to ''upgrade'' it into this. Thank you very much drakolich, for fucking up our classic dota 1 map. Sometimes LESS is MORE, and in this case, it's totally true. Lost all my interest in playing this trash just after one game. Super disappointed.
You'll have to give more information on why you think the new version is bad, saying the new map just "sucks" won't get you anywhere.
If you don't understand the new map and need to learn how the new stuff work then it's not because the map "sucks", it's because you need to adapt to the new fresh patch and stop doing the same things (picking same heroes, going same item build, same strategies etc.) which you were previously doing in the last patch.

It's not about learning new stuff. The map simply sucks because the new UI, the way it looks. The player ''interface''. Why couldn't he keep the classic interface of the game, and just implement the hero balances, new heroes and other upgrades. What bothers me the most, is the new interface which is annoyingly informative, the whole screen is filled with unnecessary information, while he moved BIG YELLOW GOLD counter bottom right for no reason. I feel like sitting behind a fighter jet, looking left and right while everything being more annoying than informative.

The map lost it's classic feeling, it's a cheap copy of dota 2. We don't want dota2 in warcraft3 ok? We want dota1, CLASSIC dota1!
love it!
"unneccessary information"
yeah, it's really annoying when you can see your enemies list, it's better play with eyes closed to not receive any excessive information, just use your ears
"gold label down the way"
hell yeah, keep playing your 13" desktop. it's such a pain in the ass to move eyes top-down all the time you try to buy a thing. Hope your eyeballs are fine there.

Drakolich, just roll back the interface as it was, but keep the hero and terrain changes. Like it or not, but you fucked up the interface hard. This is my opinion, and sorry if it hurts you. I know you probably won't give a shit, and just keep it this way, rather than acknowledge the players opinions and make some changes, but I HAVE to tell it anyway. Take it as a feedback, and make the changes accordingly. I will check back, when I get back my classic dota1. At this stage, the map is not enjoyable for me.
A few rational thoughts
- we should give the map a chance for some time and give constructive feedback if you want to change something for the better
- v7 is not even final yet, a temporary reversal back to v6 is not a problem
- like Icefrog dota was the-map back in the day, d1stats is the-map today. When Icefrog did something bad we just had to accept it and move on, now it is at least possible to contact the developer directly and give feedback, whether it is accepted or not.
- staying on v6, if decided by the community, is not a viable long term solution unless there would be some kind of an LTS program for that version. Even then, we would miss any good features coming after v7.

I think we should stay on v7 for a few weeks, collect feedback and then decide if we go back to v6 for a period of time, stay on v7 or what the next steps should be. If there is no consensus within community one side will have to give in since hosting both versions is not an option, it will diminish the available player pool and make lobbies longer.

Just a few thoughts about this.
1) Our problem is not to move on with the map. Over the last 10 years, we always had new heroes added, new skills, new items, and minor map changes. But they all came step by step, while always staying loyal to the main concepts. They were just furbishing the game. Obviously mistakes were made, unbalances were fixed later.
We adapted and learnt the new ways. This is NOT our problem.

2) Our PROBLEM is that this map wants to make DOTA2 from DOTA1, and it's unacceptable for me, and for others also.

3)I dont like and don't want DOTA2 MAP terrain in dota1. No need to copy paste it, new runes, outposts new roshan location. No need, and no like. I don't know who asked for it ever.

4) The new user interface is a catastrophe as it is. Everything is bigger, takes too much of the screen, icons are misslocated, minimap change also dislike.

5)If you want to add new heroes have my upvote! If you want heroes rebalances GOOD. New items? FINE. Keep the rest as it was, classic UI, classic terrain (minor changes are ok if really needed).

6) The game feels like APEM. Easy and fast farm. everybody is having expensive items after 20 minutes, this reduces the importance of gangs and farming skills for individual players.

7) Make a POLL, let's see how many players would like to play v6 or v7. Or make it possible for us, classic dota1 players, to play v6 again. If we can play both maps simultaneously.

8 ) Missing any good features from v7 in the future? Or just avoiding any more bad features perhaps? It's a matter of point of view. What if the majority of players doesn't like v7 and the way where Drakolich takes Dota1? We have to go that way because nobody else works on the map?

9) Lastly, for last time: Don't morph Dota1 into Dota2. We can go and play Dota2 already. We are here to play Dota1, and if you force us to swallow this, we (Me) will simply abandon LA as it is, as it's not enjoyable anymore in this form.

We complain all we want as long as we dislike the map.
Im a mapmaker myself of Lords of Europe so i do know a few things about mapmaking and balancing.unlike you.
But whenever I made changes to the map, i always asked the players oppinions about it and made changes it stays fun. I never pushed it down on somebodies throat just because i could.
My opinion stands. The UI sucks, and dota2 sucks as well. Any changes made toward that direction is killing dota1.
The terrain change is Dota2, new runes, outposts are also directly copies from dota2.The new gold counter location and altogether the whole new UI also wanted to be dota2 (but it became just ugly compared to dota2). The new heroes are from dota2. new roshan location guees what? yes, dota2.

Every aspect, every change it is going for dota2 :)
At this point we can just simply delete war3 and go play dota2 :D. What is the difference after all?

Not all of those changes are bad however, the terrain indeed needed a change, since sentinel had advantage farming neutrals.
Heroes and skills also needed rebalance.
I support these.

In my opinion, the reason why the changes are going toward dota2 is because poor players with poor PC's can't afford to play Dota2. So now they have the option to do so, with lower poly graphics.

That Mars hero looks like Drakolich went up to, checked hero models, and imported the first unit he saw with a spear/javelin. No effort, time and energy was used in this modelling. Just check out how Dota 2 Mars looks like and simply compare them.

From my point of view, keep the hero and skills changes, delete new runes, delete outposts, revert roshan location.
Change the terrain on sentinel or scourge site (should I say Radiant and Dire now?), to make a balanced way toward neutrals. And that's it.

Right now I personally stoped playing on war3, and went to play Dota2, since it's almost the same, and more beautiful.

I advice the same for everyone who's PC can run Dota2. Don't waste your time on this map anymore. Dota1 died with v7.

Have fun all, and see you!
And I really don't understand why all of you who support the new map, don't go and play Dota2. Better graphics, more smoother gameplay, regular and professional updates. It's super similar to the new map. You can shine there all you want, and become a paid pro player?
In the last 10 years Dota1 classic was pretty much the same, and guess what? We fucking loved it! As we played it for 10 years, we will play for another 10 without any problems. You all talk about moving forward, well, Dota moved forward with Dota2 long ago. Its you the ones who stayed behind for no reason. And now you are making classic dota1 become dota2 for no reason.
So tell me, why don't you go play Dota2 and leave us (old school players) alone to have fun here?

