Author Topic: Unofficial Posting in the Official Sections is Forbidden  (Read 4074 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Due to recent Spam in the Ban & Unban Section , Administration is issuing official Warning to all members Regarding this matter.

Posting is allowed only for the member who is Opening a Ban/Unban Request.
If moderator require additional informations to solve the Request, he will ask for them.
Reported player is not allowed to post in the Request, Unless Moderator asks him directly to do so.

LA Staff

Note : Posts that go against above provided rules, will be deleted without explanation , and Forum Moderators will apply sanctions if needed.

In case you want to Complain against the Decision of a Staff member in a Ban Request, use this board :
Posting in the Request itself will result in punishments listed above.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 01:38 by Jimmy »