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« Reply #90 on: January 19, 2016, 19:23 »
I was talking more about mid/offlaner, since I mostly play those roles. Hard carry's life is way more precious than some lil support, so risking is not needed. But midder/offlaner should make chaos in opponent lines somehow, not by throwing himself with cm obviously :D


Make some more fun challenges, like:

Obliterate challenge: Kill mid opponent 5 times in first 8minutes of game

Allah ekber challenge: Suicide with techies while taking 3 noobs to the otherside with you

Mega carry challenge: Win a game with techies without mines (you can use stun mine), by playing it as carry with mjolnir, while reaching beyond godlike at some point ingame

Anti-Turk challenge: Make a turk kill himself with dagon or lina/lion ulti with blademail

Rage kid challenge: Make a guy leave in first 10min, after raping him hard (1600+ only)

Farmer challenge: Kill 110+cs in 15minutes while having 30+ denies

Fat shit challenge: Finish game with pudge while having 100+str bonus with your passive (-st)

IQ challenge: Finish game with silencer while having 60+int bonus with your passive (-st)

IGiveAFuck challenge: AFK first ~5min of game, and still finish with beyond godlike.

Mega KSer challenge: Win a game with 20+ kills without SINGLE assist.

One-hit-to-rule-em-all challenge: Kill atleast 3 opponents with single hit.

and so on....

More fun, right? And many of them you can check only via stats, or just make some similar which can be checked via stats...
what do   you talking about moron ?
terorist not muslim what does it himself ?
so lexy
it is good idea ?

u wut?

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« Reply #91 on: March 20, 2016, 22:44 »
Smart talkign stalker, finally somethign usefull here.
Well maybe than its jsut me i jump with every hero first. Well what would dota be if earth aint jumping very often first with his echo. I find it very usefull playign cm, getting dagger first item (after whole the chicks and wards) and jsut making my carry way to kill, I mean, ice cub isnt jsut stun, it has great dmg, especially with early game plus low CD, this low cd is such amazing thing, why? I jump with stun, get little back but still beein near for another stun, glimmersa cape 2nd item and as for me my support lfie is done.

Takign the conversation from the other point of view, I jump first with my stun or even ulti making enemies lose BKBs or theyr ulties wich happens alot caus cms ulti is really big, literally.
Tbh I rather die trying than be passive whole game.

Commy, this game is about acttion, ns pointed really important thing, taking a risc for gamebreaking or somethign unusuall. Comebacks are made by riscy playing, last chance to stand up, and guess what? combacks are real.
Dude you have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. XDDDDDDDDD
Yeah, I'm sure you're not even 4k right now.

You think ppl will use their bkbs cuz they see a braindead cm jumping in with dagger and 1k hp "stunning" someone and ulting ? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
If you do that at my rating, even once, you'd make ppl laugh all game (not in allchat necessarily, but for sure in reality, cuz that is one of the most braindead fucking things you can do in the entire game, randomly throwing urselef at ur enemies praying they waste something LMFAO)
If you do that vs me I'll just "waste" my manta to get out of ur lil cube and hit u twice mby "waste" a raze too and u die in less than a second L:MFAO.

Again, just cuz somethin wroks vs shiot players doesnt mean it will work vs ppl that have a brain.
Well, these challenges are doable, but mostly differ from my style of gameplay and can often be, well, just boring. But I'll do em prolly, just can't these days since I have many exams n stuff at college so I don't play a lot.

I'll just comment the 'not dying' thing.

Me for example, I always die ingame. 95% of time. I can win a game with 0 deaths, sure, as I've proven in the challenges, it's not that hard. Why do I die in 95% of games then? Cause I push myself over the limits. For instance, I go in fight, rape someone, stay 200hp, and I don't go back to save myself, I try to pull out more kills and more useful stuff, which sometimes results in me dying. Not pushing yourself over limits means you play safe, and by playing safe, you'll never do something stunning. There are moments in which I know I have like 80% of chance to die, and 20% chance to do something gamebreaking. I'll do it. That doesn't make me a player who can't play smart, it just makes me a player who is willing to take certain risks.