I just noticed the poll was closed as well. That's how much this server cares about it's players opinions.
So as a conclusion we everybody who are PRO and CONTRA for the new map can agree that, the map is going toward being Dota 2, in a war3 skin right?
The main question is therefore, if we want to play classic dota1 or a cheap copy of dota2 map, put into action in Dota1 graphics?

If you are PRO for the new map, why don't just move and play Dota2?
If you are CON for the new map, why even argue about what is bad in the new map, since its 90% Dota2?

This whole conversation is pointless therefore.

All of you so called ''pros'' who are listing tons of pro changes, and making fun of the classic dota1 loving players here on the forum: why didn't you go play Dota2 already long ago? Why I don't see your nicks in professional Dota2 teams and tournaments? Maybe you aren't ''pros'' in the sense of the word itself, but you are feeling comfy just to tell the ''noobs'' here on the forum, while thinking yourself some kind of skillfuly and morally superior players.

No you aren't. If you would be pros, you would play DOta2 already on big tournaments.making fame and money. But you don't. Meaning you are lowskill players, same as the rest of us.

So you can stop telling us what is good and what is bad, all the while insulting us being lowskill players, who don't know shit about the map.Couse you don't know shit neighter.

This map is killing classic Dota1, and morphing into Dota2.
The question is, who asked for this, why are we forced into this, and why are players even support this instead of just fucking off to play Dota2?
Why do we have to play Dota2 on both platforms? Valve and war3?

Drakolich: Your posts on this forum section are the proof of what a childish person you are. You aren't a mapmaker, just a copy-paster guy of Dota2, who took the money from players who wanted to support classic Dota1. Imagine their frustration when they saw this new map of yours. I don't think they all donated money for 'this'.

Well said man %uD83D%uDC4C
qqbabies with "too much dota2" arguments can go play 6.81, dont ever speak about any of my maps - get back to the classic.
I wont agree with "this is too much changes". There were just as big patches back to 2006-8, and nobody rly bothered, just moved on.
Also neutral items arent cornerstones of balancing for d2 for many reasons, it doesn't matter for us.

I'm curious, why don't you kept Dota 1 terrain and kept adding new stuff from Dota2?

Exactly my thoughts, big like for asking this.
At this point, if Drakolich would only implement the new hero (Mars), fix bugs, rebalance heroes skills and items, I would even welcome those changes. Not all are good for sure, but these changes can be and will be fixed in the future im confident.

What took away the Dota1 feeling, is the terrain changes (adding shrines/outposts, new runes, new roshan location) which are direct copies from Dota2, and the new UI. Rollback the terrain, rollback the UI, and from my part, the rest is fine.
To test 100+ heroes takes time anyway, and I'm sure the bugs/unbalanced heroes will be fixed later.

The game crashed for me as well pressing F9.

Again Drakolich, I understand your feelings when you are criticized, being a mapmaker myself, but try to take it as an adult, not as a child which is reflected in your forum answers.

I can only hope for a version, where both classic players and new map supporters are partly satisfied at least. That would be the rollback option in my opinion, at least you could make a test-map for this.
Old terrain, old UI, and new hero changes, bug fixes.
Great decision, now I can go back to climbing the ladder with my boy Corristo and hopefully all the greedy pro players are gone.

Give the players what they want, 6.83! LETS GO

Lol dude,long story short: pro players are playing DOta2 long ago. These so called pros here, just have a potato PC, and they cant run proper Dota2. So they are trying to morph Dota1 into Dota2.
I'm glad we can finally return to classic dota1, maybe Drakolich will change his mind and make a rollback for the UI and the terrain, so it can fit classic players desire as well. This would be a long run solution for both sides. But knowing him he won't rollback anything out of principle.
See you ingame lads!
Great decision !!!  I'm glad they heard the voice of the players.
Dota 1 is something what is unique and shouldn't be replaced with cheap versions of Dota 2. Admins and Map creators should separate Dota 1 and Dota 2 and consider in future to keep that way.The old classic Dota 1 is back, as most of the people wanted.
I'm very happy! Dota 1 and Dota 2 are two different stories which should be respected as they are. Mixing each other is making something which is not good for the both sides. Now we all go back to fight for our psr as we did before the new update. See you back in the game 6.90 !!! Classic Dota 1 is back !   ;D ;D :y: :y:
Have fun all! Greetings  :peace:

So talents are classic for you, extra slot for tp is classic for you, bounty runes are classic for you, new heroes are classic for you (mk, ww, earth spirit, oracle), new items like bloodthorn, glimmer, greaves etc. are classic for you???
You enjoy it because every year map is updating by something new, we will see how you will enjoy it when map doesnt update 10 years..
Draco make new terrain so by new terrain in future he can update a lot of new things (i think), by me its wise choice to do so, also new mechanics and staff way more better.

"New mechanics and stuff"
Hahaha I laughed so good at this! :D

Most of those useful posts are from decent players aka Corristo and Sejanus

« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 16:47 by Tyrande »

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #77 on: December 15, 2020, 16:01 »
HEAR MY CALL CAPTAINS @FataLity- @ExpertNoob @bewater @grga_man @Happy.. @UltimateTroll @Nexxus @Tyrande


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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #78 on: December 15, 2020, 16:08 »
You guys can round up my soldier anytime  ;)

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #79 on: December 15, 2020, 16:12 »
how could I forget @nikolagay one of our most beloved soldiers

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #80 on: December 15, 2020, 17:26 »
Dota7 lobbying group is challenging @mordor911 to bo3 dota knockout. We will play the 6.9 map - at your convenience. Please assemble your team, judging from the players you have tagged previously, picking just 4 teammates will be hard, the potential over there is off the charts.

If you win even 1 game, we'll join you and become 6.9 supporters, you'll get rid of our notorious dota7 lobbying group.

Since you're so convinced all the bad players moved to 7+, and only the good ones remained playing 6.9, it shouldn't be too much of a challenge for you boys, right?   

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #81 on: December 15, 2020, 18:36 »
THink of it as 6.9 vs 7.00 tournament?

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #82 on: December 15, 2020, 19:17 »
mordor didnt mention jimmy while jimmy left after poll result sadKEK

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #83 on: December 15, 2020, 20:42 »
mordor didnt mention jimmy while jimmy left after poll result sadKEK

Jimmy retiring from being admin is the only good thing happened with v7.
That guy was a lunatic abuser with skizofrenia. banning players left and right for no fucking reason. Thx God he is gone and won't abuse players anymore.

