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Messages - Calebaas

Pages: [1]
General Discussions / Re: Looking for competitive dota
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:48 »
I was with night^^staIker, and I saw the SD from that guy and it was like 19.5/2.5/13
And we went like lol we will lane with him and constantly kill him results; 6-18  ;D
Haters xD

General Discussions / Re: Looking for competitive dota
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:15 »

Switching to "pro" games didn't work well for you ha ? :P

Suggestion Board / Re: Votekick
« on: January 01, 2011, 22:13 »
If really two or more people who are friends want to ruin game isnt it easier for them to be in different teams and votekick for example player who killed em in first min and one of them say "Killer has "mh" and his team all 5 wants to kick him and friend in other team kicks him so easier way to ruin game
Dude I'm not flaming or anything...but all "updated topics" that pop out have you as the last guy who commented.And here you're posting something that has nothing to do with the topic main subject,and tbh you're not really helping anyone.Cheers

Suggestion Board / Re: Votekick
« on: January 01, 2011, 21:57 »
I personally think it's lame to !votekick just to win the game,you said you're open for any suggestion,so here's mine : !votekick can only work if all players from YOUR team vote...that way haters cannot kick you if you pwn,and if you really deserve a !votekick then your team would definitely know it.In the game where I got kicked(my first post) it's only 2 guys voting from my team,all the rest were from sentinel team.Other 2 guys from my team were saying like omg don't kick him,we're gonna lose..etc.  So tell me what you think about the idea.
And what will happen if 2 friends decide that the game is over so they go to the enemy towers and just die over and over again?

Why would anyone do such a stupid thing when all games affect your score? I think they would rather wait for the other team to finish near their fountain. And if someone is THAT retarded then report and ban.GG.

Suggestion Board / Votekick
« on: January 01, 2011, 21:43 »
I personally think it's lame to !votekick just to win the game,you said you're open for any suggestion,so here's mine : !votekick can only work if all players from YOUR team vote...that way haters cannot kick you if you pwn,and if you really deserve a !votekick then your team would definitely know it.In the game where I got kicked(my first post) it's only 2 guys voting from my team,all the rest were from sentinel team.Other 2 guys from my team were saying like omg don't kick him,we're gonna lose..etc.  So tell me what you think about the idea.

Suggestion Board / Re: Votekick
« on: December 31, 2010, 00:08 »
Ok,even though I would consider a different system or anything...this is not the first time I get kicked for a stupid reason,it gets more and more annoying. Thanks for the reply :)

Suggestion Board / Re: Votekick
« on: December 30, 2010, 19:35 »
Yeah,but I consider this to be !votekick abuse...

One question,how do you actually know who is pro and who isn't.Let's say a player has K/D score like this 6,65/5, enter noobs game they say "OMG PRO KICK HIM",you enter pro game they say "Lal newb :P" and kick you.From my pov it's not really doable.

Suggestion Board / Votekick
« on: December 30, 2010, 19:29 »
Hello guys,I didn't really knew where to post this,hope it's ok. So here's what happened,I was in a game where I pwned with Lina,one of my teammates started !votekick because of a "killsteal" and the other team ofc voted cuz they knew they had no chance to win. So I've just read the ingame rules section and didn't a notice anything about !votekick for nothing -.-' My question there any punishment for that ? I mean any team can start a votekick against a good player in opposite team and get rid of him even if he didn't do anything bad ? I can't post a link to game because it isn't finished yet,I will update later. Just wanna know what you guys think about it.

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