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Ban Requests / ban request nogradewin
« Last post by krhlo on June 03, 2024, 18:21 »
nick nogradewin
reason : feeding on purpose/ game ruining
situation: he was level 6 in 30 min. and feedin on purpose 0:9
check screenshot

we assume its chzn under different nickname , because we kicking him from most of our games.

Ban Requests / bot abusing under different nicknames
« Last post by krhlo on June 03, 2024, 18:15 »
Reason : player host a game, then spam bot with multiple games with no owner

I reported this issue with owpox player once here :,203747.0.html

and my request was denied and today its happening again.

this bot abusing when he prevents other players to create a game start to be really annoying. he force to player go to his stacked games which were usually boring.

Nick: gold_hacker (same person as owpox9034)

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Daniel70
« Last post by TheJOkerBoy on May 30, 2024, 16:11 »
You should reach out to the owner of the bot.

Ban Requests / Ban request Daniel70
« Last post by WildHog on May 30, 2024, 15:36 »
Player Daniel70 just going game after game in Legion TD Mega x20 just to ruin it.
He build t1 units and use king taunt on other players so their units go to his line.
Than he takes king and avoids kiling any units.
This guy need to get banned immedeately.
Yesterday he ruined every game possible now again 3rd game its unplayable.
General Discussions / Re: Unlock all the goddamn 'old' threads
« Last post by AntlermanXXL on May 29, 2024, 11:46 »
This is for the next patch, don't rush
General Discussions / Re: Unlock all the goddamn 'old' threads
« Last post by nikolagay on May 28, 2024, 19:17 »
Can we just lock @AntlermanXXL 's account for no reason as well? kek
Ban Requests / Re: bot abusing under different nicknames
« Last post by TheJOkerBoy on May 28, 2024, 13:53 »
Only one game lobby can be owned by a player at a time. 'owpox9034' can't be responsible for your inability to create a game because the same person can't own abandoned lobbies.

MH Ban Requests / Re: MAPHACKER
« Last post by TheJOkerBoy on May 27, 2024, 18:56 »
I have checked the minutes you mentioned in the game, but I didn't find anything suspicious.

MH Ban Requests / MAPHACKER
« Last post by Chzn on May 27, 2024, 16:24 »
1: Your Nickname. - n0w_or_never
2: Nickname of the player you want to be banned - Avoidingerrors ( justify is his other nickname)
3: Link of the game. -;sa=game;gid=6536929
4: Explain to us your general vision about the situation. - This guy was always dodging every gang so obviously the entire game and had some rly obvious mh plays as u can see from the situations that i will show u

 Specify at least 1 exact situation where you believe that player used maphack. Write it down as detailed as possible and provide the exact time it happened (replay time, not game time). -

1st - 10;55 - He was farming neutrals,then OD goes his jungle with invis,and he insta blink out away from OD,then OD came next to him with invis,even before the 1st right click,he immediately pop his 3rd spell

2nd - 19;55 - he blinked on void without any kind of vision
3rd - 23;00 - he used his 3rd spell without even seeinng OD,since he was invis,right before OD using astral

4rd - 27;20 - again he was farming creeps,and when OD went to him with invis,he insta back

5th - 27;50 - Riki jumped on him,instead of going back to base,OD was going to him with invis,and suddenly AM  decide to go right,running away from OD without any vision that he is coming
General Discussions / Unlock all the goddamn 'old' threads
« Last post by AntlermanXXL on May 27, 2024, 16:05 »
Like what the hell, why cant we just have fun with old threads, there are a lot of golden ones

I did not agree with this blocking decision at start, i do not agree still, and i will not agree

This is my disagree thread, until you unlock threads that were locked for no reason
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