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Messages - ShitBecameTrue

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Unban Requests / unban request
« on: August 30, 2019, 14:33 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you get banned?
 GProxy+ error

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
I think it may be that i played 1 from those autohosted games zemilboga and that evolution 40 and didnt restart wc3

5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
i joined game and was waiting game  to start, game started and than right after that my wc3 crashed.

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=6218413

Unban Requests / unban request
« on: August 27, 2019, 04:36 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you get banned?
 GProxy+ error

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
Gproxy failed

5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
game started and i was deciding what hero to pick, than i saw in my screen that the host droped and was reconnecting, when he reconnected i just droped out of nowhere

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=6218015

Ps. can i get the points back also?

Unban Requests / unban request
« on: March 09, 2019, 23:47 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you get banned?
afk , i went afk, my mistake was i didnt share to all and said to nobody that i had to leave, i go to pick up my nephew and it took me around 10=15 mins

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?

5: Explain to us your general vision about the situation.
we kinda had all farm and we were wining, sentiniel couldnt push the game anymore they had to end early, in late we had good laters and they couldnt push anymore and i also had good items but since i go afk seems we lost , i didnt had any other reason for afk since i was doing good and was in dominating mode

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=6188690

Ban Requests / ban request
« on: September 24, 2018, 20:10 »
1) NickName(s) of banned player(s).
<NickName(s) of player(s)> littlefingermkd AccidentalSkill

2) Reason (check RULES).
<plugging / Gproxy+ abuse / AFK / insulting / game ruining / intentionaly feeding / save game abuse / spaming / share abuse / family related flame / national intolerance / religion intolerance / racism / cheating / ban avoiding / inappropriate nickname / other...>
using leaver intetionaly feeding , refuse to join fights, roam in our base while we fight, refusing to def, it doesnt care abt game neither about ban.
3) Proof.
<link of the game, chatlog paste, phraser actions, screenshot, time of offence, etc.>;sa=game;gid=6147974
it all started there:
12:23      [All]   ubicaicka killed FUCCKED
12:29   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   fu stealer
12:33   ubicaicka   [Allies]   lol
12:34   ubicaicka   [Allies]   :D
12:38   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   what ?
12:43   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   you didnt steal
 till 13:52   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   fu i dont go with you
he cry over 1 kill.
nort leaves, after few mins me and spec die. he uses nort in the bottom field of the map in intentional purpose, we said to go back with him and he didnt listen, he revives and he still is using nort to feed on purpose, after nort die he uses his hero.
31:53   ubicaicka   [Allies]   back the fkin silencer
31:54   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   dont
31:54   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   use
32:04   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   spec
32:05   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   i will
32:06   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   rpeort
32:09   ubicaicka   [Allies]   BACK THE FKIN SILENCER TARDS
32:22   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   spec
32:24   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   i wil lreport you
32:25   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   fucking
32:27   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   motherfucker
32:38   WeedForFeed   [Allies]   Epicenter [2] > On cooldown ( 00:20 )
32:44   ultras_steaua   [Allies]   WTF
32:48   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   i will ban you
32:49   ultras_steaua   [Allies]   WHY u feed them?
i was writing at same time and holding back silencer, he revives and he kept doing that till i left coz if i kept nort back he would still play fucking nort till he finishes the feed so no point fighting that.
48:54   ubicaicka   [Allies]   RETARD DONT TOUCH NORTROM
and he kept doing that a lot of more times til this minute just this was the moment when one of our teamplayers wrote to dont touch nort again.
than our base get destroyed
and our spec watching how it falls
50:23      [All]   The Scourge destroyed the top level 3 Sentinel tower
50:25   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   spec
50:26      [All]   Son-Heung-Min destroyed the mid Sentinel ranged rax
50:27   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   u fuckijnhg
50:28   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   pussy
50:36   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   yeah
he didnt initate nor show a will to play game during all this time
51:27   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   i dont care
51:36   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   let puck win
51:42   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   u will get banned
51:45   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   u fucking
51:46   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   so what
51:46   AccidentalSkill   [Allies]   cancer
51:58   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   i dont care
52:00   LittlefingerMKD   [Allies]   you get it
in fact this banrequest is for me too. i flamed but i was rly mad, he waste my time for a fucking chilldish thing and i destroyed my nerves. u can ban me also but i dont want to see this fucking spec for 15days or more in this platform coz im sure he has many accounts. Mine is just this one. Hope this is enough.

SOTW / Re: SOTW #93 Voting
« on: December 09, 2017, 18:22 »

SOTW / Re: SOTW #93 Voting
« on: December 09, 2017, 17:59 »
2 points >10
1 point >9

General Discussions / Daily Tournaments
« on: November 27, 2017, 21:45 »
Hello there guys, i have a discusion , and as the subject says : Daily Tournaments
I really like this idea and i find it really cool and its awesome , i just want to share my opinion in this that:
If its possible , kinda daily tournaments are held too early , and maybe people(Gamers) are at work or bussy , and its normal that they cant reach the time to participate in daily tours , for example me myself , i really dont want to miss any tour in daily tournaments , but because of my job and that early announcement , i cant do anything about it just to miss it , and i think that if its possible tours to be held around 19:30-20:00 or 20:00-20:30. Why ? I think that this is the perfect time for gamers , for any1 who wants to play and thats kinda the time when most of gamers are onnline, im not doing this for myself , coz i may participate or not , coz i finish job at 17:00 , i have 2 hours of gym and its hard for me too to reach tours even in that time , but sometimes i have miss gym just for these tours xd ( i just wanted to say that im not requesting for myself that tours to be held latte , but kinda most of gamers are active in that time) , and maybe there will be more players , if not , still its kinda perfect time. Plz reconsider this option and try, than u can change again the time.
Respect & Regards

General Discussions / hi there
« on: November 05, 2017, 19:31 »
if i change my name on lagabuse server (ex) from Hard to Pain , who is the admin who can make the transfer stats from the one to the other one ?

