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Messages - Wilkapauc

Pages: [1]
Feedback / Re: unban system
« on: January 19, 2010, 19:02 »
i suggest bans for 14 days, and SMS unban system sms 1USD or 1EUR or whatever u like, so u get much money, but people can get unbans faster. Seen how it works on other server - its brilliant
I thought of that months ago, but players want real games. Not games with noobs paying to be owned.

they come back again after 7 days, so better is just to add that, those, who dont pay wait, and who pay play.
anyway noobs will come back, if this isnt working, incerease time of ban(like 9 weeks or smth)

Feedback / Re: unban system
« on: January 19, 2010, 14:04 »
i suggest bans for 14 days, and SMS unban system sms 1USD or 1EUR or whatever u like, so u get much money, but people can get unbans faster. Seen how it works on other server - its brilliant

Hahahahah, nice idea.

i want that realised, cuz people who are too dumb to make another acc, pay some money for admins, so bots can run faster, admins get some money e.t.c. . its not that hard, it can be done in one day :)

Feedback / unban system
« on: January 18, 2010, 17:33 »
i suggest bans for 14 days, and SMS unban system sms 1USD or 1EUR or whatever u like, so u get much money, but people can get unbans faster. Seen how it works on other server - its brilliant

General Discussions / Re: rpgbot & rpbgot2 gone
« on: January 09, 2010, 19:55 »
9 days are passed but nothing is fixed  :-[   ???

General Discussions / Re: rpgbot & rpbgot2 gone
« on: January 03, 2010, 21:06 »
fawkzbnet is back, we are coding rpgbot's again so just wait & be patient  ::)

people like me should suggest newer maps to add, before this repairing, there was a sign that no new maps will be added.That should be fixed.

General Discussions / Re: rpgbot & rpbgot2 gone
« on: January 03, 2010, 09:43 »
As you can see, during the change to 1Gbps there were a lot of missing things around the site, realm, channel, bots...

ok, and when they will be turned on again?

General Discussions / rpgbot & rpbgot2 gone
« on: January 03, 2010, 09:36 »
where are those bots? they dissapeared in new years day.

General Discussions / leave
« on: December 31, 2009, 12:25 »
what happens to game, what is open, and every1 can join, but host leaves? like, i left this morning my opened vampirism fire. host gets a punishment, or it just auto-unhosts?

General Discussions / add new maps
« on: December 29, 2009, 16:32 »
please add Vampirism Fire v5.08 to rpgbot & rpgbot2

download link to map(100%safe, no viruses):

General Discussions / Re: Access
« on: December 26, 2009, 21:18 »
my bad, i was doing it like on friends bot  =  -load vamp instead of -mapload  , and -pub instead of -gopub .
thanks for help. :o

General Discussions / Re: Access
« on: December 26, 2009, 21:09 »
Go to channel "" (did)->dam, i know all that, i said my friend have hostbot, and i know all da commands, how to load, pub,  e.t.c. but i can't use rpgbot and rpgbot2, they just dont listen 4 me ;). i dont want play dota on stats  :-[
I can't explain more clearly.

General Discussions / Re: Access
« on: December 26, 2009, 18:54 »
Just go to channel and use commands.
i mean for rpgbot  , rpgbot2 not playdota hostbots.

General Discussions / Re: Access
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:14 »
Read: rpgBOT & rpgBOT2.
Read: Bot commands.
Use - or _ triggers for the bots; use -mapload or -cfgload to load a map; -statsdota doesn't work; all other bot commands are the same (different trigger).

yy, my friend also got bot, but hes computer is broken, i know all that of triggering.
so,where i need to ask for access?

General Discussions / Access
« on: December 26, 2009, 10:07 »
How i can get access to rpgbot & rpgbot2? do i need to donate some money with mobile phone? or its for free?

Pages: [1]