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Messages - LecitinTT

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sorry wrong quote!
my message goes on LecitinTT

i dont know if u ever watched wodota movies, u cant compare it with any other movie (including the one u posted). The one who creates wodota knows how to play dota, you can see that he includes amazing moments, while others include ultra kills/rampages/escape from stun/ulty.

true, noone can do videos like this guy :)

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 26, 2011, 16:13 »
and the problem is that when i enter any random public games...the host is using !balance....and i get ofc 0 points....lecitin is right the idea is wonderfull just the calculating system not really :)

i have same problem, after balance i get +0/-0 or +1/-0

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 24, 2011, 22:46 »
the worst thing is that ppl believe that !balance will actually balance.

1. it can't really balance according to skill
2. after balance players with high psr get +0/-0 points or +1/-1, so it encourages playing unbalanced games with teammates.

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 24, 2011, 03:35 »
it matters a lot, change the system next season :/

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 22, 2011, 17:51 »
And poor pudge lost 17 points, even if he was playing against same lvl players, it's not his fault then :). And even did better than his teammates...

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 22, 2011, 17:49 »
ye, that's a good side of this system (since not many points are lost ^^). The thing is u right, coz it is intuitive and makes sense. On practice it's different. Consider this game:

Scourges average is high (1670), sentinels (1620). Sherwood still doesn't gain any point, even he won stronger team with "weaker players".  He would lose 0, but still he doesnt gain any point.

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 22, 2011, 17:19 »
and i know what i'm talkin about, i got 1773 pts in this season.

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 22, 2011, 17:17 »
well psr, the way points are calculated are simply WRONG. That's one of the reasons i stopped playin on this server, it just doesn't make sense. It is important that:

1. The one with low pts gain more/lose less
2. The one with high pts gain less/lose more.
3. if not 1,2 then all teammates should gain/lose same points
4. !psr with that probability thing doesn't make any sense. Worst way of using probability.

I'll explain why. Players will high stats will tend to play with player with high stats, if they play with low pts players they can lose lots of points and it's not so fun to play against noobs.

Players who started a few weeks later will be able gain points without problem. Have you seen players who has 18/9 score with all pro games and they still have 1550 pts? This doesn't make sense at all. Coz every time they join game they hve +10/-20, and players with high stats have +1/0 stats.

The idea is good, but calculations make no sense.

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 10, 2011, 17:58 »
Kills, farm, assists shouldn't influence it at all, you win => u get pts .

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 10, 2011, 16:55 »
can someone post how the calculation goes? i had weak team and still it was +0/-0, opponents were not bad. wtf is that?

Feedback / Re: Bot country bug
« on: April 10, 2011, 14:36 »
ıt seems boot came back 18. century  ;D

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 10, 2011, 14:35 »
you should lose more points if play in a game with lower average than you not less (like the real ELO system), i think that is the big problem of the psr system.

That kind of system would not work. Couse if you lose more if you have more than average, that means you would also gain more if you are above average. That kind of system would make it VERY hard to gain points, when you have low PSR and very easy when you have high PSR.

Lol thats totaly unbalanced... Dont you agree HydrO?

u should lose more but gain less.
lets say

team 1 have average points 1500
team 2 have average points 1500

then if player have 1600 psr, which is higher than average of the other team wins 5 points and loses 15 (for example)
and a player that haves 1400 points gains 15 and loses 5 (for example)

the problem is that in the actual system the player that haves 1600 gains 5 but also loses 5 (not exactly but loses less than the player with less score with makes no sense to me)

It doesn't make sense to me as well.

Players should be able to play against players with same pts + it is difficult to get >1650 pts and apparently there are no games with !gn= >1650 pts.

Players with high pts should lose more/gain much less if they play against weak opponents, after a few loses they ll start playing balanced games => playing will be more interesting. Players who dont play much will be able to gain lots of points, right now it is difficult to get >1650 pts. I have around 1720 and i get +1/-1 in average

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 09, 2011, 17:40 »
you should lose more points if play in a game with lower average than you not less (like the real ELO system), i think that is the big problem of the psr system.

That kind of system would not work. Couse if you lose more if you have more than average, that means you would also gain more if you are above average. That kind of system would make it VERY hard to gain points, when you have low PSR and very easy when you have high PSR.

Lol thats totaly unbalanced... Dont you agree HydrO?

go learn some logic and math plz

Feedback / Re: PSR system - not so great :/
« on: April 08, 2011, 17:09 »
imo all players of team should gain/lose same pts after game

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