Author Topic: Synclimit And Latency Explanation  (Read 8787 times)

Offline dRagoLjuB

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Synclimit And Latency Explanation
« on: October 14, 2011, 23:03 »
Here I will try to explain what !latency and !synclimit commands are and why you should NOT touch them unless you know what you are doing.

You can find all of the bot commands here -> bot commands


!latency command sets the amount of packets being sent by the bot to users in a second. This means:
If you type "!latency 80", the bot will send action packets to the players every 80 miliseconds (12,5 packets per second, 1000/80).
If you type "!latency 100", the bot will send action packets to the players every 100 miliseconds (10 packets per second, 1000/100).
If you type "!latency 120", the bot will send action packets to the players every 120 miliseconds (~8,33 packets per second, 1000/120).

So basically:
Higher latency -> more delay but less lagspikes for high ping players.
Lower latency -> less delay but more lagspikes for high ping players.

On bots the latency defaults to 100ms and you can change the amount only between 80ms and 120ms.

!synclimit command sets the allowed amount of lost packages before a player triggers a lagscreen.

Observe a game with the default latency (100ms) in which 10 packets are sent per second (see the latency part above if you skipped it).
If you type "!synclimit 50" a lagging player will lose 5 seconds without having control on the game before the lagsceen pops up (50/10).
If you type "!synclimit 200" a lagging player will lose 20 seconds without having control on the game before the lagsceen pops up (200/10).
If you type "!synclimit 500" a lagging player will lose 50 seconds without having control on the game before the lagsceen pops up (500/10).

On bots the synclimit defaults to 50 packets and you can change the amount only between 50 and 500 packets.

So in a game where synclimit is set to 500 packets, if a lagging player catches up with the game or when he manages to reconnect with GProxy he will see 50 seconds of the game FAST FORWARDED without having any control over it... 50 seconds of missed last hits, experience, maybe free deaths, missed teamfights... This list goes on.

By changing synclimit you are most likely sabotaging the lagging player by abusing his situation.
So the conclusion is; DO NOT CHANGE SYNCLIMIT when the game is active and one player starts to lag out of nowhere. Changing synclimit inside an active game results in sabotaging the lagging player 70% of the time. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO CHANGE THE SYNCLIMIT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

Please keep in mind that
- The default settings for !latency and !synclimit are the best in the most situations.
- A player with an astronomic ping will most likely lag in game. No matter how much you change !latency, you can't help them, it is their connection.
- If a player complains about his/her OWN lag and asks you to change !synclimit, then they have no clue about the !synclimit command and it is recommended to ignore them or better tell them to read this post.
- You do not have to wait the full duration of the reconnection time allowed by GProxy to drop a lagging player, but this option will only be available after 45 seconds.
- If you !votekick a plugger, you save him from a ban that he/she deserves. When you are sure that a player plugged out, do not change !synclimit. Be patient and drop him by clicking the "drop players" button instead.

Special credits to sw33t_girl.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2017, 16:31 by kja12 »