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Messages - YoungBlood

Pages: [1]
DotA Discussion / Re: 6.75 sucks
« on: October 06, 2012, 02:17 »
I kinda dont like this new hero Arc Warden , because you can abuse his ulty as much as you want. For istance
If you have low hp and have maybe 3 heals and 3 claruty , you make ilisuion , and with ilusions heal your self up. and like that every 65/60/50 second or depens on which lvl you have it on. Or maybe he is too good for farming, If you make midas you can make ilusions cast midas with ilu, and then with your self, make ilu again after 65/60/50 sec and cast it again and soon you will have your own and you can make ilu again. I hope you can understand. Or maybe if you make dagon lvl 5. I think here will be soon fih or something for that..
Hmmm I just got the idea about Hand of M. which has 100 sec cd but during this 100 second:
<50 sec>
<50 sec>

in 101 sec, 190x5 gold? Do you mean that? A new illusion with full CD? Im not sure about it but i will check.

Well kinda, If you make Midas and cast them lets say on lvl 7, CD on his ulty is then 65 sec, you cast your midas, and make ilu and cast with ilu midas, that is 190x2, after 65 sec that is +190 gold, and after 35 sec you cast your midas so that is +190 more. So in 120 sec you can make with midas 190 x 4 = 760 gold and + gold what you get from killing creeps with normal attack. So that is kinda alot :@ and ofc you buy about 3 heals and 3 clarity so you dont have ever go b to base :D

DotA Discussion / Re: 6.75 sucks
« on: October 04, 2012, 01:53 »
I kinda dont like this new hero Arc Warden , because you can abuse his ulty as much as you want. For istance
If you have low hp and have maybe 3 heals and 3 claruty , you make ilisuion , and with ilusions heal your self up. and like that every 65/60/50 second or depens on which lvl you have it on. Or maybe he is too good for farming, If you make midas you can make ilusions cast midas with ilu, and then with your self, make ilu again after 65/60/50 sec and cast it again and soon you will have your own and you can make ilu again. I hope you can understand. Or maybe if you make dagon lvl 5. I think here will be soon fih or something for that..

DotA Discussion / BUG WITH Lone Druid
« on: April 20, 2012, 23:08 »
This is maybe bug and maybe it is not, like in older versions of dota, if you died with agis before throne is dead, and you respawn after it is dead you can walk while everybody is frozen, well this happend to me with Lone Druid, right before throne was destroyed, i changed from bear to druid form, and while i was transforming trone was destroyed and i could walk and everything except i couldnt cast magics or use blink but basher worked just fine.

the game link if somebody want to see it:

Music / Re: What are you listening to atm?
« on: April 13, 2012, 03:05 »
Written In The Stars-TINIE TEMPAH

Where is the Instalaion Guide?!

I have found it...

DotA Discussion / Re: BUG WITH Pandaren Brewmaster
« on: April 09, 2012, 13:13 »
i think this is somekind of new antinoob protection

wp icefrog was bout time to make one

What does this suppose to means? That i am noob? :DD

DotA Discussion / BUG WITH Pandaren Brewmaster
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:36 »
Well i just got this bug in the game, it was late game and i hade agahim. Some guys ganked me and i used ulty, and they killed all of my Pandas, but when they killed last one(stone panda) panda with the stun i didnt hade respawn time, so i was dead the whole game after that... i only hade CD for the ulty but i was dead. And the funny thing it is when they killed me, there was no text that somebody killed me or anything when you kill somebody and there was no cooldown for my respawn. Here is the link of the game

And this was my items when i died:

Power Threads (STR)
Quelling Blade

Offtopic / Re: Bye PD.EU!
« on: March 20, 2012, 20:07 »
ROFL, you didn't get into staff nor IHRL so you say staff is retarded.
gg no re

Well for someone who is admins, you shuldnt talk like that, no wonder why people are leaving. And you shuld care about peoples intrests here, because if there is not us you wouldnt hade anything to do anyway...
just my opinion here...

I will go on Garena this have 10 retards mod on staff.
You think it's a normal person?
His year of birth in the name says it all.

Well maybe he is not normal or just a kid, but he have some point that no one pointed out...
And for your rank that you have, somebody will think that you are some kid too, if he make a post about something yea, call him nab and others that is so grown up thing to do. And yes from my point of view some admins are slow at their work... So if you are all going to call somebody tard or nub, even if he is kid well good job

Offtopic / Re: Bye PD.EU!
« on: March 20, 2012, 19:55 »
You think we care about it? Because you post on General forum? Nah nub

Well for someone who is admins, you shuldnt talk like that, no wonder why people are leaving. And you shuld care about peoples intrests here, because if there is not us you wouldnt hade anything to do anyway...
just my opinion here...

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