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #84 on: December 15, 2020, 21:00 »
mordor didnt mention jimmy while jimmy left after poll result sadKEK

Jimmy retiring from being admin is the only good thing happened with v7.
That guy was a lunatic abuser with skizofrenia. banning players left and right for no fucking reason. Thx God he is gone and won't abuse players anymore.

With these predispositions and 45% win ratio he's perfect player for Mordor squad.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 21:57 by Tyrande »

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #85 on: December 16, 2020, 00:11 »
Week2 Day3

Dota6.9/games players
18+23+18 = 59/90
Dota6.9 = 59 games played

Dota7.0/games players
12+07+12 = 31/90
Dota7.0 = 31 games players

Nothing more to add  :agreed:

Let's address the fact that v7 won the poll when it came out, but it had to be pubbed using the !privobs command, something that mr. mordor911 is just completely ignoring, shall we?
Lagabuse/ belongs to Dota6.9 and with 2/3 games and 2/3 players it will be default again, or we will have separated leagues. Dota7 lost the poll when it came out. And with 1/3 player base and 1/3 from total dota games the very same event is coming :peace:

I am not sure if are mentaly dissabled or what but stop deceive yourself with lies. 7.0 WON THE POOL after removing fake votes from you and your faithfull supporters

He just keeps spamming his useless data, and at the same time, calling out to arms literally the worst flamers and game ruiners with countless warns and bans on their accounts. Talk about creating a healthy gaming environment, eh?
All data posted by me is related with this topic while posts from your the Lobbying groups are only insults and spam. That forest culture from some village hidden deep in the mountains... All toxic and bad players had moved to Dota7, so we are clean and with a new league you will barely have 25% players to play with you that shit Dota7. I'm calling good players and good people, they are all equal and normal players.

Says an BEYOND SPAMER. Honestly I am not sure if u are aware of your stupidity in those posts wich u just throw randomly.
Who cares what robot with fake account will post. The lobbying group with barely 3 or 4 players and who knows how many fake accounts can do just that, insult and spam irrevelant and off-topic posts, but congratz to all to your efforts, 2 or 3 posts which the Lobbying group had posted from 3 topics are regular posts. Cen knows stats from the last voting, or maybe not and he should post full list with who voted and for which option.
Do we see fake accounts who represent Dota1 6.9 map in this? > No. Who could be it?
Do we see fake accounts and useless spam from the Lobbying group who want only to do sabotage to the Dota6.9 by posting useless spam or insult after every post of mine? Yes, MarvinJunior, Tyrande, Enemy1PK, lolonomo, FilLaD1N, Practice, Happy.....
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 04:34 by mordor911 »

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #86 on: December 16, 2020, 01:23 »
How did all of this started?
Actually, when the v7 came out, a couple of months ago, there was a poll between v7 and v6 that resulted in v7 winning, even though a bunch of you morons kept creating fake profiles and double voting for v6. For reasons unknown to me, the transition hasn't been made.

Because of that, the majority of remotely decent players have left this platform which created an illusion that only '35%' of people here are playing v7.

Fake news. Nobody was sentenced as a result of the investigations. So there is no double voting situation.
So tell me one fucking decent reason to not flame this stupid mongoliads for typing this crap throw all week , and asking to play on 6.90
I challenge you guys to a 3v3 or 5v5, hit me up with the date
Get him fairy!
and why the old map wont receive any update ??????
did you try to fix tuskar bug?
why you didnt add the new items on 6.90

ok this topic is just so good, please continue !
Okay you triggered me to reply on this, on other server there is 6k players who play v7 and you and other 40 players who are uncapable to learn new staff and adjust to play old map, so at the end there is 6k players and lets say they play 3 games per day 18000 games  vs your 400 games.
Beat that.. How other people could adjust you can too, if you cant play that old v6 and stfu.
I stopped playing here because of an old map, but i want you to see overall how many people accepted and you and small majority make big deal about this, so ridiculous.
@ FataLity- expert analysis needed here
I can't decide if you're being stupidly dangerous or dangerously stupid.
Mate I'm kinda too lazy go into a discussion with you regarding this matter, it would take too long and I honestly don't want to waste too much of my brain cells on this.

A friendly advice - try and ask yourself why is this something you want to push through by all means. Why do you care so much about this? The way you handle this topic is kinda sus to me, I smell a lot of subjective bullshit.
you people from Lobbying group for Dota7 are way bellow my intellectual level.

The people you're badmouthing have been playing on this server for almost 15 years. So yes, I think we have a little bit more credibility than clowns like yourself.
Same... I agree about everything Mordor911 said.
To be honest, if there is no 6.9 map, many players would already leave this server. And i am sure those players who play 6.9 map, wouldn't switch to 7 if old map goes to history. Only a third of the current number of players would remain on server.

So let's enjoy both maps and keep the old one alive because of the majority who play it.

Just to add... After commands changed, Players got confused... I recived so many messages here and on my cellphone with one question "is 6.9 really dead ?!".

Welp to agree with everything that mordor said u have to be mentaly retarded (without offend)

Also how about that players wich preffer 7.0 had to use !privobs command for months and noone of u hypocrites complains about that.

Be aware that this server already lost majority of good players due to this and many other stupid decisions.

Fun part 6.83 won the pool against 6.85 and still we switched to 6.85. Now same story 7.0 won pool but welp.
question of the day mordor911

Why havent all primates evolved into humans?
Only 3 respectable players in that long list of survivors

Sejanus rL-Valter and Corristo
mom more graph please !
question of the day mordor911

What is your opinion on echo chambers?
Come on guys, it is time to support something we like! 70% games and players are Dota6.9 players. Your voice matters!
Hear my call


begin how do you feel being one of the mordors' boys? Share your thoughts with us
grga_man thoughts on the list of supporters,198483.msg705377.html#msg705377

This is ridiculous

ksv iErnesto94

3. Member must not insult users:
      Note: Arguing on the forum can be considered as spam.

I see many useres insult here... Is there anything we can do about it ?,198483.msg705272.html#msg705272,198483.msg705287.html#msg705287,198483.msg705343.html#msg705343,198483.msg705242.html#msg705242

This topic is so amazing don't ruin the fun. SHOW MUST GO ON!!
Let's address the fact that v7 won the poll when it came out, but it had to be pubbed using the !privobs command, something that mr. mordor911 is just completely ignoring, shall we?

He just keeps spamming his useless data, and at the same time, calling out to arms literally the worst flamers and game ruiners with countless warns and bans on their accounts. Talk about creating a healthy gaming environment, eh?

