Author Topic: complain  (Read 1261 times)

Offline hsakuragi

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« on: January 17, 2023, 10:36 »
kyoo and marked as a best answer by ksv,202644.0.html
Now I'm asking you, are you sure you understand this game?
because there is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between the votekicks of the two sides
let see why im votekick him

++min 8 farming he can join fight he has duel afk farming
++min 9 enemy team dive under tower he has duel he has tp can help teammates AFK farming
++min 10-12 hes not moving hes not reacting any fight
he can tp  at 11.40 not reacting farming etc
after that
12:57   hsakuragi   [Allies]   !votekick cog
this vk is a warning hes not reacting game afk farming its not abuse
13 th min can tp again missed fight
14:01   hsakuragi   [Allies]   !votekick cog
now i provoke him for doing nothing can rights after that he can abuse vk he can afk bla bla
15:03   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   !Votekick hsa ////1////
16:08   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   !Votekick hsa///2/////
vk me while afk farm and haven't participated in any fights yet
16:55      [All]   [EphesManiA]PaokGate4 killed 1NCOGNIT0
didnt react fight again died solo
17:11   hsakuragi   [Allies]   last time
17:12   hsakuragi   [Allies]   im gonna
17:13   hsakuragi   [Allies]   vk
17:28   hsakuragi   [Allies]   !votekick cog
I'm asking you, if you watched the replay, what did he do for the team until that minute other than playing alone?
his stats 0/0/0
If it's unfair for me to votekick this guy, you can punish me for the votekick. But that doesn't justify the player breaking the rules.
let's continue now
look at min 17.30 no more words just look  :( :( :( :(
after that died solo 0/2/0 and of course
18:32   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   !Votekick hsa ///3///
21:37      [All]   [EphesManiA]gugelano123 killed 1NCOGNIT0
gived pudge free duel damage
22:02   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   T U R K I S H A S H O L E !!!!!!
22:09   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   ALLLL !!!
22:21   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   TR IDIOT'S !!!!
25:11      [All]   [EphesManiA]^Teddy^ killed 1NCOGNIT0
he saw enemy died for no reason  after that  :( :( :(
25:22   1NCOGNIT0   [Allies]   !vOTEKICK HSA ///4///
at 28th min he joins first battle and getting first assist
Now I'm asking you please tell me this is a joke
right  :/: ???

@hsakuragi Try to understand the votekick rule, becouse you are doing it frequently !;sa=game;gid=6497988
you can check this game same kind of player spec here first votekick
I can suggest you, you can watch the replay before speaking
14:31   hsakuragi   [Allies]   !votekick pis
14:58   ksv   [Allies]   !votecancel
14:58      [All]   A votekick against player [Pistruiatu28] has been cancelled.
15:04   ksv   [All]   Stop Votekick abusing !!!
first time abuse ok ok ok  :agreed:
Now I'm asking you please tell me this is a joke
right  :/: ???

« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 10:45 by hsakuragi »

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Re: complain
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2023, 12:48 »
There is hardly a game when you are losing, that you do not !votekick someone. (someone that you blame for losing)

Lvl of players are different, and esp. at the begining of the season, when PSR system doesn`t make a massive differentiation between player lvl. If someone can`t play at your lvl that is NOT a reason for votekick. You are expecting that players do what you would do in that situation whitch is inpossible and not a reason for a votekick. Try to calm down a bit. Cheers.

Hint! If you want a competitive game host it yourself, and make it a challange, or you can also stack and win over lower lvl opponents, but do not expect that all players should play your game. 
« Last Edit: January 17, 2023, 12:51 by ksv »
Lag Abuse

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Re: complain
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2023, 12:22 »
@TheJOkerBoy May we solve this 1.  :peace:
Lag Abuse

Offline TheJOkerBoy

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Re: complain
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2023, 19:08 »,202644.0.html
minute 28:15
(sentinel team had a ward there.)
Skywrath mage, furion and legion commander were farming at jungle which is located left hand side of ancient protector level-2. they saw scourge team was coming. Furion and skywrath mage fall back. but legion commander stayed in front of the tower for farming. He died there on purpose. This was the first reason. Second reason is; This player picked legion commander and he didnt use his ulti even once in the game. (he used it on pudge in the last moment of the game.I dont count this.) Legion must win duels. this is the meaning of this hero but he didnt make items for him. he have to have dagger or lothar edge. I was curious and I check that players previous games. Did he made lothar or dagger ? the answer is  Yes he made it . it means that he didnt play in this game. This is refused to play.

(you may check the games he played legion commander. He made lothar or dagger.);sa=game;gid=6488450;sa=game;gid=6479693;sa=game;gid=6473515

On the other hand This player had very low psr before reset.(he is 1300 psr) thats why we can forgive him too. I mean , if this player had 1600 and over psr before reset it must be ban %100. but now we may deny the request. because he is a noob.
