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Messages - Gruja

Pages: [1]
Ban Requests / Re: Ban request [joki]
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:38 »

Ban Requests / Ban request [joki]
« on: January 09, 2015, 03:26 »
2.[joki] related flame,command abuse,insulting,religion intolerance
4.02:25    [joki]    [All]    kakav je hodza i pop ako nemaju auto od 60.000

46:18    Cp6^in^    [Allies]    its 6-26
46:23    Cp6^in^    [Allies]    im boostind wood
46:35    Cp6^in^    [Allies]    creep stats
46:40    Pahovenda    [Allies]    !f
46:44    [joki]    [Allies]    come i boost ur mother
46:53    Cp6^in^    [Allies]    ur so low
[joki]    [Allies]    !votekick in
[joki]    [Allies]    svi ga kick
[joki]    [Allies]    ko mu jebe mater
[joki]    [Allies]    jesi se prepao mamu ti jebem
5.We had a good game,i had 5-0 score,and sentinel were losing by 6-26 score,my team keep on mid pushing and i was about to finnish my item,needed a little more gold wich i easey farm with Spec and they had no trobule with fighting there. They started insulting me and just after that votekick started,oposite ofcourse afraid of losing agree to kick me cuz i kill in 2 hits and my team agreed also to steal my items..or i dunno why. I WANT MY PSR BACK.ty

Unban Requests / Unban req
« on: December 24, 2014, 14:14 »
4.My internet broke down didnt have it all night long
5.It was erli begining of the game before i pick hero,i was trying to get in the game but i was kicked on the drop vote

Ban Requests / Re: Ban req LizarD..
« on: December 11, 2014, 20:14 »
4.from 24min of the game
5.It was em mode he stop playin at lvl 9,we still got chanse with late heroes but he and his friend spoke on TR and didnt wana conntinue,and oposite didnt wana kick him cuz they feed on him when he goes out of base.

Unban Requests / Unban req
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:29 »
4.I had some problems with my familiy
5.I join game and then i was interupt,sry

Ban Requests / Re: ban plz
« on: October 31, 2014, 03:04 »
ahhahahahaha ne verujem, kako ti je objasnio sada sve :D

Ban Requests / Re: Ban Ip
« on: October 22, 2014, 10:16 »
U will need more than that to ban me.
Players who left on playdota-lagabuse are total noobs. 1st of all u need to learn that carry is carry and when u on the line with carry as suport u need to get creeps down and suport him at enemy hero not to wait on last hit to not buy wards. In this situation i was bone wich is normal go mid against drow we are both carry and no aoe spells like Necro whos good line suport. I know my act is not rly fair to other ppl but as a higher psr in team i was set to balance us and lead team i cant lead team like that,simple i died 2 times and conntinue to play normal but with no wish to do much. After all u need to ask yourself next time joinin game,do you rly wana win or just to feel ur need to? (kill,creep,commplete items). I think i dont deserve to be banned,i play on lagabuse for too long to get banned for 2 deaths,or i just move to dota2 cuz i cant stand it..i like lagabuse but not rly fixed some ingame rules and problems...they lose that game not cuz of me if u rly look replay u will see they are noobs.

Ban Requests / Ban request Slaughter_
« on: September 02, 2014, 15:22 »
2.Slaughter_ , kralbenim_
3. cheating
4.from start,well its obviously that,that guy using dualbox to feed his "morthred" with shadown deamon he plays from other account with same ip addres u can check,its reason mort gone afk few sec before deamon start moving to lane..then when shadow's ping went up mort had same problem,chat was muted on 1st blood deamon's death in 0:30 sec was clear enough?
5.I requesting ip ban for people like this...parament!!! ban his fuc*** warcraft! anyhow his slaughter_ account is new 0 games on it so that guy is cheater afterall before this game obiously..ty

Unban Requests / Unban request
« on: August 28, 2014, 14:14 »
3. plugging
4. Hole street went out of ele. power.
5.We just started game and shuuu,no light no nothing
6.Since it started. long time

Unban Requests / Re: Unban request Cp6^in^
« on: August 25, 2014, 16:18 »

Unban Requests / Unban request Cp6^in^
« on: August 25, 2014, 16:17 »
3. AFK
4.My comturet made me broke the rule
5.I changed my tastature withe the new one i bought today in time game started,i wasnt actualy afk i could not move my mouse or write anything,well i were trying to fix it until 6 minute when i was bootled,i know its my mystake bcuz i fix it now by reading instructions and how i must link it.. im rly sory i wana conntinue playin please unban,with regards ty
6.I'm playing from time playdota/lagabuse started on from our internet caffe and home,3-5 games per day sometimes more sometimes less.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request Traktorist
« on: August 16, 2014, 07:38 »
And i see someone alrdy post ban request for his other account traktorist0 so its multyacc player

Ban Requests / Ban request Traktorist
« on: August 15, 2014, 10:30 »
3. AFK
4.its broken in 20 min,time he went afk we fought up to 55 min 4v5
5.Punish him,if he stay ingame we prob winn it,oposite had clearly mh but we were better

MH Ban Requests / Req ban EROS
« on: July 22, 2014, 17:09 »
4.Well game sucks cuz our top failed,later after my 3rd deaths i lost will for play but it doesnt matter if i saw someone using mh..
5.Well on top you may see his "gang's" in dark,later in 13 min of game i bring my hp at roshan and hide (terorblade) waiting someone to switch hp,he just stun me in the dark and made kill,3 min after that he was going after me suned before see me and ulty-death... its his new account so i dont think this ban will get anything but...

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