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Messages - dulovic

Pages: [1] 2
Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: February 03, 2013, 17:09 »
Well i think that psr system is the best thing here , and if you remove it it wont be that much fun anymore , it would become same as garena.......

Rly bad idea hope it wont happen

Feedback / Re: 15 minutes !ff
« on: January 31, 2013, 20:38 »
well sauzer i never play in stacks , and if you play good you can win games , even thought you got a noob team or something like that , and i didnt say that only high psr players can disscus things on forum , but i dont think that a player whos games end in 25min just cause he cant ff earlier is fit to vote for such a thing that is just my point ,

psr dont mean much , but it shows that a player earned it somehow , even if they played like 500 games they have high psr , they have learned smt and a player with 140 games and still falling down to 1200 psr is no pro hes much bellow that , so i dont care which ''pro players'' told you that you play rly good or own.... It just doesnt matter , and i dont want to argue more cause i am right , and this aint a topic about that , i have just made my statement who can be listened to , and who cant

Feedback / Re: 15 minutes !ff
« on: January 31, 2013, 12:16 »
well sauzer u got 1328psr and moving towards 1200 fast , so i don't think people should listen to you cause your games don't last long , cause u probably ff at 25 and cause u get owned a lot you want to move it to 15 , so i think this is a bad idea , only those people who get owned alot want to move it to min 15 , it is kinda stupid , i go midd kill someone 3 times , have about 60 creeps and they ff , aint no fun , or just having a carry team against some good , and ff at min 15 , and we win in min 55 , so i think 15 is really bad

Also you wont learn anything , and you wont play better , if you just ff the game

PS: Try playing a support sometimes maybe  you win some games and Trax aint a support

Feedback / Re: Multi Accounts
« on: December 03, 2012, 00:51 »
well it is a common thing here , and me too i got many acc too , sometimes when you play you get the idea of starting from 1500 again and try to improve your stats :D

But for those who cheat there should be something to prevent them , once i saw a ban request i think , when one guy was reported for game ruining  from start in scourge and that he allowed sentinel to win

Yeah it is a big problem , but yet it doesn't afect many players , cause i am not aware that those things happened in higher psr games

and i am not really interested in trapem , ap 1400++ , apem mega noobs and something like that

Feedback / Re: Site
« on: December 03, 2012, 00:37 »
well now i think that is it bad too , but maybe you should put 15 sec between writing then it wouldn't be spam and if you see that someone does that you could ban him for writing or something like that :D

Sports / something interesting and funny :D
« on: December 03, 2012, 00:34 »
PS: i dont know how to allow you to activete it from here so just copy and play it
it is so funny xD xD xD , miss of the year

General Discussions / Re: IHRL Resurrection, Yes or No ?
« on: December 03, 2012, 00:27 »
Why did IHRL stopped working anyway ????
I dont know the Reason , but you should start with that , to prevent that from happening

Feedback / Site
« on: December 02, 2012, 00:42 »
you should put some chat down , so online players can chat :D or smt like that  :D

Strategy / Re: Is armlet good item for Dazzle ?
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:52 »
y why not , alot of people make it , i usually play him full support ,but everybody makes what he wants :D

Strategy / Re: Best anti picks
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:50 »
 how about slardar if he gets the proper build he cant be stoped and naix also :D

Strategy / Re: Mortred ' Phantom Assasin ' Build
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:48 »
xD , under phase you cant crit and you need atack speed on start so i go for normal boost gloves and boots of elivenskin , then i go perservance and fast battle fury , then if too many nukers against me i go for bkb then dominator if not then dominator , bkb , after this you are almost unstopable but yet you can make bm  , and go for abusial blade , oor divine it depends on the strengt of my enemies :D

Humor / Re: Professional lol players :D
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:43 »
Lol is sutpid for me , dota far more better , and when you play dota and go on lol { i once did it i won 20 games in a row too many noobs like u play 1200++ here} , but when lol players come to dota they cant do anything :D

Humor / Re: After stats reset
« on: November 28, 2012, 21:38 »
ahhahah xD

Feedback / Really good Idea :D
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:59 »
What do you think about reseting accounts if they are inactive for 2 months ??? For people that will stop playing , and some can write that they are busy , but that they will be back so you dont reset their accounts :D

Feedback / Re: What about losing one PSR point per day?
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:56 »
I hate the Idea , cause i play dota only on weekdays { only then i got time and some times during the week}
and all i gain i loose , not fair at all  , kinda stupid if you ask me :D

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