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Messages - scavy

Pages: [1] 2
Technical support / Re: GProxy resources
« on: June 02, 2012, 22:53 »
Game is still going so i cant see the link yet. Yes i tried to connect first to gproxy but it didnt work, therefore connected to normal I should modify some kind of gateway or txt or server address to make gproxy gateway work?

edit: it is just working now, dunno why didnt work at first start, weird, nvm thx for help

So when i get a dc i dont have to write any command or do anything, gproxy will return me automatically?

Technical support / Re: GProxy resources
« on: June 02, 2012, 22:45 »
I am a bit confused now downloaded the newest eurobattle installer, and it automatically installed a gproxy software for me. I started gproxy.exe played game got DC but nothing happened. What should i do with it to make reconnect, there are no options in it nothing. (version 1.5.2)

Technical support / Re: account deleted?
« on: June 02, 2012, 12:02 »
Hmm 6 months? Thats bad luck for me. Is there any way to get my friends list back? Just that is what i miss, and stats ofc.

Technical support / account deleted?
« on: June 02, 2012, 11:56 »
I just installed the game now, then 1.26A patch, than the eurobattle installer, tried to login but said account doesnt exist. Is there a timelimit for users, if i dont use my account for a year it maybe it was deleted?

Offtopic / Re: back in action
« on: May 24, 2012, 16:12 »
Hey Ris!

Ok mate i ll whisper Mogedien bastard if i ll play. I see there is only few new heroes and items nothing seriously changed, maybe i wont have a hard disadvantage.

gn: SCAVY we ll meet maybe :D

Offtopic / back in action
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:47 »
Hey bastards i am back, maybe play again a few matches. I am glad to see some familiar girls playing still this shit! Hale! :D

DotA Discussion / Re: question about game mod -rd
« on: May 21, 2011, 15:00 »
Ohh its obvious. I forgot that in new system it changed, and not the blue colour player writes game mod at start, since its auto setted in lobby. Thx btw, i forgot. Rotfl. :D

DotA Discussion / question about game mod -rd
« on: May 21, 2011, 13:20 »
I would like to ask, if there is any solution to change the picking order in -RD mod. I prefer -rd mod, playing it always, but the disadvantage of it the constant picking order. For example i am the host always, so me blue, and always me picks 1. or 2. And happened a lot i was counterpicked as shit. Is there any way to make a random picking order between the colours, which is generated at the start of the game? I think it would be a huge balance, and -RD mod would be much better.

General Discussions / Re: GProxy ( Reconnection Tool )
« on: March 19, 2011, 00:11 »
Thx for the help dragoljub, it seems working now. I couldnt test it yet cause bots were offline + my net disconnects so rare, but i think is ok NOW and it is working next to toolkit. Gj.

General Discussions / Re: Gproxy
« on: March 17, 2011, 23:48 »
Thx for answer dragoljub.

Yeah the toolkit version is same, but the way i join to pvpgn server is, that i have an euroloader.exe file, and i must run that to be able to join europe pvpgn. If i just start game with the way on the video shown (clickin tft icon in toolkit) i cannot join to Bnet.

Idea now?

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: March 17, 2011, 23:11 »

Humor / Re: Funny Videos & Pictures
« on: March 17, 2011, 23:02 »

Rotfl? :D

General Discussions / Re: Gproxy
« on: March 17, 2011, 22:46 »
I have a question about this software. I have Dota Toolkit 3.2 (by Crisgon) software, and use it long time, now its essential for me. But it has some interference with Gproxy. In normal case i guess ppl run Gproxy first, then type /start in it, and this way opens WC3. But for me running wc3 is open Toolkit first, then go launch icon and so starts game. I tried to run first gproxy, then not type start, just leave that, and after it run Toolkit + launch WC3, but this way, when me entered BNET in game, gproxy showed in its window disconnected, so i guess it couldnt be used.

I know its just test period for Gproxy, but i would appreciate any help or INFO or solution using both program together and fix this interference.  (Gproxy - DotaToolKit)

Thanks in advance.

General Discussions / unban request question
« on: August 26, 2010, 23:33 »

I played a game yesterday, my net connection lost, that was a suprise for me, than i see today now i got banned. I have red the "unban request guide" but i didnt want to fail the procedure, so i have a question. I tried to find the game at in my games, but it was not there. I red at the guide, that for example if u play with slark, maybe the game will not be on the list. I was slark i think. So now i found this game in game history, but i have no direct link for it.

Check this, from up to down it is at the middle which have no gamename, user name is scavy, everything is there, but the gamename misses. I dont know why, and i dont want to fail the unban request, so i have only one question at all, what should i do know? I saw in the unban req. guide there are 8 points and questions which i have to answer. The 8 -th is the game link. So should i write the link seen up, or just leave 8. point empty or what?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Suggestion Board / Re: Rules Question
« on: July 25, 2010, 17:52 »
let me explain ,

if u play 3 vs 5 and team which has 5 players wont sw or sw is off you are free to leave without ban , or if host ban you ,  go to forum and write an unban req and u will get unbanned  and host will be  banned for that
( reason baning people for no reason ) 
its same if you play 2 v 5 and 1 v 5 , 2 v 4, 1 v 4 , 1 v3

now u understand ?

Yeah its clear now. So this rule only exists in those situations, when sy. already quitted, and the game situation is 2v5, 3v5, etc. cause if i quit in 3v5 from the 5 players team, i dont make a mess cause there is 3v4 from that. Its good.

I thought that the rule means it, but the exact phrasing of the rule is not right, so i advise pls. correct it for avoiding the further misunderstoods.


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