But yeah, doing something about sarcasm is what's really important, right Sejtura? As long as we keep the focus on the right things.

This isn't objective. Since many players who wanted v7 left we need to make another poll to see the % of v7 and v6 players
question of the day mordor911

Is god complex a mental disorder?
be on the lookout for mordor911 new book release titled Dear Cen
where my dota7 lobbying group at? MarvinJunior round up the boys

Let's address the fact that v7 won the poll when it came out, but it had to be pubbed using the !privobs command, something that mr. mordor911 is just completely ignoring, shall we?
Lagabuse/ belongs to Dota6.9 and with 2/3 games and 2/3 players it will be default again, or we will have separated leagues. Dota7 lost the poll when it came out. And with 1/3 player base and 1/3 from total dota games the very same event is coming :peace:

I am not sure if are mentaly dissabled or what but stop deceive yourself with lies. 7.0 WON THE POOL after removing fake votes from you and your faithfull supporters

He just keeps spamming his useless data, and at the same time, calling out to arms literally the worst flamers and game ruiners with countless warns and bans on their accounts. Talk about creating a healthy gaming environment, eh?
All data posted by me is related with this topic while posts from your the Lobbying groups are only insults and spam. That forest culture from some village hidden deep in the mountains... All toxic and bad players had moved to Dota7, so we are clean and with a new league you will barely have 25% players to play with you that shit Dota7. I'm calling good players and good people, they are all equal and normal players.

Says an BEYOND SPAMER. Honestly I am not sure if u are aware of your stupidity in those posts wich u just throw randomly.

But yeah, doing something about sarcasm is what's really important, right Sejtura? As long as we keep the focus on the right things.
Savages are supposed to be banned and their useless data should be removed in this topic.

Ofc remove all the facts and let only his retarded novels.

Some useful posts from previous topics:
Spoiler for Hiden:
Quote from: boyka on August 01, 2020, 10:33
This new map is unbalanced, lot of changes some heroes are retarded like bear huskar and some heroes are shit like tuskar for exsample you got stuck in your owne ice talents degrated just sheat. Good things are healing pools and warkey in the game. Just to much changes in one version. I am playing dota for 15 years and this much changes is like a new game to me i dont wona play lol or dota 2 cuz i like dota1 and am used to its grafics and gameplay, and with this map its no longer dota 1. Than i dont see any point playing this game on this server we can play dota 2?,197563.msg702434.html#msg702434

Quote from: boyka on August 01, 2020, 11:09
No good players have been left since the new map was played.,197563.msg702436.html#msg702436

Quote from: fortepsai on August 02, 2020, 03:51
New version has too many heroes out of balance .. it looks like alpha or some early beta stage . sorry but i dont like it to be honest .,191431.0.html
Quote from: Sejanus
Map is SHIT, bring back the old one.

Retarded colours... too many coins, f pointless shrines,


Quote from: Sejanus
It's like permanent "em" game,

some gets over farmed really quick,

alch was level 23, when our ursa was just 9, seems like less exp in the woods, more on the lane?

Quote from: Jimmy
I had a mental breakdown when i saw what you did to my boy.
Implementing Balance, adding heroes/skills/items , fixing mechanics , all the things one could do.
But changing the UI completely, to what end, if someone wanted to play Valve's DotA, he will go ahead and do that. Same goes for LoL,HoS and all the other copy cats that emerged from the holes over the years.
Again, Balancing, Implementing new Spells/Items and similar, removing Buggs from previous versions, all the strong suits a map developer can strive to when given such a nice Platform as IceFrog's DotA.
Talents gave it a Flare , few transfered Heroes, allright. But other than that workload should be focused on above mentioned things.

Metaphorically , you were given a Ferarri, and over the years u managed to put a Lada engine in it, and now ,you painted it pink.

Quote from: m3thead
this map is like Corona virus, u hate it but have to go with the flow... PS Jimmy said it so well, old school map whatsoever kept w3 installed, I am afraid delete time is finally near after nearly 20 years.  ( FUCK DOTA 2 ANGRY FACE).... ;

Quote from: Dark_Tauren
This map kills dota 1. I am off...

Quote from: funnylol
I barely handle this talent version which make this game so unbalanced i dont say it was balanced before but for sure didnt make gameplay better.That shit wood map is for sure not anymore game we did know.I wont write much about this map becouse i played few times but it makes me just angry minimap is broken for sure color of heroes are wrong and i dont know shit from it,i cant bind ctrl for tp hotkey,AND THE WORSE SHIT CHANGING WOODS ADDING SHRINES AND BOUNTY RUNES.I think it made this game much easier like everyone got too much gold full items everywhere thats sad its like apem.I m not sure if i stop play this map or not but i got a feeling i will look for places where i can play olders maps even before talent version would be nice.

Quote from: Noci
The Dota 1 classic game is ruined with the new update !! Totally...
If we want to play dota2 we will play dota 2 !!
We want the Dota 1 classic game!! Give us the old Dota1 back !!
I agree with that guy who says that the new update is cheap version of dota 2.
I don't know where to look.. i feel like i play LoL.. gold is bottom, heroes top .. etc..
wtf is that with 3 fountains?!? New heroes imported from dota 2 ?  whyy?
Please don't ruin what is unique !! Reconsider that desicion about the new update !
Rubick is killing mort with ease ?? Come on that makes no sense... why should i play after the new map update lookalike dota2 ? You all have to worry about quitting playing dota on lagabuse.. don't let that happen !!
Think about this... Who ever wants to play dota2 , he can play... Dota 1 is the classic version we want to play.. since the new update was released i am not playing anymore.. and i am fan of dota 1 classic.. i want to play again the old dota1..

Quote from: Dark3r
wtf is this honestly it isnt like dota 1 or dota 2 it looks like fucking dota 3 nothing is the same

Quote from: Sejanus
New map not the whole new millennial system.
Icefrog at least was consistent.

A few rational thoughts
- we should give the map a chance for some time and give constructive feedback if you want to change something for the better
- v7 is not even final yet, a temporary reversal back to v6 is not a problem
- like Icefrog dota was the-map back in the day, d1stats is the-map today. When Icefrog did something bad we just had to accept it and move on, now it is at least possible to contact the developer directly and give feedback, whether it is accepted or not.
- staying on v6, if decided by the community, is not a viable long term solution unless there would be some kind of an LTS program for that version. Even then, we would miss any good features coming after v7.

