Author Topic: Complaint about ksv  (Read 576 times)

Offline lor360

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Complaint about ksv
« on: February 21, 2022, 00:37 »
1: Your ingame nickname? st360

2) Moderator's nickname ksv

3) Why you are not happy with Moderator's decision / behavior. Abuse of the ban system.

4) Forum link / Game link.;sa=game;gid=6448122

Ksv keeps banning players on this server for not playing exactly how he wants and for not revolving the game around him. I waited 90 seconds for people to pick heroes. He didnt. After I started loosing gold I picked lion and went mid. 20 seconds later, he took sniper and proclaimed "Im mid". I bought 15+ wards that game, intentionaly left killing blows for carries and managed to keep a pretty good score versus a better team, and got banned by ksv out of spite.

Im requesting a ban for ksv for abusing ban privileges.

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Re: Complaint about ksv
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2022, 09:26 »
@lor360 Hello.

How do you know who I ban ? As administrator of this comunity I know as a fact that you do not have access to mod center, in whitch you can see exyactly who is banned and by whom. Also I really don`t resolve Ban requests so, the question stands. Or maby you just want to be more pompous and go hello, this is not just my problem this is the problem for all of us this guy is out of hes mind and he is banning all innocent players becouse hes mad ^^ Ok like I said before I`m not a psychiatrist and wont comment on players behaviour.

As for the reason you are banned. You intentionaly ruined the game by buying and not placing wards, after checking your warns I realised that this is not  a first time you do that, whitch is the reason that I banned you. Your ban should be a lot longer, becouse after 8 warns by different mods for the same thing, you still do it. The point of it is that you realize that you are wrong, and that you being banned is not some mods revange or vendeta vs you in fact it is becouse you sabotage intentionaly your teammates, also if you want to continue playing here modify your behaviour. I won`t increce your ban, but next time be aware that a permanent lock (that means that you won‚t be able to connect on any account) is probable.


Player was warned by [-Aleksandar-] on [23-09-2019 19:24:09] with reason [Anti team play/sabotaging teammates 2nd time] in game [AP LAST SLOT].
Player was warned by [-Aleksandar-] on [03-07-2019 10:59:53] with reason [Refusing to play with team 2nd time] in game [SD #4].
Player was warned by [Jimmy] on [25-02-2019 22:55:44] with reason [Sabotage 3x] in game [SD +1].
Player was warned by [[GER]S.T.A.R] on [16-07-2018 23:00:40] with reason [afk refuse to play] in game [SD #3].
Player was warned by [-Aleksandar-] on [12-07-2018 16:51:14] with reason [Team sabotage 2nd time] in game [AP +1 #2].
Player was warned by [NatsuDragneeL123] on [22-05-2018 18:39:13] with reason [Refusing To Play] in game [SD +1 REALLY #1].
Player was warned by [[GER]S.T.A.R] on [12-02-2018 22:00:44] with reason [stealing items] in game [AR +1].
Player was warned by [VanGogh] on [03-02-2018 02:02:27] with reason [team sabotage] in game [SD +1 RLY #10].
« Last Edit: February 21, 2022, 09:35 by ksv »
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