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Messages - dark_mesiah

Pages: [1] 2
Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: February 09, 2012, 16:12 »
don't know if someone posted this before

Offtopic / Re: [READ]PLAY DOTA2 - 2 STEAM LOGINS !!!
« on: January 26, 2012, 23:38 »
and just maybe if someone will read this who has power, hon sux in general too, but there i 2 things i miss from it, hero "maliken" and the sound of portal key, that's the only thing that is good for me in hon other is bs
so maybe new hero in dota 1, maliken ?

Never gonna happen, IceFrog doesn't copy, everyone copies him ;)

Feedback / Re: Creating account
« on: January 07, 2012, 14:41 »
Check SD of every player, if someone has only a few games played, and his SD sucks, simply kick him.
This way you can decrease chances of having a leaver in your game.

Suggestion Board / Re: Blocking creeps
« on: October 31, 2011, 01:09 »
Just to ask, blocking creeps with furion 1st spell is allowed?

Actually, according to IceFrog's rules. Using spells to block creeps is NOT allowed.

Suggestion Board / Re: Drunk/ high players
« on: September 21, 2011, 00:49 »
I usually play better after few drinks  :D

It dulls my senses but increases my confidence, I'm bold and usually just get into the fight, and since it is night(00:30 to 02:30) and night produces better games/players. It works out nicely.

General Discussions / Re: Check TrueProSkill of any player
« on: September 15, 2011, 18:15 »
To measure an individual, you need other individuals.
Let's take the no1 player. He is no1 based on the players from this pool.  But what if he was playing in a league with pro dota players who are playing there when they don't play cws and tours. There , he will be an average player. 
So yes, the other people matter for your own evaluation!
His skill doesn't change, he doesn't automatically play worse because he's pitted against tougher opponents.
The only thing that changes is the perception of how good that player is in relation to the people he plays with and according to the current system, if he will win all those games he play in the league - he will be ranked the best player there as well.

Please stop contradict yourselves.

You are right. His skills DO NOT change, but his stats DO change, and his stats are not only a result of his skill but the skill of other players too.

General Discussions / Re: Check TrueProSkill of any player
« on: September 15, 2011, 17:25 »
>we are talking about playdota psr right? Than : lol  =)).
PSR = Playdotas score
TrueProSkill (TPS) = New improved

There is a way to test if your system is better.

Find 20(or any number you like) games that were played today or yesterday. They have to be normal games without afkers, leavers, intentional feeders etc.

Calculate average "TrueProSkill" for sentinel and scourge. Write down who won, and conclude... did the team that won had higher average "TrueProSkill" than the team that lost ? Do that for each of the selected games.
Just a couple of problems:
Hero picks matters a lot, combos, synergies etc.
Arranged/Stacked teams invalidates TPS (Since its individual skill, from pub games)

Oh and even if it would be wrong every time, always, it would still be better at determinating individual rank SINCE THIS IS NOT SOMETHING PSR DOES OR IS DESIGNED TO DO, EVEN THOUGH IT IS USED AS SUCH.

When the players' pool is limited you cannot grow PSR infinitely! That because your base is reduced to 10 after 1700 PSR  and further reduced when your teammates' average psr is more than 80 lower than yours. You need more skilled player to play with to futher gain psr, but these players might also beat you and you will lose psr.

The whole system is a complete copy of the Hereos of Newerth rating system.
Then that's another flaw in the system, there shouldn't be a limit on how good a players is. That's ridiculous as well.
Also I'm not sure if this is supposed to be an answer to the fact a player that plays 2x can grow 2x as fast. (since it would be a very retarded one and I don't even think you would give such a stupid answer)

So there is no way of balancing a game with your system ?

Then why do you need rating ? You can simply !sd: kills,deaths,assists, farming skills..etc without need to calculate any rating and let players say if some1 is good or not.

General Discussions / Re: Check TrueProSkill of any player
« on: September 15, 2011, 16:22 »
>we are talking about playdota psr right? Than : lol  =)).
PSR = Playdotas score
TrueProSkill (TPS) = New improved

There is a way to test if your system is better.

