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Messages - ohmygawd

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Requests / Re: ban req
« on: October 19, 2014, 13:38 »
Learn to distinguish what is feed on purpose and what is not. I played my best but was drunk so ofc i sucked.

Edit: deleted unnecessary flame. No need for this, let moderators make the decision

Strategy / Re: How to play Mirana
« on: September 05, 2014, 18:57 »
When they dont let me mid, I feed  :'(
you absolutely thoroughly entirely owned this common in chit-chat war, i give you +1 karma for owning him. Nailed it. Lexy4ever.

DotA Discussion / Re: How to zeus mid with gang
« on: September 03, 2014, 22:30 »
im your fen monax, i really much enjoyed the Zeus gang, i literally laughed haha :D :D. keep it. :D

PSC / Re: PSC #33 Voting
« on: September 03, 2014, 16:28 »
6, becauze blue iz bezt.

DotA Discussion / Re: Mirana arrow
« on: September 03, 2014, 12:54 »
How patheticaly ridiculously obsessed can a man be, watching one s replay just to find an exact moment when he dies to idk rly what, "ashame" him? :D You should get lifetime ban from this fores n dota aswell, not for breaking rules, but for your own sake. You would be grateful later, kid :)

Suggestion Board / Re: Make it bannable to change game mode
« on: September 01, 2014, 15:07 »
i wish there were CD//EU//1700+, not RD//EU//1700+, since CD is much better n 1700psr players r supposed to be capable of playing any hero given... :)

Offtopic / Re: Goodbye, for real now.
« on: August 23, 2014, 22:48 »
loled hard, much hard, much much much hard, much hard. :D

Ban Requests / ban pls
« on: August 18, 2014, 17:22 »
1: Your NickName?
2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned? / rockasaurus / nox^interfector
3: What rule did he/they break?
avoiding ban
4: When rule(s) were broken?
first he ragequited in this game:;sa=game;gid=5551967 with acc, then went next game with acc rockasaurus
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
just a mad kid...
6: Link of the game? (if applies);sa=game;gid=5551967

DotA Discussion / Re: How to play necro.
« on: August 14, 2014, 12:40 »
if there is anyone left thinking "commy" isnt just a nerd kid with complexes, watch this... i laughed at it some time indeed :D :D :D
Spoiler for Hiden:
45:09      [All]   B^B^ killed seeohememohen
45:12   seeohememohen   [All]   cry
45:14   Ranq   [All]   :D:D
45:14   seeohememohen   [All]   cry
45:19   seeohememohen   [All]   wow
45:20   Ranq   [All]   ?
45:23   seeohememohen   [All]   this is a good moment to say
45:31   seeohememohen   [All]   "Have you ever been so mad, you cry even when you win"
45:36   seeohememohen   [All]   impressive level of madness
45:42   Ranq   [All]   ok
45:45   Ranq   [All]   u pro
45:48   seeohememohen   [All]   i know
45:50   Ranq   [All]   no cry
45:58   seeohememohen   [All]   dont need some random cunt to say that
46:02   Ranq   [All]   ok ok
46:04   Ranq   [All]   no cry
46:07   seeohememohen   [All]   no cry
46:09   seeohememohen   [All]   i raped u all game
46:10   seeohememohen   [All]   u cry
46:16   seeohememohen   [All]   i win
46:18   seeohememohen   [All]   you lose
46:24   Ranq   [All]   yes
46:26   Isapostolos   [All]   ahahhahah
46:28   seeohememohen   [All]   losers
46:31   seeohememohen   [All]   i won
48:15   seeohememohen   [All]   enjoy knowing you lost
48:18   seeohememohen   [All]   and that i won
48:20   seeohememohen   [All]   hahaha
48:22   Isapostolos   [All]   wp noob
48:24   straight.edge   [All]   yes ur the best
48:25   seeohememohen   [All]   thanks loser
48:39   seeohememohen   [All]   nice losers
48:39      [All]   The World Tree is now at 10% HP
48:39   Dumponer   [All]   gj loser host :D
48:39   seeohememohen   [All]   haha

and ofc then he lost...  mega nerd :D :D :D :D;sa=game;gid=5548697

Another topic for crying and sobbing, just announce some staff member next time to open a previous one.
He didn't flame once, he flamed twice + he had previous warn points for family related flame. End of discussion.
Lagi close this topic.
how u can know for what i was talking about lolz. are u a genius or what? plus this topic has nothing in common with previous one.if u are talking about jimmy he insulted only once the other guy who killed him not mod but badass nightmare warned him instead of just muting him for a short period anyway i rly dont care about that case,im talking in general and yes i can bring u many examples when mods have banned players for just saying fuck your discuss is that fair or not,stop talking about me
how is it with your fb page ??? shall i change the name or ?

Xeqtr have a point, I apologize to  n1ghtmare  for cursing on him ..

Iwe allways been weird , but these guys have a point, i let the rage take the best of me, force was not strong in me..

Sorry N1gtmare and La.Staff for being a Dickhead

hoff cute

Offtopic / Re: The International 2014
« on: July 04, 2014, 13:07 »

Unban Requests / unban plis
« on: July 04, 2014, 11:58 »
1: NickName?
2: Who banned you?
3: Why did you got banned?
4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
i had to go to help my friends urgently, i assure you it wasnt any rage-plug or whatevery ive had worse games and had +0/-0, so no reason to ragequit...
5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Spoiler for Hiden:
35:10      [All]   Power^ killed ohmygawd
35:15   BenDzaaaa   [Allies]   a care a shto to..
35:19   ohmygawd   [Allies]   !ff
35:22   BenDzaaaa   [Allies]   !f
35:26      [All]   ohmygawd has left the game voluntarily, ohmygawd was autobanned.
35:26      [All]   Autoban is ON, if you leave you will get autobanned.
ofc it look like a ragequit but i rly wasnt, i had fun that game trolling with spectre, but a friend called me like a minute ago so i typed !ff and when saw noone else !ffing, i had to leave... its up to you to decide, i dont really much care
6: Your experience in /
very long n good
7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5519554

Ban Requests / Re: Ban this kid pls
« on: July 03, 2014, 11:56 »
When you die , it is YOUR FAULT
0:20 , you must be a pure failure of man

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