Author Topic: Interesting game VODs  (Read 2188 times)

Offline AntlermanXXL

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Interesting game VODs
« on: October 08, 2019, 02:55 »
Here we will post interesting/fun game VODS made by our streamers!

First video!
  This one was public game, but both sides were playing as teams and it looked cool for our current server's state!
  Video contains my person of view, which means i was kind of sleepy and was missing some things, but mostly i recorded probably everything noticeable.
So-called pros, note: i do not state this game as pro-level, this is public game, which had more teamfights than in usual average public game on this server. It means you can restrain from posting irrelevant critics about this game in 'professional' context!

Stay deer!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 10:38 by AntlermanXXL »

Spoiler for Hiden:
10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

40:14 don_Kondo [Allies] olen olen
40:15 don_Kondo [Allies] olenishka
40:18 Hiatus [Allies] AHAH
40:21 don_Kondo [Allies] ya net olen
40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
40:23 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAH
40:25 don_Kondo [Allies] ya mala myshka
40:28 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAHAH

Offline AntlermanXXL

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Most goddamn active game of last century
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 06:26 »
Did not have any cool game for a while, my deers!
But this one went awesome!

The most active game of last century on lagabuse
Not mentioning how gentle those enemies were

Freaking example of what dota should be

This game was played at latenight, we all had fails and sleepy clicks, but, please, do not pay attention on this, pay attention to the game itself, feel its heartbeat!
From my camera, start of the game looks lazy and slow, just because i was not joining fights, but then lots of fights happened, believe me!

We will gather again and again, hopefully, so we will share more quality games with you!

Stay tuned !
Stay deer !

Spoiler for Hiden:
10, 3rd places are mine, wew!

40:14 don_Kondo [Allies] olen olen
40:15 don_Kondo [Allies] olenishka
40:18 Hiatus [Allies] AHAH
40:21 don_Kondo [Allies] ya net olen
40:22 Hiatus [Allies] OLENISHKA
40:23 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAH
40:25 don_Kondo [Allies] ya mala myshka
40:28 Hiatus [Allies] AHAHAHAH