I think we should stay on v7 for a few weeks, collect feedback and then decide if we go back to v6 for a period of time, stay on v7 or what the next steps should be. If there is no consensus within community one side will have to give in since hosting both versions is not an option, it will diminish the available player pool and make lobbies longer.

Just a few thoughts about this.
1) Our problem is not to move on with the map. Over the last 10 years, we always had new heroes added, new skills, new items, and minor map changes. But they all came step by step, while always staying loyal to the main concepts. They were just furbishing the game. Obviously mistakes were made, unbalances were fixed later.
We adapted and learnt the new ways. This is NOT our problem.

2) Our PROBLEM is that this map wants to make DOTA2 from DOTA1, and it's unacceptable for me, and for others also.

3)I dont like and don't want DOTA2 MAP terrain in dota1. No need to copy paste it, new runes, outposts new roshan location. No need, and no like. I don't know who asked for it ever.

4) The new user interface is a catastrophe as it is. Everything is bigger, takes too much of the screen, icons are misslocated, minimap change also dislike.

5)If you want to add new heroes have my upvote! If you want heroes rebalances GOOD. New items? FINE. Keep the rest as it was, classic UI, classic terrain (minor changes are ok if really needed).

6) The game feels like APEM. Easy and fast farm. everybody is having expensive items after 20 minutes, this reduces the importance of gangs and farming skills for individual players.

7) Make a POLL, let's see how many players would like to play v6 or v7. Or make it possible for us, classic dota1 players, to play v6 again. If we can play both maps simultaneously.

8 ) Missing any good features from v7 in the future? Or just avoiding any more bad features perhaps? It's a matter of point of view. What if the majority of players doesn't like v7 and the way where Drakolich takes Dota1? We have to go that way because nobody else works on the map?

9) Lastly, for last time: Don't morph Dota1 into Dota2. We can go and play Dota2 already. We are here to play Dota1, and if you force us to swallow this, we (Me) will simply abandon LA as it is, as it's not enjoyable anymore in this form.


+++ To all that. (Like russians say...)

Had one game yesterday, which lasted 85 minutes, no side was able to finish it. Game was extremely random, and chaotic, communication was zero.

Loads of people are completely lost, and can't see shit on the map, you can ping them 100 times, and nobody sees nothing still.

Solo stat playing is for now 200% increased as it's easier to gank clueless, and lost players with new overpowered heroes like morph.

Yeah woods are not as good as used to be, which maybe is good, maybe not.

Free wards makes no sense, still most player's can't even place them, or help you de-ward. Everything blamed on support. While growing a support character seems much harder now with all the selfish players. They still refuse to gank, or attack and only farm on sides.

Loads of new Russian players? There was some merge, or something? I find it extremely hard to communicate with them, ignorant bastards they are. (Not all tho)

Only plus side I found is that the gold from coins is shared, rs timer on the top is not so bad, but too much in the face, I loved to check the time on the score board, still find myself opening it for no reason.

Go with the poll already, if possible - just to see where we stand, while keeping new nuts millenial chaotic version atm.

I really believe this version has personality disorder, and looks like mental break down.

So far haven't even won one game, it's like random team wins at random time now.

40min of mid pushes stopped by simple techies was quite painful%uD83E%uDD2A

i was expecting new heroes new items like vessel and old type dota
but i didnt like that
i delete dota2 for new patch (too many changes)
now im gonna do same for dota1 too
im done with that hf everyone
bazarci out :)

pfff the new map is very boring. i played just a one time and i delete this game if u dont change this last 7.00 shit map. please return last map or i think you will lose a lot of player. map can be change but not so. please dont change old map.

what a weak naga siren why you change that heros skills idk and i lost a lot of shortcut skill.

if u love this last map please give us 2 alternative and we play old map.

Isn't it clear yet? Half the community hate the map? Give us the poll to show it in %.

Same arguments are for - as against the new map%uD83D%uDE01 exactly the same ones.

If 60% + vote for the new map I will shut up and try harder.

Maybe the problem is not the new map, but too many changes aka too huge jump/step of added new stuff at the same time, it's like a completely different game.

Gradual change would give people time to get used to it, and wouldn't cause the mass leaving now.

I dont like the map, for few reasons, there are no different colors for each side on the minimap.
I do not like gold placeholder possiotion at all, its overlapping with titles from items or spells .
About the characters i still have not played with many but already find out that pugna can just spam his life steal ulti which is totally rubbish .
In terms of wards which are for free, yet again i do not agree with it, its way too childish .

Give us old map,this new map is bullshit,i think many players will stop playing..We would all happy if you can give us old map!

Seems like most players want the old one, make a poll?

Pool made
Included wild card [icefrog's last map] ,because there has been alot of talk of "oldschool" dota around since latest Drako's map , so i included a real Oldschool map in the vote [ignore if reasons] , also few platforms use IceFrog maps so another reason to include as wild card.
For other Two choices, preety much Latest map-Previous Map due active conversation progress.

And the poll is gone%uD83E%uDD7A

Given to us just to take it away%uD83E%uDD2A

Not cool%uD83D%uDE01 even if it had no effect it was nice to see that 65%+ agree this version went too far %uD83D%uDE2C %uD83D%uDE05

I stopped playing since upgraded to new map.  Because everything changed to dota2. Im an old school player so i didnt liked dota2. I was playing here for old days just because dota was stil like 'dota1'

Poll will be opened over the weekend and stay open for a few days. Then we will decide what to do depending on the results (with staff having the last word, consider this a consultation poll). By that time everyone should have plenty enough time to play the map (almost two weeks) and evaluate.

To keep it simple, I propose we just have options to stay on v7 or go back to v6. That will decide what will be played for the near future until v7 is released in full. Meaning we will need to make a second more permanent decision sometime in the autumn.

there is something you forgot. during that time everyone will have forgotten the game because we decided already we never play that shit 7.00 version map. i like innovations but just good innovations. you still insist about that 7.00 map it is hard to understand this.

Soo many games now that one player owes without even having items%uD83D%uDE01

Definitely something is not right with some of the heroes.

%uD83D%uDE01Didn't ever see 40+ kills on single hero before, now like every tenth game someone gets greedy enough, and map allows him to, and the gap of levels makes it way easier to grief play, and ruin the game for others.

It's support solo stat play not the team as you guys think%uD83D%uDE01

Also waiting for a game seems way longer now, already some players have left?

I think this 7.00 is really hard to all, It's not real DotA because everything (almost 70% of map comprising textures / Options Menu / heroes skills and whole map system) totally changed. Just reverte back to 6.90, acutally the best vesrion in my opinion (not offensive, just personal opinion, but I'm sure some others agree too).

