Author Topic: jeandarc pls put me in your signature  (Read 2251 times)

Offline VindeX

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jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« on: September 21, 2013, 19:41 »
Hey, Mr. Jeandarc

It will be an honor if you put me in your signature, it's like a dream coming true.

I respect everything you've done here till now, you are the best player ever existed in dota world.

I have known about this site for a long time now, but I have never visited it until today. I have just spent some time reading through a few of the posts and it looks like a really great forum with a great bunch of people. A big thanks to Jeandarc for providing this awesome resource for us all.

Ok Who am I?

I started to play Dota since I was 10 =/

I am just your typical Kiwi Bloke that started off like everyone else. I began my working life as an apprentice mechanic. Then ventured into sales as a Rep for an automotive parts company. I always knew that I wanted something more out of life than a weekly wage could offer, but didn’t really know what.

It wasn’t until my partner got a job promotion to another City, and we decided to rent our house out rather than sell, that I actually started to really think about Property Investment - So you could say that I got into Property Investment by accident

We got some good advice early on about restructuring the ownership of the property and the mortgage etc. From there I started to take a real interest in Property Investment, and I read every book I could find and attended a few courses etc.

(It’s now late 2002) I then did what a lot of people at this stage DON'T do.  I took some action! And actually started buying some investment properties!

I had heard another investor (It may have been Brad Sugars) say that if you wanted strong positive cashflow, multi unit properties were the go. So my first investment purchase was a block of 4 x 2 bedroom units in Rotorua (Central North Island) I was actually living in Christchurch (South Island) at the time, so I ended up purchasing my first ever investment property 'sight unseen'!

This turned out to be a great investment, both from a Cashflow and Capital growth point of view. And I still own this property today.

I actually found and bought these units via a NZ Property Investment company that offered a property finding service.

By this stage with all that I had started to learn, and my recent purchase of the 4 flat property, I had caught the property bug and was well and truly hooked - This was my 'something else' that I had always been looking for.

So I decided to quit my sales rep job, and immerse myself in property 40 hours a week by working for the Property Investment Company that I bought my flats through. Not for ‘what I could earn’ - but far more importantly ‘what I could Learn’

(March 2003) My first day on the new job. My boss (who had just purchased the local Franchise of the Property Investment Company) was only 2-3 years older than me, but he had started investing in property when he was only 20 and had amassed a ‘very large’ property portfolio in approx 13 years.

He was completely financially free at 33 and bought the Property Investment company franchise because he had never had his own business before, and this was a great opportunity to build a property related business with his vast PI knowledge.

Working with this man was a totally amazing experience for me, being around this guy all week every week was just awesome! I couldn’t help but learn heaps!

Ok, to cut a very long story short. My main role within the company was of a property finder, sourcing and putting deals together and passing them on to our investor clients both within and outside of NZ. 

I was able to learn a lot about PI very quickly, by actually doing, and being involved in many hundreds of transactions over the 4+ year period that I was working with them.  During this time I came across heaps of fantastic deals, many of them I was able to purchase myself.

So as well as helping many many other people build their portfolios, I was also able to build my own ;-)

By mid 2007 my own portfolio had reached a size that enabled me to be financially free, and no longer ‘have to work’ for someone else. Also I wanted to free up more of my time to focus on my own investing, so I decided to step away from my role with the Property Investment Company.

I owe a great thanks to my ex boss, for first of all seeing my potential and actually hiring me. Then 2nd for all of the great knowledge, experience and guidance you imparted on me over those years, and for being a good mate. Thanks Campbell. I am forever grateful! 

Property Investment is very addictive and can be extremely rewarding. In the current environment there are some awesome opportunities coming up here in NZ and likewise in Aussie, and for that matter many parts of the world.

Property prices have come back, and with the collapse of world stockmarkets and many businesses struggling in the current economic environment, some vendors are becoming extremely motivated to get their property sold.

Couple this with what are historically very low interest rates, and WOW what a fantastic time to buy property for the longer term investor.

I look forward to partaking further in the discussions here. 

Happy Investing!!

Offline maciekg9-slaveofBart

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2013, 20:00 »
u rly think that someone will read that? lol

Offline VindeX

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2013, 20:09 »
jeandarc will read it <333333333

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2013, 20:12 »
Jeandarc trying to advertise himself ...

Offline VindeX

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2013, 20:16 »
its better than keeping your lil neobux link on your signature to earn lil cents

Offline jeandarc2

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2013, 20:24 »
here i am, mighty jeandarc, and as your dota god i tell you, fuck off! you will NEVER be in my signature cause you suck. i am the god so fuck off and go learn dota. lil insect

Offline Natura Sonoris

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Re: jeandarc pls put me in your signature
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2013, 20:25 »
its better than keeping your lil neobux link on your signature to earn lil cents

Where you see it ? :)

And how is better having spare cash (200 bux) for the time i spend anyway on internet than you making yourself ''popular'' by posting topics with your fake account telling people JEAN IS AWESOME.And like Night said , none will read it + you spend 10 mins doing it and all i have to do is lock it :)