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Messages - XeDoN

Pages: [1]
Humor / Re: Screenshots of imba score 0:5
« on: January 06, 2011, 08:37 »

last 10 mins of game was uber fun i suggest to watch replay <3

LOL i watched replay and i can say ->> Tiny(decimal_mulayim ) was MH 101% he was chasing invis brood, blinkin in fog, that he got mh it was so obvious xD

« on: June 29, 2010, 17:23 »
xD nice one, made me laugh, a lot, it does reminds me this video...
its like.... OMG! He made a denie?! wtf? im gaining low exp ;(((

Music / Re: Listen my rap tracks ;)
« on: June 23, 2010, 18:04 »
nice man but i cant understand a shit ;d

and plz stop stats abusing by playing those trapso games
+1 most of TR are newbs to DotA so im bored of searching pro pubber, you should start increasing respect for TR as DotA players... most of them just laggs, thats why theyr lating with skills, and others just taking carry and buyng wraith band and going mid >.<

Music / Re: Techno/Trance/Elektro
« on: June 23, 2010, 17:57 »
Dream dance is compilation of some pop dance music, it aint trance techno elektro ;d

Nowadays ppl listen to some stupid wannabe-house like guetta, wannabe-electro like benassi or other random dance stuff calling it techno ;d
The truth is that TECHNO IS DYING, house and trance comes pop thanks to shit like armin van buuren and guetta, only some minorities like dnb, schranz, hardcore, some downtempo productions still manages to keep along well.
i do like guetta either >.< btw, i dont like slow tempo, except for trance, but im listening to trance just to fall a sleep, and i hate wenn everybodys drunk and some kinda bastard turns on trance, then half falls asleep very fast ;D

Music / Techno/Trance/Elektro
« on: June 23, 2010, 17:05 »
i wonder how much of ppls are listening to trance or other elektro style music during some DotA
Im personally prefer Dream Dance since im from Germany, and whats your choice?

P.S. pls no racism or nationalism...

Music / Re: Vote for Turkey... :)
« on: June 23, 2010, 16:59 »
Hah! only reason they won is that like 2 millions turks in Germany
and i aint even talking bout other  country's like france,
No offences though
2mlns? are you kidding? 11mlns was for a pair years  :P more than any other nations...

Music / Re: wtf 17 million in 5 days!
« on: June 23, 2010, 16:57 »
I hate lady caca,shes face screw me :P
what language was that?  :o her face screwed you? how? tell us pls  :'(

Suggestion Board / Re: Flameing rule
« on: June 23, 2010, 00:19 »
Dude where do you find all those cats?
ROFL +1 for that post, it made me laugh a lot, not cause you didnt tryed to click on icon, but cause "rapboy's" most comments are cats, btw, nice cats, you got any at home? "rapboy"? =)

Pages: [1]