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Messages - December4th

Pages: [1]
Humor / Re: :X
« on: August 01, 2011, 19:05 »

Humor / Re: :X
« on: July 29, 2011, 12:42 »

Humor / Re: :X
« on: July 29, 2011, 07:51 »

I'd say forfeit command and statistics are closely connected. I think most of the forfeited games are not  lost, but forfeited soley to prevent statloss. Don't get me wrong, I love stats and getting a gazzillion assists, but if the recording of statistics gets in the way of playing good games it should be removed. So I would like to see this changed to saving just the win-loss ratio.

If players play to win the game, rather than getting their average statistics up, fountainganking, prolonging the game to farm enemies or creeps should no longer be an issue.

The removal of the detailed stats (maybe even the PSR) would also lead to the disappearance of the !balance command which has annoyed me to no end lately: endless lobbytime because people would leave when their team has a lower calculated win-chance than the opposing team, friends leaving because the host either splits them with the !balance command then decides to start immediately starts or because they get kicked because they upset the calculated balance.

Another postitive effect might be the forming of more teams/clans/friendgroups on PD, because you can rely less on the information the bot gives. Thus promoting a more closely knit playerbase.

I can see much good things coming from this change, however the main problem with the removal is identifying the skill of players in pub-games thus creating another way of farming stats: through joining games below your skill level. Then again, in my opinion people should stop playing to make their internet-statistic-penises grow and start playing to enjoy the actual game.

PS. Wall of text hits you, it deals critical damage!

Humor / Re: Rick Astley made new video! Check it out :)
« on: October 21, 2010, 02:36 »
way to steal my video man :O

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