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Messages - Teh_102

Pages: [1] 2
Feedback / Re: Playdota Inhouse league
« on: December 16, 2010, 22:21 »
But with the new ranking system which is supposedly coming out, you can just set a desired skill level on the players, and thus only play with good players.
So a private league just to play with good players would seem redundant.
Lmfao dude get some brains and then post ok ?

new system = ranking based on game wins

so noobs join game > win  > get points > get high ranks > = noobs geting high tops

and This thread was suggested to Get all Above and higer mid skill players to get even better from random pub games where rexar with arcane boots geting yasha and vladmir

And for Example Requiments to get vouched into league (from my clan req copy)

"its basic English knowledge , proper last hiting skills  , atleast basics of roaming , pulling , warding , and knowledge about skill builds and basics of dota mechanics) (solo players don't even bother couse dota is team game)"

Id personaly could put all the required things like guides to get better and  keep up with latest pro game replays  from being rusty

General Discussions / Re: Happy new 2011 forum!
« on: December 16, 2010, 22:17 »
personaly most likely il be drinking with my irl/e friends somwhere but il log from that place where il be to forumz or atleast on my phone

General Discussions / Re: Happy new 2011 forum!
« on: December 16, 2010, 21:19 »
u guys ever herd about cell phones and internet in them ? u can browse internetz thru phone 

and if ur not gonna celebrate new year in home  where ur gonna be ? at ur cave or bunker  hiding not get hurth by fireworks ?

Humor / Re: Flaming Pictures!!!!!111one
« on: December 16, 2010, 20:11 »
id prefer flame section back :/

General Discussions / Re: unofficial 1v1 Tournament For Fun
« on: December 16, 2010, 20:09 »
mrniceguy omg... ask him it is alot harder then blaming me :/ what do i say....
dude i didint agreed with ur tour  we even loled at ur deep diving skills with marcel at xfire chat

edit : nwm marcel already copied xfire chat <3
edit2 : i like pie

Feedback / Re: Playdota Inhouse league
« on: December 16, 2010, 20:08 »
lol no fcken team registrations

just solo player vouches 

and +1 for that some of balkan players join here couse 80% of balkan captains is hardcore noobs

Humor / Re: Flaming Pictures!!!!!111one
« on: December 16, 2010, 20:05 »

:D :D

Technical support / Re: Problem Joining Private Games
« on: December 16, 2010, 14:25 »
thats weird hvnt herd anything like that per  6 y of w3 playing

Feedback / Re: Playdota Inhouse league
« on: December 16, 2010, 14:12 »
would be nice to see any comment from fawkz or myubernick ^^

Graphics / Re: Project Owning pd nubs like np?
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:02 »
true story
begone failure troll   

Graphics / Re: Project Owning pd nubs like np?
« on: December 16, 2010, 03:12 »
well marcel u could just send me those on xfire but il check them tomorow anyway

Offtopic / Re: What dota item would you want in real life?
« on: December 15, 2010, 01:28 »
radiance for sure <3

Graphics / Re: Project Owning pd nubs like np?
« on: December 15, 2010, 01:11 »
well since these mods r doing pure bs here  i dont rly gief a fck about it

he was spaming forums with his lollanguage  i told him that language in this forum should be english only  he deleted his and other guy post and warned me thats pure bs

and about warns before i just saw 1 guy doing same post as i did ( i got +20% warn for that post and he got nothing so keep hating on meh)
that member iz me xD ?
nvm , if he deleted the posts  mods can see it
no its not u and its far away from sum1 who play dota..

so still looking for sum1 whos good enought to making something intresting to watch

and if sum1 has some epic replays with nice episodes in them (no noob  stomp fountain tripe kills plx)  u can post em here

Offtopic / Re: Forum Warnings
« on: December 14, 2010, 21:09 »
i would like to ask ontopic how long does these warns last for ?
   Warns are permanent. :/
They are not
they are atleast for Vaikiss

Graphics / Re: Project Owning pd nubs like np?
« on: December 14, 2010, 19:56 »
well since these mods r doing pure bs here  i dont rly gief a fck about it

he was spaming forums with his lollanguage  i told him that language in this forum should be english only  he deleted his and other guy post and warned me thats pure bs

and about warns before i just saw 1 guy doing same post as i did ( i got +20% warn for that post and he got nothing so keep hating on meh)

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