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Messages - maple

Pages: [1]
MH Ban Requests / MH Report - flawed_logic
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:50 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
flawed_logic(Puck) basicly he escaped a couple of times when we scouted in their woods
for kill. He used his 1st skill always before we show up the moment we showed he went away.
The other thing is that he bought sentry wards and used them to kill our Observer wards and he
was very specific with one of them.

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.
12:48 Puck runs before kill the last ogre from neutral when me(trax) was coming their woods, ogre was left at 1-2 hits...
16:10 Puck runs forest again check the direction and the timing he used obviously he knew us.
30:10 Puck puts sentry ward at the place close to our observer ward... cmon no1 puts there sentry ward, he KNEW that one for sure, it was very specific.

MH Ban Requests / MH Report - 0w3n
« on: January 22, 2014, 05:44 »
1: Your NickName.

2: The NickName of the player that you want to be banned.

3: The link of the game.

4: Explain to us your general vision about this game.
0w3n(Pudge) seem all game with maphack, a few times furion was invisible and he chased him.

5: Specify at least 1 exact situation where user broke MH rule, with every detail explained and replay time when he used it.
45:20min Furion was fightin up with puck after that he turned on Lothar and he was invisible, Pudge was walkin in opposite direction he changed he went after him chased and killed furion he had no visibility.
After this they spoke somethin in turkish about "mh"......

Offtopic / Fogclick detetector
« on: January 01, 2014, 21:44 »

can someone explain why is not allowed to use fogclick detector and of course why is not allowed
to post the fogclick in the MH requests and is there alternative for this cuz it is rly helpful catching the MHers.
The other strange thing is I asked one of the moderators in forum and he said there
is allowed, no need to tell me ur two different things but it just seems strange :).

MH Ban Requests / MH Report
« on: December 28, 2013, 14:44 »
1: maple
2: sofaking_11
4: You can check visibility like I did ull see he was MH all along
5: Some of the log I checked replay no visibility
24:15 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Phantom Assassin
24:17 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Murloc Nightcrawler
24:58 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Slithereen Guard
25:34 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Phantom Assassin
25:45 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Sacred Warrior
25:53 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Sacred Warrior

28:56 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Blue Dragonspawn Overseer
31:45 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Sentry Ward
31:47 |cFF006400sofaking_11 (Spectre)|r clicked Observer Ward

MH Ban Requests / Map Hack
« on: December 21, 2013, 17:41 »
1: maple
2: .god_slayer..
4: 32:19    .God_slayer..    [All]    im banned already for IP
He even said he was banned for MH
32:31    maple    [All]    for maphack
32:35    .God_slayer..    [All]    yes'
5: Some of the log I checked replay no visibility
18:10 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Goblin Techies
19:17 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Remote Mine
23:52 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Spectre
26:12 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Drow Ranger
27:55 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Drow Ranger
27:58 |cFF006400.God_slayer.. (Oracle)|r clicked Murloc Nightcrawler

Technical support / Re: gproxy for mac
« on: October 13, 2013, 00:44 »
Hello, please post if u solved ur problem I also need gproxy for MAC Im interested if there is some possibility to run it.

Technical support / How to find the game...
« on: March 16, 2013, 20:20 »
How I can find the game we played on the bot somebody said to me i do not have to save replay from the game just I can find somewhere here but I do not know how

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