Author Topic: Ingame Rules [Read Before Posting]  (Read 3735 times)

Offline Jimmy

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Ingame Rules [Read Before Posting]
« on: April 08, 2018, 19:31 »
~Before posting a Unban Request , please spare a few moments and get fully introduced with the Lagabuse Ingame Rules..

Ingame Rules

0. General codex:

      a) The following rules apply on "", "la tour" channels and in any lobby or game hosted by la-dota bots
      b) Spamming, flamming, national intolerance and similar on our channels will be punished with a channel kick (1st time) or a temporal channel ban (2nd+ time)
      c) Evading ban is forbidden and may lead to a lock on server, as well as permaban on all newly created accounts.
      d) Sharing account is forbidden and may have consequences for both, account owner and other person who is using shared account.
      e) Using more than 1 account is allowed unless the rule 0a is broken.
      f) Backdoor is allowed.
      g) Player cannot be forced to use !ff, !rmk, !votekick or !yes commands even if the majority of players wants it unless the rules oblige him to do so.
      h) Saving the game is forbidden.

1. Player must not spam:

      a) Flooding (writing the same text repeatedly in a short duration) is not allowed.
      b) Excessive usage of "minimap signals" may be considered as spamming.
      Note: You are advised to use the !ignore command against spammer whenever possible.
      Note: You can turn on/off minimap signals using the following ingame commands: /showminimapsignals and /hideminimapsignals.

2. Player must not insult:

      a) Common flames
          - Retard, idiot, b*tch, motherf*cker and similar expressions are considered as common flames.
          - Excessive usage of common flames in one game may lead to a ban.
      b) Cursing
      c) Family related flame
          - Any insults or curses directed towards family members of a player are considered as family related flame.
      d) Provoking (only in extreme cases)
      e) National Intolerance/Racism
          - Insulting or cursing a nation as a whole is considered as national intolerance/racism.
          - However, referring to a person by its nationality, e.g. "f*cking serbian/turk/etc" still counts as Common Flame.
      f) Religious Intolerance/Extremism
         - Insulting a person's religion is considered as religious intolerance.
         - Trying to propagandize one's religion in a radical way may be considered as extremism.
      Note: This also applies to insults via whisper (Click here for details).
      Note: Insulting a staff member (check with !info) in any way may lead to a ban.
      Note: You are advised to use the !ignore command against flamer whenever possible.

3. Player must not leave the game:

      a) uses an autoban system. You will be autobanned in the following situations:
          - Leaving the game
          - Unplugging or Disconnecting (it may increase autoban duration)
      b) Game is considered a draw and autoban is switched off  in the following situations:
  • 4vs5 in the first 5 minutes
  • 3vs5 in the first 15 minutes
      Note: In the 3vs5 after 15 minutes situation autoban will be switched off but the stats will be recorded!
      Note: You are strongly advised to use the !autoban command in order to check whether you can safely leave.
      Note: Every time a player leaves the game before end, he may lose PSR points even when autoban is off.

4. Player must not be Away From Keyboard during the game:

      a) Player shall join lobby with at least 1 hour of free time.
      Note: Duration of AFK is not obligatory and may vary depending on the situation.

5. Player must not use any kind of cheats/bugs:

      a) Abusing inner DotA bugs will be considered as cheating.
      b) Abusing gproxy's ability to reconnect (by unplugging) will be considered as cheating.
      c) Pretending to be a Moderator/Admin and faking official bot announcements is not allowed.
      d) Using hacks of any kind is forbidden.

6. Player must not abuse Share Control given to him:

      a) Player is allowed to use leaver (his hero, courier, items etc) in the game, but it is forbidden to feed an opponent with him on purpose.
      b) Selling (hero-sell instead of team-sell) or taking leaver's items for yourself is only allowed if the majority of the team agrees to (or doesn't object against) it.
      c) Destroying , hiding, stealing items, that belong to an ally is not allowed.
      d) Controlling (using skills, moving etc) a shared allied hero without clear permission is not allowed.
      e) Unsharing the courier after it was upgraded by another player is not bannable.
      Note: Own profit selling sanctions are applied only when reported by own teammates.
      Note: You can retrieve your items from courier after getting unshared by using the "Pickup all items" spell in your circle.

