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Messages - rexxar_bear

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Technical support / How do you fast switch slots in dota lobby ?
« on: February 22, 2017, 02:31 »
Ok, I've seen people switch slots so fast, like 3-4 slots a second.

How are they doing this ? They certainly are not using the team drop down list, then selecting the team.

Is there a hotkey ? 90% of the games are obviously stacked and you don't wanna be in the wrong team.

"Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron..."

This kind of thinking is saying more about the one doing the thinking than about the one being judged. If you start reading psychology that is one of the first things you'll find.
How things are, are how things are. So what ? Who cares.
Things are how they are regardless of if you "start reading psychology" or not, the only thing that changes is your noobish perception.

Things are not what they were anymore if you read psychology, your perception changes as you learn why people behave like they do, your view of the world changes, your attitude towards others changes when you start to see the reasoning behind people's anger and people flaming others.

Now as you vent here (and in other posts) and provoke me to flame you back, I won't. But I'll bet you won't stop here.

As I said before, your flaming tells a lot about you and very little about me. Now what does it tells about you ?
I have not flamed you or provoked you, I cannot bother to think at the moment if you meant that as a scenario for an example or if you believe it to be true.

In any case.

Perception is subjective.
Things are how they are regardless of your perception.

For instance, if someone kills an 8 year old kid who is playing football in that moment, shoots him in the face with a glock for example, you are telling me you would feel ok with that if the person who shoots the kid says something like "I did it to make the world better" ? His intention was good right ?

If you change the way you behave/think/whatever just because of the reasoning of other people's actions you have a very big problem.

My point is, your perception of things makes little difference to the actual facts.

You are posting rhetorical questions like 'Are you ok if someone is shooting a kid in the face ?' Really ? Is that the conversation you want ?

''If you change the way you behave/think/whatever just because of the reasoning of other people's actions you have a very big problem.'' - I changed my behavior not to be offended by your flaming cause I understand that you have unresolved mental issues. That is an example.

Get help. Fast.

"Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron..."

This kind of thinking is saying more about the one doing the thinking than about the one being judged. If you start reading psychology that is one of the first things you'll find.
How things are, are how things are. So what ? Who cares.
Things are how they are regardless of if you "start reading psychology" or not, the only thing that changes is your noobish perception.

Things are not what they were anymore if you read psychology, your perception changes as you learn why people behave like they do, your view of the world changes, your attitude towards others changes when you start to see the reasoning behind people's anger and people flaming others.

Now as you vent here (and in other posts) and provoke me to flame you back, I won't. But I'll bet you won't stop here.

As I said before, your flaming tells a lot about you and very little about me. Now what does it tells about you ?

Its more like similarities brings each other.

1. If you feel calm and nice and have a good day, you will end up in nice team and have a great game.
2. If you come angry and think you will release your stress in dota you are so fucking wrong:) you gonna end up in team of idiots feeders and same angry fuckers offending each other and you will lose.

According to what studies ?

"Look at this retarded prick, thinking that anyone cares about this, what a moron..."

This kind of thinking is saying more about the one doing the thinking than about the one being judged. If you start reading psychology that is one of the first things you'll find.

I seriously don't remember the version, but the first dota match I've played was like 9 years ago.

Since then, I've played for about 2 years, in total. Had large breaks in between when I was kinda obsessed with dota and didn't played at all.

DotA Discussion / Are mh reports worth it ?
« on: March 18, 2016, 12:49 »
So, are they worth it ?

What do they solve ? I mean the maphacker can make another account in 1 minute. But the one reporting gotta waste a lot of time and energy writing the report, going through most of the replay to indicate the exact times where the map hacker is obvious.

There was another discussion here that on LA hosts mh can't be used anymore.

Unban Requests / Unban request Alin_B
« on: March 15, 2016, 15:25 »
1: NickName?

2: Who banned you?

3: Why did you got banned?
I got disconnected after the loading screen due to a bug/glitch

4: Reason that forced you to break the rule?
Message  'you were disconnected' appeared

5: Explain to us a general vision about the situation!
After the loading screen, pink and black checkerboxes cubes started to appear, then I got disconnected. Happened to me twice already in the last 2 games, first time on some other bot than LA. I restarted my system and believe that the problem is gone now, I've opened the dota map without opponent to see if the glitch still appears and it looks ok.

6: Link of the game?;sa=game;gid=5902838

DotA Discussion / Re: 6.75 sucks
« on: October 05, 2012, 12:19 »
That heal is imba, should be nerfed.

I was cent with 3k hp, and in ~30 secs he healed me from 25% hp to almost full (i didn't had hot)

Suggestion Board / Re: 4v5 between minutes 5-15 of game
« on: September 19, 2012, 14:53 »
lol 4v5 after min 5 its fair.i won many games playing in 4 after 5 min

I won 3v5 games too, but I'm not gonna start a topic saying autoban should be on in 3v5 games cause I own  3v5 games :D

I'm talking about fairness as equal chances for both team to win the game. Yeah, I know you have relatively high chances of winning the game 4v5, but if the chances aren't the same for both teams, in my opinion that isn't considered fair.

Suggestion Board / 4v5 between minutes 5-15 of game
« on: September 14, 2012, 17:27 »
I'm interested in reasons why a game is considered fair if a player leaves between minutes 5 and ~15.

I did moved router to random position across the room, same ping.

I tried hosting today a game, I typed !start f, countdown timer freezed at 7, and I waited like 1 min with that frozen screen, after witch the game returned me to battlenet menu.

Any other ideas ?

I tried the hold command on myself and still i'm being kicked, wtf ?

Yeah, I can do that, but no host will ever hold you when he sees your ping sky rockets in lobby, and explaining its just a spike and it will no away isn't helping. Well, except maybe if the host is your friend, and my friends play only orpgs, not dota.

I tried hosting my own games, be host to prevent being autokicked by excessive pings. But I still get kicked in lobby.  :o Very frustrating.

Any other ideas ? Ye I could buy a new pc and switch to ''wire'' internet but for now that isn't a solution.

At the moment I have wireless connection on laptop cause the network board died.

I usually have below 100 ping, but I have spikes when ping rises above 100, getting me autokicked in lobby. If I think of it from 7 games out of 8 I get kicked in lobby for the ping spike.

In game I have no trouble whatsoever, do lag, no delay.

Except for hosting my own games, how can u get rid of those ping spikes ? I even tried moving my router a few cm from laptop and still same ping, only dl speed improved.

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