To much changes, just to much for one version dont like it!!!;sa=game;gid=6313955

another example, rubick lose 2 towers mid early game to "sylla", to his BEAR actually.

and BEAR owes heroes better than hero itself.

Another RETARDED change.

Dude honestly I don't give a shit if I have to use !pub or !publ comand. If I can host/join 6.9 it doesn't really matter. I already told my opinion about v7, so I have nothing to add here... The moment they remove 6.9, I stop playing on LA. easy as that.
Anyway, all pros left to play dota 2 for money long ago, those who stayed here are playing for nostalgia (like me), or they have potato PC to play Dota 2. Happy and the other tits sucking kids can just fuck right off, I won't even bother reading their giberish here.

Peace, see you ingame.

Ok, my first impression is, that this new map sucks hard. Give us an option to host 6.9 version, or just throw this rubbish into the bin. If I want to play Dota 2, I go and play Dota 2. No need to ''upgrade'' it into this. Thank you very much drakolich, for fucking up our classic dota 1 map. Sometimes LESS is MORE, and in this case, it's totally true. Lost all my interest in playing this trash just after one game. Super disappointed.
You'll have to give more information on why you think the new version is bad, saying the new map just "sucks" won't get you anywhere.
If you don't understand the new map and need to learn how the new stuff work then it's not because the map "sucks", it's because you need to adapt to the new fresh patch and stop doing the same things (picking same heroes, going same item build, same strategies etc.) which you were previously doing in the last patch.

It's not about learning new stuff. The map simply sucks because the new UI, the way it looks. The player ''interface''. Why couldn't he keep the classic interface of the game, and just implement the hero balances, new heroes and other upgrades. What bothers me the most, is the new interface which is annoyingly informative, the whole screen is filled with unnecessary information, while he moved BIG YELLOW GOLD counter bottom right for no reason. I feel like sitting behind a fighter jet, looking left and right while everything being more annoying than informative.

The map lost it's classic feeling, it's a cheap copy of dota 2. We don't want dota2 in warcraft3 ok? We want dota1, CLASSIC dota1!
love it!
"unneccessary information"
yeah, it's really annoying when you can see your enemies list, it's better play with eyes closed to not receive any excessive information, just use your ears
"gold label down the way"
hell yeah, keep playing your 13" desktop. it's such a pain in the ass to move eyes top-down all the time you try to buy a thing. Hope your eyeballs are fine there.

Drakolich, just roll back the interface as it was, but keep the hero and terrain changes. Like it or not, but you fucked up the interface hard. This is my opinion, and sorry if it hurts you. I know you probably won't give a shit, and just keep it this way, rather than acknowledge the players opinions and make some changes, but I HAVE to tell it anyway. Take it as a feedback, and make the changes accordingly. I will check back, when I get back my classic dota1. At this stage, the map is not enjoyable for me.
A few rational thoughts
- we should give the map a chance for some time and give constructive feedback if you want to change something for the better
- v7 is not even final yet, a temporary reversal back to v6 is not a problem
- like Icefrog dota was the-map back in the day, d1stats is the-map today. When Icefrog did something bad we just had to accept it and move on, now it is at least possible to contact the developer directly and give feedback, whether it is accepted or not.
- staying on v6, if decided by the community, is not a viable long term solution unless there would be some kind of an LTS program for that version. Even then, we would miss any good features coming after v7.

I think we should stay on v7 for a few weeks, collect feedback and then decide if we go back to v6 for a period of time, stay on v7 or what the next steps should be. If there is no consensus within community one side will have to give in since hosting both versions is not an option, it will diminish the available player pool and make lobbies longer.

Just a few thoughts about this.
1) Our problem is not to move on with the map. Over the last 10 years, we always had new heroes added, new skills, new items, and minor map changes. But they all came step by step, while always staying loyal to the main concepts. They were just furbishing the game. Obviously mistakes were made, unbalances were fixed later.
We adapted and learnt the new ways. This is NOT our problem.

2) Our PROBLEM is that this map wants to make DOTA2 from DOTA1, and it's unacceptable for me, and for others also.

3)I dont like and don't want DOTA2 MAP terrain in dota1. No need to copy paste it, new runes, outposts new roshan location. No need, and no like. I don't know who asked for it ever.

4) The new user interface is a catastrophe as it is. Everything is bigger, takes too much of the screen, icons are misslocated, minimap change also dislike.

5)If you want to add new heroes have my upvote! If you want heroes rebalances GOOD. New items? FINE. Keep the rest as it was, classic UI, classic terrain (minor changes are ok if really needed).

6) The game feels like APEM. Easy and fast farm. everybody is having expensive items after 20 minutes, this reduces the importance of gangs and farming skills for individual players.

7) Make a POLL, let's see how many players would like to play v6 or v7. Or make it possible for us, classic dota1 players, to play v6 again. If we can play both maps simultaneously.

8 ) Missing any good features from v7 in the future? Or just avoiding any more bad features perhaps? It's a matter of point of view. What if the majority of players doesn't like v7 and the way where Drakolich takes Dota1? We have to go that way because nobody else works on the map?

9) Lastly, for last time: Don't morph Dota1 into Dota2. We can go and play Dota2 already. We are here to play Dota1, and if you force us to swallow this, we (Me) will simply abandon LA as it is, as it's not enjoyable anymore in this form.

We complain all we want as long as we dislike the map.
Im a mapmaker myself of Lords of Europe so i do know a few things about mapmaking and balancing.unlike you.
But whenever I made changes to the map, i always asked the players oppinions about it and made changes it stays fun. I never pushed it down on somebodies throat just because i could.
My opinion stands. The UI sucks, and dota2 sucks as well. Any changes made toward that direction is killing dota1.
The terrain change is Dota2, new runes, outposts are also directly copies from dota2.The new gold counter location and altogether the whole new UI also wanted to be dota2 (but it became just ugly compared to dota2). The new heroes are from dota2. new roshan location guees what? yes, dota2.

Every aspect, every change it is going for dota2 :)
At this point we can just simply delete war3 and go play dota2 :D. What is the difference after all?

Not all of those changes are bad however, the terrain indeed needed a change, since sentinel had advantage farming neutrals.
Heroes and skills also needed rebalance.
I support these.

In my opinion, the reason why the changes are going toward dota2 is because poor players with poor PC's can't afford to play Dota2. So now they have the option to do so, with lower poly graphics.

That Mars hero looks like Drakolich went up to, checked hero models, and imported the first unit he saw with a spear/javelin. No effort, time and energy was used in this modelling. Just check out how Dota 2 Mars looks like and simply compare them.

