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Messages - celicaw8

Pages: [1]
Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 04, 2011, 00:40 »
Okay you won and now leave this topic alone. If you are a human than leave NOW!
"Tolerance to new members is expected"
Date Registered:
03 November 2010, 20:39:20
hi new member :D

Thats how you had to start but you are late with it... but its ok, now i know you

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 04, 2011, 00:26 »
Okay you won and now leave this topic alone. If you are a human than leave NOW!
"Tolerance to new members is expected"

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 04, 2011, 00:08 »

Yea go and investigate about my past congratulation... thats why I made this topic. And now gtfo losers!
How hostile can you be!?

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 04, 2011, 00:06 »
tide --> is support afaik and you went carry (ye for you are kills most important (all heros are carry for you)) and mjollnir o.O?

eza --> you bought mana boots , serious ??

cool item build

 50% of your games are noob/+ em games

crix --> you should buy bkb not linken , and why forcestaff if you got dagger

Items always depended on the enemy team. If you are a pro player than you understand it otherwise you are baka.

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 03, 2011, 23:56 »
If you came here to spam my topic than gtfo! What do you think you are? You want more posts or what? Go to other topics because YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ARE SPAMMING!

Strategy / Re: Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 03, 2011, 23:39 »
if you think you are such a muthafukin 1337 pro go post your guide at and than you ll see that you are a small noob of 12312313 noobs

I just want to help for begginers that's all. Sorry if I am too hardworking and harrowed your lazy ass.

Strategy / Tidehunter, Crix and Ezalor replay guide!
« on: November 03, 2011, 23:33 »
Here is the links how to play with:        Tidehunter --->
                                                       Crix --->
                                                       Ezalor --->
How to play with Tidehunter without dagger and without useless MoM since from the version of 6.72 (Tide's passive replaced with an active skill which almost the same with a cd of 4s).
How to play with Crix in a really useless team... this replay proves how important is the teamplay.
How to play with Ezalor in a nuke team against a hard carry team.
In the games my name is LuckyWill. Pm me if you want some help ingame too.

This is my last post today IcypiG ;)
Have fun and learn from a real pro! :P

P.S.: Sorry for the vulgar words in the replays! :S

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