About support not dying, well, that's one more example of risky gameplay. If you wanna play safe, you can stay 0 deaths, and by doing so you won't let enemies feed on you, which is good. But also, you can take certain risks instead of your carry, therefore making game better for him, and sometimes it costs you your life. C'est la vie.

About CM initiating, I have to agree with commy on that one, CM isn't an initiator, specially not with her ice cube.  :D

So, my point is following  -  dying is bad, but it is worth to sacrifice yourself sometimes for greater good.
Damn, I sound like suicidal bomber  ;D Allah ekbar!
My point is there is no real reason to risk or "do something gamebreaking" if you are constantly in a lead which you created by dying far less and playing better all game.
You kill 3 people you have 5% hp and there are 2 others left ? So what if they are 2 others left ? Back off heal get next item then end the game lmao, if they are paying attention and they kill you then you give them a chance to come back or for the very least you prolong the game for sure (if they're not ridiculously behind at which point it doesn't matter anyway and you can do almost whatever the fuck you want).

Pushing yourself to try and do more when you know it wouldn't be possible if the enemies weren't terrible players doesn't help you at all, you might even develop bad habits of doing that vs players that are constantly looking to take advantage of that sort of stuff with gud hg defense lineups and better lategame, then u give away ur lead cuz of ur greed and game is even or ur at a disadvantage just from 1 big misplay. Ofc you can easily adjust these habbits and just stop doing them when you're vs better players, but clearly playing vs these noobs is influencing you in a bad way :P
Pushing yourself to the edge of a cliff is better than pushing yourself over the edge of a cliff, there is no reason to go further cuz u'll fall. :D

Don't worry, skill improves even more if you manage to stay alive while also accomplishing a lot instead of maybe accomplishing a lil more but then dying, try it and you'll see (but my guess is you saw it already when you finished those challenges, if the enemies weren't terrible at least).
It may be a bit more boring, less fun, sure, there's no denying that I agree with you, but it is the correct thing to do, pretty much always if you are playing mid or carry.

If the game is very hard then ofc, feel free to save for buyback, wait for enemies to push, go in and do the most you can do
Spoiler for Hiden:
(not like this invermore guy :D don't throw yourself at them, smartly stay just a lil bit in front of ur team so they will focus u but so it will be difficult to bring you down fast and u can get more shit done instead of throwing your life away in inevrmore style :D)
, let them waste spells and time on you, die, buyback and fight again, but my point was you shouldn't reach this stage, you should just develop a solid lead for urself by playing good and not dying so that won't be necessary, and I get the feeling I said this like 3 times in this post before writing this part now but I can't be bothered to check. :D

By the way, the new DOTA 2 update, CM will now apply Frostbite to all enemies caught in her ultimate, have fun running away from that :).
More easy it would be to understand the Morse code than this guys English !
i see commy's mom in the voting options, i vote.

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« Reply #92 on: March 21, 2016, 16:24 »
Spoiler for Hiden:
Smart talkign stalker, finally somethign usefull here.
Well maybe than its jsut me i jump with every hero first. Well what would dota be if earth aint jumping very often first with his echo. I find it very usefull playign cm, getting dagger first item (after whole the chicks and wards) and jsut making my carry way to kill, I mean, ice cub isnt jsut stun, it has great dmg, especially with early game plus low CD, this low cd is such amazing thing, why? I jump with stun, get little back but still beein near for another stun, glimmersa cape 2nd item and as for me my support lfie is done.

Takign the conversation from the other point of view, I jump first with my stun or even ulti making enemies lose BKBs or theyr ulties wich happens alot caus cms ulti is really big, literally.
Tbh I rather die trying than be passive whole game.