From my point of view, keep the hero and skills changes, delete new runes, delete outposts, revert roshan location.
Change the terrain on sentinel or scourge site (should I say Radiant and Dire now?), to make a balanced way toward neutrals. And that's it.

Right now I personally stoped playing on war3, and went to play Dota2, since it's almost the same, and more beautiful.

I advice the same for everyone who's PC can run Dota2. Don't waste your time on this map anymore. Dota1 died with v7.

Have fun all, and see you!
And I really don't understand why all of you who support the new map, don't go and play Dota2. Better graphics, more smoother gameplay, regular and professional updates. It's super similar to the new map. You can shine there all you want, and become a paid pro player?
In the last 10 years Dota1 classic was pretty much the same, and guess what? We fucking loved it! As we played it for 10 years, we will play for another 10 without any problems. You all talk about moving forward, well, Dota moved forward with Dota2 long ago. Its you the ones who stayed behind for no reason. And now you are making classic dota1 become dota2 for no reason.
So tell me, why don't you go play Dota2 and leave us (old school players) alone to have fun here?

I just noticed the poll was closed as well. That's how much this server cares about it's players opinions.
So as a conclusion we everybody who are PRO and CONTRA for the new map can agree that, the map is going toward being Dota 2, in a war3 skin right?
The main question is therefore, if we want to play classic dota1 or a cheap copy of dota2 map, put into action in Dota1 graphics?

If you are PRO for the new map, why don't just move and play Dota2?
If you are CON for the new map, why even argue about what is bad in the new map, since its 90% Dota2?

This whole conversation is pointless therefore.

All of you so called ''pros'' who are listing tons of pro changes, and making fun of the classic dota1 loving players here on the forum: why didn't you go play Dota2 already long ago? Why I don't see your nicks in professional Dota2 teams and tournaments? Maybe you aren't ''pros'' in the sense of the word itself, but you are feeling comfy just to tell the ''noobs'' here on the forum, while thinking yourself some kind of skillfuly and morally superior players.

No you aren't. If you would be pros, you would play DOta2 already on big tournaments.making fame and money. But you don't. Meaning you are lowskill players, same as the rest of us.

So you can stop telling us what is good and what is bad, all the while insulting us being lowskill players, who don't know shit about the map.Couse you don't know shit neighter.

This map is killing classic Dota1, and morphing into Dota2.
The question is, who asked for this, why are we forced into this, and why are players even support this instead of just fucking off to play Dota2?
Why do we have to play Dota2 on both platforms? Valve and war3?

Drakolich: Your posts on this forum section are the proof of what a childish person you are. You aren't a mapmaker, just a copy-paster guy of Dota2, who took the money from players who wanted to support classic Dota1. Imagine their frustration when they saw this new map of yours. I don't think they all donated money for 'this'.

Well said man %uD83D%uDC4C
qqbabies with "too much dota2" arguments can go play 6.81, dont ever speak about any of my maps - get back to the classic.
I wont agree with "this is too much changes". There were just as big patches back to 2006-8, and nobody rly bothered, just moved on.
Also neutral items arent cornerstones of balancing for d2 for many reasons, it doesn't matter for us.

I'm curious, why don't you kept Dota 1 terrain and kept adding new stuff from Dota2?

Exactly my thoughts, big like for asking this.
At this point, if Drakolich would only implement the new hero (Mars), fix bugs, rebalance heroes skills and items, I would even welcome those changes. Not all are good for sure, but these changes can be and will be fixed in the future im confident.

What took away the Dota1 feeling, is the terrain changes (adding shrines/outposts, new runes, new roshan location) which are direct copies from Dota2, and the new UI. Rollback the terrain, rollback the UI, and from my part, the rest is fine.
To test 100+ heroes takes time anyway, and I'm sure the bugs/unbalanced heroes will be fixed later.

The game crashed for me as well pressing F9.

Again Drakolich, I understand your feelings when you are criticized, being a mapmaker myself, but try to take it as an adult, not as a child which is reflected in your forum answers.

I can only hope for a version, where both classic players and new map supporters are partly satisfied at least. That would be the rollback option in my opinion, at least you could make a test-map for this.
Old terrain, old UI, and new hero changes, bug fixes.
Great decision, now I can go back to climbing the ladder with my boy Corristo and hopefully all the greedy pro players are gone.

Give the players what they want, 6.83! LETS GO

Lol dude,long story short: pro players are playing DOta2 long ago. These so called pros here, just have a potato PC, and they cant run proper Dota2. So they are trying to morph Dota1 into Dota2.
I'm glad we can finally return to classic dota1, maybe Drakolich will change his mind and make a rollback for the UI and the terrain, so it can fit classic players desire as well. This would be a long run solution for both sides. But knowing him he won't rollback anything out of principle.
See you ingame lads!
Great decision !!!  I'm glad they heard the voice of the players.
Dota 1 is something what is unique and shouldn't be replaced with cheap versions of Dota 2. Admins and Map creators should separate Dota 1 and Dota 2 and consider in future to keep that way.The old classic Dota 1 is back, as most of the people wanted.
I'm very happy! Dota 1 and Dota 2 are two different stories which should be respected as they are. Mixing each other is making something which is not good for the both sides. Now we all go back to fight for our psr as we did before the new update. See you back in the game 6.90 !!! Classic Dota 1 is back !   ;D ;D :y: :y:
Have fun all! Greetings  :peace:

So talents are classic for you, extra slot for tp is classic for you, bounty runes are classic for you, new heroes are classic for you (mk, ww, earth spirit, oracle), new items like bloodthorn, glimmer, greaves etc. are classic for you???
You enjoy it because every year map is updating by something new, we will see how you will enjoy it when map doesnt update 10 years..
Draco make new terrain so by new terrain in future he can update a lot of new things (i think), by me its wise choice to do so, also new mechanics and staff way more better.