Find 20(or any number you like) games that were played today or yesterday. They have to be normal games without afkers, leavers, intentional feeders etc.

Calculate average "TrueProSkill" for sentinel and scourge. Write down who won, and conclude... did the team that won had higher average "TrueProSkill" than the team that lost ? Do that for each of the selected games.

Feedback / Re: about mhers
« on: September 07, 2011, 00:52 »
How about just add "account verification".

For example:

You are a new player. You register on and try to join games. Upon joining games you will get a /w to verify account, on English and your first language(based ofc on IP). In order to verify the account you will need to scan an ID card (taking a picture of it will do if you don't have scanner, it also doesn't have to be yours, it can be you mother's father's brother's etc) and send it to, or the bot won't allow you to play more that 5 games(?). When you make a new account, you can't ofc use the same ID again.

This way, mhers can use: their ID(if they have one), father, mother, sister, brother (most ppl have only few siblings) and potentially grandparents, friends, neighbors(although I doubt anyone would allow someone to use their ID card). This way they can make only few accounts (based on a number of ID cards they have available).

This would also make it more difficult to make new accounts. Eventually all accounts will get permaban and no accounts are available.

BUT, the would need some specialized software that would analyse the ID pictures the players send (since doing it manually would be impossible). It would also take longer time (based on the time needed to catch them and ban all their accounts).

Feedback / Re: About maphack reports
« on: September 04, 2011, 15:20 »
If the MH is obvious, any1 with half brain can discover it.

Few days ago I played a game where there were 3 obvious mhackers, they were all friends and from same country. So I reported them, and when I went to see if they were banned, I accidentally bumped into a topic where some1 reported a guy from the same game, and he got permaban, so it turns out there were MIN 4 MHERS in that game, and the worst part is, all had 100+ games. How is it possible that nobody discovered them earlier ?

Feedback / Re: My suggestions :d
« on: August 25, 2011, 16:43 »
I would like to add 1 suggestion:
If host leaves from lobby it would be good if bot auto sets new owner. Sometimes happens that host is idiot and leave 9 ppl in lobby without setting new owner...

The first player that types "!owner" becomes the new owner

Offtopic / Re: This forum is ridiculous ...
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:55 »
I saw a game where 2 players were flaming each other equally, because of national hate. One had PSR 1750+ the other one had 1650+ (not going to mention their nicks) and both of them were banned for the same reason. The guy that had 1650+ got PERMA BAN, and the 1750+ guy got only 2 weeks ban. HOW'S THAT FAIR ??
Pls post the game link , cuz these kind of things have to be supported by proofs.
And if you do not want, pls dont continue with your accusations , if this is one.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, has its bad sides but it is free.

What would be the point of having a proof ? The mod that did this would say "well the guy not only spread national hate but also went afk so I perma ban him while the other guy reported him so I only gave him a week ban", and how would that do anything.

Offtopic / Re: This forum is ridiculous ...
« on: July 28, 2011, 17:32 »
I saw a game where 2 players were flaming each other equally, because of national hate. One had PSR 1750+ the other one had 1650+ (not going to mention their nicks) and both of them were banned for the same reason. The guy that had 1650+ got PERMA BAN, and the 1750+ guy got only 2 weeks ban. HOW'S THAT FAIR ??

There was/is a lot of topics/opinion about !ff and I'm not gonna repeat that. I just say you are right.

To that carry thing:
I don't have problem with playing support. I pick support when I'm lazy to do much things ;D
Its like: You fight, disable etc I'll just stay back and keep you healin' and savin' your ass.
If you do this well, your ally will praise you and your enemy will hate you. And I like it

Well, I used to do that often, and had a good PSR, but when I entered "pro games", hosts usually kicked me because they didn't like my -cs, k/d stats.

Also there are situations where you try to play support, but your team is so noobish that supporting them is a waste of time. Because of their bad play you will die often(since you are playing a support hero). In the end, they will call you a feeder and a noob.

So playing a support is not really popular choice.

Technical support / Re: Draw, but still get negative points
« on: July 06, 2011, 17:39 »
So basically, I needed to stay and finish the game myself like some pathetic looser ?  :(

And why did zamorac get 0 ??

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