Commy, this game is about acttion, ns pointed really important thing, taking a risc for gamebreaking or somethign unusuall. Comebacks are made by riscy playing, last chance to stand up, and guess what? combacks are real.
Dude you have no idea how hard I'm laughing right now. XDDDDDDDDD
Yeah, I'm sure you're not even 4k right now.

You think ppl will use their bkbs cuz they see a braindead cm jumping in with dagger and 1k hp "stunning" someone and ulting ? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
If you do that at my rating, even once, you'd make ppl laugh all game (not in allchat necessarily, but for sure in reality, cuz that is one of the most braindead fucking things you can do in the entire game, randomly throwing urselef at ur enemies praying they waste something LMFAO)
If you do that vs me I'll just "waste" my manta to get out of ur lil cube and hit u twice mby "waste" a raze too and u die in less than a second L:MFAO.

Again, just cuz somethin wroks vs shiot players doesnt mean it will work vs ppl that have a brain.
Well, these challenges are doable, but mostly differ from my style of gameplay and can often be, well, just boring. But I'll do em prolly, just can't these days since I have many exams n stuff at college so I don't play a lot.

I'll just comment the 'not dying' thing.

Me for example, I always die ingame. 95% of time. I can win a game with 0 deaths, sure, as I've proven in the challenges, it's not that hard. Why do I die in 95% of games then? Cause I push myself over the limits. For instance, I go in fight, rape someone, stay 200hp, and I don't go back to save myself, I try to pull out more kills and more useful stuff, which sometimes results in me dying. Not pushing yourself over limits means you play safe, and by playing safe, you'll never do something stunning. There are moments in which I know I have like 80% of chance to die, and 20% chance to do something gamebreaking. I'll do it. That doesn't make me a player who can't play smart, it just makes me a player who is willing to take certain risks.

About support not dying, well, that's one more example of risky gameplay. If you wanna play safe, you can stay 0 deaths, and by doing so you won't let enemies feed on you, which is good. But also, you can take certain risks instead of your carry, therefore making game better for him, and sometimes it costs you your life. C'est la vie.

About CM initiating, I have to agree with commy on that one, CM isn't an initiator, specially not with her ice cube.  :D

So, my point is following  -  dying is bad, but it is worth to sacrifice yourself sometimes for greater good.
Damn, I sound like suicidal bomber  ;D Allah ekbar!
My point is there is no real reason to risk or "do something gamebreaking" if you are constantly in a lead which you created by dying far less and playing better all game.
You kill 3 people you have 5% hp and there are 2 others left ? So what if they are 2 others left ? Back off heal get next item then end the game lmao, if they are paying attention and they kill you then you give them a chance to come back or for the very least you prolong the game for sure (if they're not ridiculously behind at which point it doesn't matter anyway and you can do almost whatever the fuck you want).

Pushing yourself to try and do more when you know it wouldn't be possible if the enemies weren't terrible players doesn't help you at all, you might even develop bad habits of doing that vs players that are constantly looking to take advantage of that sort of stuff with gud hg defense lineups and better lategame, then u give away ur lead cuz of ur greed and game is even or ur at a disadvantage just from 1 big misplay. Ofc you can easily adjust these habbits and just stop doing them when you're vs better players, but clearly playing vs these noobs is influencing you in a bad way :P
Pushing yourself to the edge of a cliff is better than pushing yourself over the edge of a cliff, there is no reason to go further cuz u'll fall. :D

Don't worry, skill improves even more if you manage to stay alive while also accomplishing a lot instead of maybe accomplishing a lil more but then dying, try it and you'll see (but my guess is you saw it already when you finished those challenges, if the enemies weren't terrible at least).
It may be a bit more boring, less fun, sure, there's no denying that I agree with you, but it is the correct thing to do, pretty much always if you are playing mid or carry.

