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Messages - CoMMoN

Pages: [1] 2
DotA Discussion / Re: Post your highest Win streak (10+)
« on: August 01, 2018, 17:14 »
@NiGhT^^StAlKeR dude i played with u on that acc too so :D quite a few games too i think
anyway it's completely irrelevant, meganoobs here, id honestly not be impressed even by someone that won 1000 games in a row on this server xd

hey look my acc is older than yours

how cool am i 8)

Offtopic / Re: What is red and bad for your teeth ?
« on: March 28, 2016, 22:51 »
Common: Date Registered: June 27, 2011, 01:22 pm
Lexy: Date Registered: December 11, 2010, 12:00 am

And me: Date Registered: June 06, 2010, 09:06 pm

Call me DADY

You should check my date registered again:

Date Registered:
    January 31, 2010, 01:03 pm

Get rekt.

Also I was playing way before I registered on this dumb ass forum. :D

Offtopic / Re: What is red and bad for your teeth ?
« on: March 28, 2016, 13:59 »
No arguments are needed, it's crystal clear to anyone who posseses a brain that you exaggerated what happened and you wanted to feel stronk so you decided to ban me. I haven't insulted you once, I only said facts.
Yeah I'm totally gonna waste my time filing complaints because a random guy got bored and decided to ban me lmfao. I couldn't care less if I'm banned or not.

Offtopic / Re: What is red and bad for your teeth ?
« on: March 28, 2016, 13:31 »
hurr durr
You're so braindead you don't even notice my account is older than yours. When I was playing here you probably never even heard of dota yet.

Who the fuck do you think you are lmfao, no one gives a shit about what you want and your indulgence, you're a pathetic ant that doesn't even know the definition of spam.

The highlight of your day is coming here acting tough on a forum because of your lil moderator powers and banning random people unfairly, like I said I really don't give a shit and you can extend the ban to permanent if it will make your lil irrelevant life feel more significant, it doesn't change the fact that you banned me unfairly and that you're a worthless ant.
This guy will never realize how pefethic he is...Just move on CUNT u suck on to many levels
I see you're still butthurt after how much I raped you along the years, it's ok, don't cry. Maybe in more time you'll heal.
i must admit lex just dumpstered you back to the fkin stoneage
Go steam nub.

Offtopic / Re: What is red and bad for your teeth ?
« on: March 28, 2016, 08:23 »
Any ideas ?
I think ban. Ban is red and bad for your teeth.

CoMMoN1337 - banned 7 days + 10 warn points (excessive spamming)
I get that you feel like a worthless ant and your life has no meaning, but that doesn't mean you have to ban people just because you feel bad about yourself.

Last I checked posting threads is allowed, how exactly did I spam ? Do you even know what spam means ?
Just because you people are incapable of posting more than once per day doesn't mean everyone else who posts more is a spammer.

In any case, go fuck yourself. I don't care about your lil ban, feel free to extend it to permanent ban. ;)

Enjoy being irrelevant.

General Discussions / Re: a question!
« on: February 23, 2016, 22:52 »

Technical support / Re: Please
« on: September 10, 2014, 19:47 »
How the hell did that happen ? no replay no log :O
Date: 13-12-2013 00:18:30

Oh, wrong acc, whatever.

DotA Discussion / Re: How to zeus mid with gang
« on: August 24, 2014, 20:23 »

Imba high apm at end

Offtopic / Re: Why does turks call me FORGET
« on: July 15, 2014, 22:16 »
who is this guy
I am new member, hello.

Technical support / Re: Help Mee
« on: January 24, 2014, 21:39 »
Reinstal W3 and try it again...
If u have installed -N0T C0PIED- u d0nt need t0 run patch fixer as y0ur registry sh0uld be fine.
als0 try d0wnl0ad eur0l0ader again...

PS: due tech. issue 0n my lapt0p, Im using ZER0 instead 0f letter "0".
You could copy and paste letter "o" from his above post, and you can keep it saved to paste everytime you want to type o, doesn't take long.

I'm having a problem. I installed on my computer w3 new Gproxy WAR3TFT Loading fixer but I did everything I understand, but it gives error Please could you help?

Error name:

Patching cannot be completed  because the patch archive is comupt.,
file name: e\:w3\War3Patch.mpq
If you are unable to correct this problem. please contact Blizzard Technical Support.

Download w3 fixer, run it, enter game. Don't reinstall/uninstall, sometimes the registry just doesn't properly install, download w3 fixer run it and it fixes it for you.
hitting 0 is way faster/easier then ctrl+v :) ...pr0blem will be s0rted t0m0r0w as I get back 0n my PC.
Yes, so complicated to hit 2 buttons instead of 1, extremely difficult task.
N0t c0mplicated, Im just t00 lazy...simple as that :)
Not that long ago people were killing each other for food, and now you are lazy to hit 2 buttons instead of 1, !ff.

Offtopic / Re: jean vs stalker
« on: January 24, 2014, 21:32 »
Who is are these jean and stalker ?
Vronk nick cumy ?
I am new here.

Offtopic / Re: jean vs stalker
« on: January 24, 2014, 21:18 »
Who is are these jean and stalker ?

Offtopic / Re: jeandarc vs nirvana
« on: June 27, 2013, 15:27 »

Humor / Re: worst lagabuse players: the black list
« on: May 09, 2013, 21:26 »
!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc!add jeandarc

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