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Messages - eavik

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Etc banning them isn't working from my experiance, every1 knows how to cr8 an acount. can you explain me why did playdota went from baning IPs to banning names. At least as far as i can remmember when this bot started it was baning IPs and the game owner was the Judge for those bans

yet abusing the unfortunate situation is the right way to act in this situation?(this is adressed to whole seltinel team

intresting not the exepert on dota bots, but i thought there's no diffrent permissions to admin commands like mute(ingame), kick or ban. If he's retired why did they left him access to mute command

Gotta to love those admins of playdota, so i just had a game with MrNiceguy in sentinel team me in scourage and we had furion on our team (he sold all his items, and used his tp to sprout us in fights, well in other words he tried to *** us even tho we had to play without him), so our beloved playdota admin as mentioned above could kick, couldnt ban and was enjoyig our teams missfortune.

It could seem that this is enought, but when we got exhausted of out fury ***** the game so badly we started pausing the game so the vote would go through, resulting to 1 of our team members getting mutted and atelst furion getting kicked, and i'm shure if that he wount get banned unless one of our team members reports him.

also here's the link of the game so no1 would call me lier

MY name was lix and i'm w8ing 4 ban from MrNiceguy for pointing out the truth

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