General Discussions / Re: how to Rename
« on: October 17, 2017, 19:01 »
yeah for server account , ty reno , your answer was very usefull

General Discussions / how to Rename
« on: October 16, 2017, 23:12 »
just like the subject says.
How to rename my name on Lagabuse without changing my awards , profile , games , PSR so on , for example  my name is Exellent , i want to change in Experience. I check and i didnt see any way for this , is here able to change name or only if u create new account ?

Unban Requests / unban request
« on: October 15, 2017, 12:27 »
1: Nickname?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?
<leaving game

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
electrity shut down

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
i was venomancer , it was early game and i was standing at mid and all of suden in my home power goes off , electrity lost :/  , i couldnt do anything about that ..

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=6069924

Regards. Any way if i can take back psr or no way > :s

Ban Requests / Re: Ban madafaka_sd
« on: September 10, 2017, 16:13 »
i see admins ban and watch other post , i have 4 days that wrote this and no1 going to ban ? isnt enough intentional afk , game ruining , refusing to play , refusing to join battle , refusing to def this one ? what the heck ?

Ban Requests / Ban madafaka_sd
« on: September 06, 2017, 22:04 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
 / AFK  / game ruining /

4: When was the Rule Broken?
from 59:00 till game ends , intentional afk , game ruining , refusing to play , refusing to join battle , refusing to def , 2 fight ago , he didnt join fight and left us still. Plz Comp ban not just ban, i spended 1 hour of my *ucking life in this cr*p game with this kid.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
all game i was farming solo , since they wanted gank and i had no sight , how can i go gank in dark if they have wards , its lose  of time and exp. Anyways it all started when we go mid , we break them in mid , and when all dead , i said lets end , spec said back , bristle too , we were 4 against 2 (3 of them dead, most important ones) and imagine we were all tanks and dmger , bristle with heart , cool farm in tower says back , incredibile anyways  , they all go back , and let me solo , i die , its ok. we could end but nvm i got mad , its ok we can still win tho. they ask reunion , to end game , we go bot , and its just me and panda + veno , the 2 players that were acusing me all game that why i farm , now they were farming instead at top , we keept them bussy and they still didnt push to take tower and rax , i really dont understand the logic , they say to me stop farming and farm themselves, and farming early game is better than farming woods late game , at least this is my logic , we could end again but its ok , 1 last push again and they were still farming creeps and woods , well f*ck it , i got bored to be honest , so i just left game , not really left , left the will to play this c*ap. Anyways , we could still win as i said , all the figts we were 4vs5 , but ofc , the main carry kid +tank was afk talking sh*t from base, how we could win 30mins ago , how i destroy game , how i didnt let him farm when i was only standing mid ,while in the end it was him who destroy the game , he even said report me , i wont be mad , ofc u wont be mad , thats going afk in purpose and game ruining , and wasting 1 hour of your life (and ours) , for nothing. Only a brainless can say how u dare to report me. I just came from work and i wanted one nice game with my mate , since most of games are with the most retarded players , still is better than fucking Ranked Gaming Client who u can own pubbesr like a bausse , but too much kids. I dont usually do ban request , im not good at it , and my english sucks , i have had lots of game ruines in games , but this guy really deserves a huge ban. and watch his IP too so he cant fucking use another account or create another account. Usually in Rgc they get 15 days ban , dunnon whats the ban period for ruiners here.
62:48   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   you are free
62:53   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   to make a ban request
62:55   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   i dont care
63:09   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   we could win 30 mins ago
63:11   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   i dont care
63:13   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   go play now
63:15   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   farm more
63:19   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   u dindt let me farm
63:22   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   now you lose
63:53   Manzi_COnan   [Allies]   spec
63:54   Manzi_COnan   [Allies]   cmon
63:58   Manzi_COnan   [Allies]   I last atempt
64:03   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   no
64:06   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   i said i am afk
64:09   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   its not cuz of u
64:15   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   i am sorry if that makes u angry
64:19   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   but that how its gona be
64:24   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   you can post ban request
64:29   MADAFAKA_SD   [Allies]   i wont be mad
71:14   MADAFAKA_SD   [All]   earth spirit 2 items
71:16   MADAFAKA_SD   [All]   70 mins
71:27   ASD22   [All]   spec lvl 21 and talk xD
71:32   MADAFAKA_SD   [All]   i am afk

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=6062074
7. Regards

Unban Requests / unban request
« on: September 01, 2017, 22:09 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?
i got banned for leaving

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
Its the 2nd time that is happening, either some1 is droping from nowhere coz there is no other posibility ,
the Wc3 just got crashed , i checked my pc and all seems fine , out from nowhere i just droped , i dont even play any xheroes or any other custom maps , ven that i restart wc3 after every game. im sorry i really dont know how or why this is happening. plz unban me , im active player and i dont abuse
6: Link of the game?
i will provide the link when game finish coz for the moment game is still running

Unban Requests / Re: can u unbann me please?
« on: August 20, 2017, 19:32 »;sa=game;gid=6058940 this is the replay
if possible can i have +2 psr back ? :s

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