If the game is very hard then ofc, feel free to save for buyback, wait for enemies to push, go in and do the most you can do
Spoiler for Hiden:
(not like this invermore guy :D don't throw yourself at them, smartly stay just a lil bit in front of ur team so they will focus u but so it will be difficult to bring you down fast and u can get more shit done instead of throwing your life away in inevrmore style :D)
, let them waste spells and time on you, die, buyback and fight again, but my point was you shouldn't reach this stage, you should just develop a solid lead for urself by playing good and not dying so that won't be necessary, and I get the feeling I said this like 3 times in this post before writing this part now but I can't be bothered to check. :D

By the way, the new DOTA 2 update, CM will now apply Frostbite to all enemies caught in her ultimate, have fun running away from that :).
I know what I stand for;

Þetta er það lengsta sem ég fer.
Aldrei aftur samur maður er.
Ljóta leiðin heillar nú á ný,
daginn sem ég lífið aftur flý.


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« Reply #93 on: February 10, 2017, 03:06 »
new challenge pls, for a deer
was in army


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« Reply #94 on: October 20, 2017, 10:48 »
Challenge 100: Win 10 games alone (no locks, using !balance) in a row, while playing Chen (Holy Knight)!
Challenge 100 start time: October 20, 2017, 10:48 am

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« Reply #95 on: October 20, 2017, 13:30 »
Challenge 100: Win 10 games alone (no locks, using !balance) in a row, while playing Chen (Holy Knight)!
Challenge 100 start time: October 20, 2017, 10:48 am

Mission impossiiibruu


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« Reply #96 on: October 20, 2017, 13:33 »
Mission is challenging.
I`ll take part in it (these games on DropInTheOcean aren`t counted, it was before challenge. Plus there is not any winstreak atm :-D)

I am having 3 chen winstreak on Hiatus currently. But only 2 games counted,because last one chen was played with friends. So my score is 2 now.

By the way, between chen games you are able to play any hero. By 'in a row' i mean this: I will get list only of chen games, ignoring any else heroes. Then this list will be divided into winstreak parts. If this one of these parts will contain 10 games with fair balance  usage - i consider it as done challenge.. So only chen won`t annoy you, because you are free to play any hero between challenge games. For example, you can win Chen game, then lose SF game, then win Chen game -> i count it as 2 Chen games winstreak.

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« Reply #97 on: October 20, 2017, 16:01 »
Mission is challenging.
I`ll take part in it (these games on DropInTheOcean aren`t counted, it was before challenge. Plus there is not any winstreak atm :-D)

I am having 3 chen winstreak on Hiatus currently. But only 2 games counted,because last one chen was played with friends. So my score is 2 now.

By the way, between chen games you are able to play any hero. By 'in a row' i mean this: I will get list only of chen games, ignoring any else heroes. Then this list will be divided into winstreak parts. If this one of these parts will contain 10 games with fair balance  usage - i consider it as done challenge.. So only chen won`t annoy you, because you are free to play any hero between challenge games. For example, you can win Chen game, then lose SF game, then win Chen game -> i count it as 2 Chen games winstreak.
Good luck to all who will participate


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« Reply #98 on: October 21, 2017, 23:52 »
Update: you can play with any friends you want.

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« Reply #99 on: October 22, 2017, 07:39 »
Update: you can play with any friends you want.
Time is mana

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« Reply #100 on: February 19, 2018, 00:56 »
After 10 years...

Still nothing?


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« Reply #101 on: February 19, 2018, 08:35 »
After 10 years...

Still nothing?
idk i completed, it is possible

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« Reply #102 on: December 22, 2018, 13:39 »
bring this back  :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y: :y:
cen update the map please

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« Reply #103 on: January 09, 2019, 12:24 »
okay new challenge, try to lose mid against god, if you get killed by god on mid in first 10 min (while you're having 20+ cs) you get 1 points, if he has 10- cs in 5 min you get 2 points, if he gets 3 or less denied in 5 min 3 points..
this challenge is easy but its entertaining  :boy:

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« Reply #104 on: January 09, 2019, 13:51 »
what a noobs.
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