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Messages - 2xT.crucifier

Pages: [1]
« on: October 13, 2011, 23:11 »
there are always some retarded brain damage leavers that cant stop leaving
so b-net make ip ban because this is rly rly stupid 1 games some idiots form (turkeys, Serbian, Romania) will fead all game and then leave so i have to finish game with 3 or 2 players

3rd leave= one week acc ban
5th leave= acc perma ban
10th leave= ip ban

General Discussions / Re: A lifetime of a maphacker
« on: October 10, 2011, 22:29 »
Being bored at work did some research: Browsed through the maphack section and checked the last 100 permbanned players there by checking the max psr and played(without the draws) games.

- played games:
A maphacker plays at average 50 games before he gets caught.
- max PSR:
Approximately 40% of the caught maphackers had reached max 1550 psr, 30% up to 1600, 20% up to 1650 and 10% up to 1700(only one had over 1700).


- the good news:
The maphackers are low skilled players who has no other chance to win except to cheat. That's like >99% of them. The other 1% are good or pro players looking to boost their skill and they are hard to catch (TeG-Kanga is an examle). Thus said, without a very good approximation can be said that above 1700 psr, the percentage of maphackers is 1%. So if you are a decent not-cheating player above that limit, you will have fairplay games.

- the bad news:
These 100 maphackers were checked in topics not older than Sept 17. This is like catching 50 maphackers per day. And this number is proportional to the total number of not catched maphackers, which, as it seems, is quite a number.

Can a permbanned player create a new account? When a permban is made do you blacklist his ip?

Yes but They cant do anything about it
its we the player who can stop this maphackers by posting mh report ban requests and checking repalys admins rly cant check every replay for mh..
that would not be eve possible..
btw love the bot less and less hakcers in the recent time :)

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