"New mechanics and stuff"
Hahaha I laughed so good at this! :D
Most of those useful posts are from decent players aka Corristo and Sejanus
HEAR MY CALL CAPTAINS @FataLity- @ExpertNoob @bewater @grga_man @Happy.. @UltimateTroll @Nexxus @Tyrande

You guys can round up my soldier anytime  ;)
how could I forget @nikolagay one of our most beloved soldiers
mordor didnt mention jimmy while jimmy left after poll result sadKEK

And this is how all of this will finish once again
I dont know who decides that there are imbalances since cen doesn't play the game but nothing can be imbalanced more than 6.90 tuskar and visage. We just got used to terrain now taking it back and gotto get used to old one again despite votes or on the side of 7.0. Weird decision
You all totally fucked up the game, enjoy playing this shit 6.90 .im done
I dont get what type of feedbacks do you needed to changed back into  that shit 6.90 with bugs and shits, and dont listening to others who say that is better to play 7.00
At least please, next time dont fucking change the map , and show them the project you got, dont fuck us by changing this game 10 times, after we played a while
And for 10 idiots who didnt like that map on forum we have to change it back, when no one was talking ingame about no likeing that new map
So gg, well done
cen with this decision, you're just delaying the inevitable and setting us back for 6 months. People have just started aclimating, bringing the old map back will just escalate into more problems when the time comes to reupload v7 again.

By saying that 7.0 is imbalanced compared to 6.9 just confirms that you shouldn't be taking up for yourself to make such a decision.

Putting the above arguments aside, the poll results were in favor of v7 too.
Great decision, now I can go back to climbing the ladder with my boy Corristo and hopefully all the greedy pro players are gone.

Give the players what they want, 6.83! LETS GO
Lol dude,long story short: pro players are playing DOta2 long ago. These so called pros here, just have a potato PC, and they cant run proper Dota2. So they are trying to morph Dota1 into Dota2.
I'm glad we can finally return to classic dota1, maybe Drakolich will change his mind and make a rollback for the UI and the terrain, so it can fit classic players desire as well. This would be a long run solution for both sides. But knowing him he won't rollback anything out of principle.
See you ingame lads!
Great decision !!!  I'm glad they heard the voice of the players.
Dota 1 is something what is unique and shouldn't be replaced with cheap versions of Dota 2. Admins and Map creators should separate Dota 1 and Dota 2 and consider in future to keep that way.The old classic Dota 1 is back, as most of the people wanted.
I'm very happy! Dota 1 and Dota 2 are two different stories which should be respected as they are. Mixing each other is making something which is not good for the both sides. Now we all go back to fight for our psr as we did before the new update. See you back in the game 6.90 !!! Classic Dota 1 is back !   ;D ;D :y: :y:
Have fun all! Greetings  :peace:

So talents are classic for you, extra slot for tp is classic for you, bounty runes are classic for you, new heroes are classic for you (mk, ww, earth spirit, oracle), new items like bloodthorn, glimmer, greaves etc. are classic for you???
You enjoy it because every year map is updating by something new, we will see how you will enjoy it when map doesnt update 10 years..
Draco make new terrain so by new terrain in future he can update a lot of new things (i think), by me its wise choice to do so, also new mechanics and staff way more better.
"New mechanics and stuff"
Hahaha I laughed so good at this! :D
I don't know why you guys complain so much about cens decision, as he did keep new map as well, and you can host it by using certain command.

And yeah 7.0 has more imbalances than 6.90. You speak about tuskar, and visage, while in 7.0 is tons of heroes like that. Still as I said nobody stops you from playing it.

In my opinion both sides won, and now the players who left can return too, lobby waiting time was quite long last week or so, now it will be faster, and with option for everyone till 7.0 gets balanced up.

And once that happen it will be the default map again.

Ps. Hero balance most crucial change that need to happen there, coin counter placement should be reviewed, hero levels need to be displayed, and wards should never be free(I don't know why, but since they are free people don't wanna use them, I have to support play every game on my weaver, nobody wants to place them).

About terrain colours, and change, it was a big one for me, but I really got used to it, doesn't bother me anymore at all.
I can't actually believe it the old map is still here and the choice... so bad thuglife,feelsbadman.
but if I take a look at the situation maybe it's better for that ppl who still wants to play the old one they don't actually join the new map and ruin gameplay.
You are all crazy, so you all want classic dota? from when 6.90 its classic?
If you want to play the real dota, let's go back in time and play 1.24e, becouse that is the real dota, not even 6.90, 6.88 etc
You guys just cant adapt, and talking shit about features changes, when also from 1.24 to 6.90 everything changed, heros, texture , coins added and more shits on the map we were playing, you cant accept updates, so why we dont play this map 10 years, who cares couse there is the same thing to do, and people with who understanded the game knows exactly what items and shit needs to do in game
But congratz, keep fucking up this dota!
I don't know why you guys complain so much about cens decision, as he did keep new map as well, and you can host it by using certain command.
I agree with this.

If you want to play the real dota, let's go back in time and play 1.24e,
I also agree with this, it would be mega cool wouldnt it? Playing with VGs and stuff. Even tho we did it in 6.90 with our friendly polak players and deer squad.

And also 'potato pc' sounds funny, I liked that

Thanks !
@Corristo without insult or anything against u,but ur skills are same as ur iq,at very low lvl.

Lol. k nub.
Where is the new map ?? I don't understand why these cormorants removed the new map from the host bots ?? All these "people" who voted for the old map are pathetic drinkers who haven't learned to play Dota in 15 years and who go into games to ruin them. Of course, they are too lazy to read the changelog and learn new mechanics. These "people" are incapable of developing and are the source of the decay of society, which must be fought, and not satisfied their wishes. The new map is more team play. The drinkers are accustomed to farm a desolator in the forest on the conditional Sand King and not bother about anything.  If the local administration has brains, then  must install a new map. Returning to the old is degradation.
  Let me remind you that the old map is also a product of Dracolich and his team, thanks to which we can play Dota 1 with new colors today. And what is your gratitude? Do you reject his new product, which has many times more functionality and variety? Seriously?? Shame!
Have you guys from the Lobbying group remembered this beautiful moment? Ah,... memories  :lovely:

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #87 on: December 16, 2020, 01:43 »
The name of this thread is just way off, its literally just @mordor911 trying to shit on v7 to get his favorite toy back, rename please.

And to the most ridicolous part, DIFFERENT opinions either get ignored or labeled as spam by the god himself

both @Happy.. and @Tyrande came with straight facts which you quickly brushed aside because it clearly doesnt fit your narrative

How is life treating you in that echo chamber?

MY HERO @mordor911 , do better

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Re: Dota1 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #88 on: December 16, 2020, 02:27 »

Because of that, the majority of remotely decent players have left this platform which created an illusion that only '35%' of people here are playing v7.

@Happy..  I agree with croatian boy.
If you give God the glory, He will give you the victory.
If you give me Invoker I will bring you victory.

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Re: Dota6.9 and Dota7 comparison, statistics and suggestions
« Reply #89 on: December 16, 2020, 06:24 »
Week2 Day4

Dota6.9/games players
18+20+19+22 = 79/120

Dota7.0/games players
12+10+11+08 = 41/120