Author Topic: Discussion about what Flash and Arrow are becoming  (Read 628 times)

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About Flash, I've seen the finale recently and I have to say, oh my god, especially the Black Flash - Zoom Part. care for spoilers plox

So I've noticed 3 things in Flash Season 2 Finale
The First
Spoiler for Hiden:
was where Barry's Time remnant dies running loop around the thing to counteract the pulse from exploding to save the multiverse, the same thing happened with Anti-Monitor, Barry sacrifices himself running around the antimatter cannon to distrupt the explosion from happening, which would destroy the whole multiverse. The death of Barry's Time Remnant and Barry sacrificing himself for the multiverse in the comics is same, like litterally same, Time Remnant runs around it, counteracts the pulse and turns to ashes, Barry runs the antimatter cannon to stop it, stops it and turns into ashes. When I saw this I was like oh my fucking god, is that easter egg about Anti-Monitor :D

The second thing
Spoiler for Hiden:
I saw was after Barry's fight with Zoom, when he got defeated Barry didn't actually kill him, he handed him to the Time Wraiths which Barry pulled after him when he jumped back in time to get the Time Remnant, they went after Zoom and when they got handle of him he actually turned like The Black Flash from the comics, he's like the grim reaper for speedsters, when their time is up he takes them to the speed force, the death of Zoom really resmembles the black flash, like litterally really so much alike, the black lightning turning into red lightning on his ear, the red flashiness around him when he got taken by the time wraiths, litterally like black flash. This maybe a hint for the future seasons, we might see Black Flash and these stuff :D but it's late I think, cause he appears after barry's death

The third thing
Spoiler for Hiden:
and the most obvious one is the Flashpoint, where barry goes back in time to save his mother from Eobard Thawne - Reverse Flash, which screws up the whole timeline, everyone who was good becomes evil and stuff like these, Justice League is no more, Superman doesn't exist, Aquaman and Wonder Woman hate eachother, Batman isn't Bruce Wayne and his parents are alive, instead his father is Batman, Thomas Wayne, so Barry has to teamup with batman and cyborg to return to his timeline to make everything in tact. This will be half season 3 most likely, barry trying to fix the timeline and it will be mega awesome :D - also Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash will be again antoganist in season 3 for half season probably if this happens

Arrow Season 4 Finale

I'll sum it up in a nutshell
Spoiler for Hiden:
Arrow - Oliver Queen tries to overpower Damien Darkh with the power of the light, cause Damien Darkh is powered by the darkness, this is so much like fucking DBZ, goku beats frieza, frieza beats goku, goku beats frieza, frieza beats goku, goku beats frieza and frieza goes into Final form beats up Goku and then Goku goes SSJ and beats the living crap out of him, on top of that it was a street fight. It had no plots, it had no cliffhangers unlike Flash which had fucking tons of cliffhangers, so if season 5 arrow is similar to this then I'll have to say I'm done with this shit show