7. Player must not ruin the game by:

      a) Intentional Feeding
      b) Sabotaging Teammates
          - Exposing positions of allied heroes, wards etc to the opponents.
          - Using skills like "Toss", "Fissure", "Sprout", "Decrepify", "Astral Imprisonment", "Recall", "Nether Swap", "Cold Embrace" etc to kill, obstruct or hurt your allies in any other way on purpose.
      c) Mass-selling, hiding, destroying own items.
      d) Exposing own or ally's items (couriers, wards, gems etc) to the enemy on purpose.
      e) Refusing to play
          - Avoiding team fights, pushes, defending and similar in order to make own team lose on purpose will be considered as Anti-Teamplay.
      f) Refusing to Votekick a player who is ruining the game (mass feeding/sabotaging team mates or the game etc) may lead to a ban.

8. Player must not abuse bot commands:

      a) Votekick Abuse
          - The !votekick command should only be used against players who are ruining the game intentionally by feeding on purpose, exposing or destroying items, abusing bugs/cheating, obstructing allies etc.
          - Starting a votekick and voting !yes against an innocent player may lead to a ban.
          - Starting a votekick against yourself is allowed.
      Note: Sanctions only apply if the innocent player was votekicked.
      b) Spamming !votekicks
          - Spamming the !votekick command against innocent players may lead to a ban.
      c) Votecancel Abuse
          - Abusing the !votecancel command to stop a justified votekick may lead to a ban.

9. Player must not have inappropriate nickname:

      a) Nicknames containing insults are not allowed (also in other languages than English).
      b) Nicknames involving national- and religious intolerance, racism, extremism are not allowed.
      Note: Be aware that some nicknames may be considered as offensive, even if the user thinks otherwise.

Table of sanctions

1st time
2nd time
3rd time
4th time


2 days ban
1 warn

5 days ban
3 warns

7 days ban
5 warns


Saving game

1 day ban
1 warn

2 days ban
1 warns

3 days ban
2 warns

4 days ban
2 warns


1-2 days ban
1 warn

2-4 days ban
1-2 warns

3-5 days ban
2-3 warns

4-9 days ban
3-6 warns

Family related flame

1-2 days ban
1 warn

2-4 days ban
1-3 warns

3-6 days ban
2-4 warns

5-10 days ban
3-6 warns

National/Religion intolerance, Racism

1-2 days ban
1 warn

2-4 days ban
1-3 warns

3-6 days ban
2-4 warns

5-10 days ban
3-6 warns

Leaving (autoban)

1 day ban

2 days ban

3 days ban

4 days ban


5 days ban
3 warns

14 days ban
5 warns

30 days ban
10 warns



3 days ban
1 warn

5-7 days ban
3 warns

10-14 days ban
5 warns

14-30 days ban
10 warns


14 days ban - Permanently
5-10 warns




Inappropriate nickname





Shared control abuse

3-5 days ban
3 warns

10-14 days ban
3-7 warns



Game Ruining

2-7 days ban
1-3 warns

5-14 days ban
3-7 warns

10 days ban - Permanently
5-10 warns


Command abuse

2-3 days ban
1-3 warns

3-10 days ban
3-7 warns

10-30 days ban
5-10 warns


Evading ban

2-3 Days Lock

3-5 Days Lock

5-7 Days Lock

7+ Days Lock

   All decisions are mainly rendered by Moderators and can vary from those from 'Table of Sanctions'.
   Admin words are indisputable.
   Number of warns determines the volume of offense.
   Warns are visible for everyone on the stats page.
   Having warns leads to troubles with unban requests and may affect Moderators' decisions.
   Being provoked may reduce sanctions of Bans for Family Flame, National- and Religious Intolerance.
   Warns can be removed after a certain time or under certain conditions
(Click here for details)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 01:39 by Jimmy »