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Messages - HonoS

Pages: [1]
Unban Requests / Unban Request HonoS.
« on: July 02, 2014, 16:59 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you? Not ban, but locked account.
dark^knight  posted the maphack report.

3: Why did you got banned?
I got my account locked because of MapHack.

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
I didn't break the rules. I never used Maphack.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
I was clock and had Techies-enemy lane with me, In minute 4 and a few seconds I walked into his bombs. True, i never saw where he planted them but i knew he did cause of his soulring and mana loss. I played dota since the version when riki had voljins ultimate... Is it too hard to think where he will plant bombs? I know all the heroes and all  best gameplay with them, so it's easy to assume what they will do... Honestly i got banned just for knowing how to play. Look whole game replay and you will see i die and go into bombs often, i never click in fog, never signal, and get ganged. Please rethink this choice.

6: Your experience in /
I play dota since 2006. Even before 2006 but i was still learning. Spend like 20 to 30 hours weekly on LA.

7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5501826

Thank you for your time!
Have a good day!

Unban Requests / Unban Request HonoS.
« on: June 28, 2014, 16:13 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
I didn't break the rules. I never used Maphack.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
I was clock and had Techies-enemy lane with me, In minute 4 and a few seconds I walked into his bombs. True, i never saw where he planted them but i knew he did cause of his soulring and mana loss. I played dota since the version when riki had voljins ultimate... Is it too hard to think where he will plant bombs? I know all the heroes and all  best gameplay with them, so it's easy to assume what they will do... Honestly i got banned just for knowing how to play. Look whole game replay and you will see i die and go into bombs often, i never click in fog, never signal, and get ganged. Please rethink this choice.

6: Your experience in /
I play dota since 2006. Even before 2006 but i was still learning. Spend like 20 to 30 hours weekly on LA.

7: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5501826

Ban Requests / Re: banrequest [honos]
« on: June 08, 2014, 15:12 »
yeah, well sometimes you simply have terminal internet issues with provider.

MH Ban Requests / mh report <BigManJoe>
« on: May 25, 2014, 17:17 »
1: HonoS
2: BigManJoe
4: He( Vengefull Spirit) was going up with Rhasta, but he decided to go kill the one down.
5: In minute 00:01:45 he came down with Rhasta knowing it was Axe, as he wrote on allies: "let's go kick axes ass". I was in fog all the time, and nobody told him i went down.They may be more situations but i think this one is enough.

Thank you for your time.

Ban Requests / HasanSabbah
« on: May 25, 2014, 17:02 »
1: Your NickName?

2: NickName of the player that you want to be banned?

3: What rule did he/they break?
<plugging / Gproxy+ abuse / AFK / insulting / game ruining /spamming /

4: When rule(s) were broken?
He started afk and disconnect from minute 25:00 untill he was eventualy kicked staying too much. In min 28:00 he got 3 disconnects on screen if you watch replay.

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation.
Because he was host, we couldn't kick as he delayed the game with plugin/ un plugin hist internet cable. he did it several times  trough out the game, and we had to wait the time to play. All 9 players lost about 9 minute to wait for him.

6: Link of the game? (if applies),;sa=game;gid=5490629

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