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Messages - Strobe

Pages: [1]
On a proper request most of the time will be spent by the one who posts it.  For mods it wont take 40 minutes
(who watches a whole replay at 1x speed when you supposedly have timestamped events - don't have those,
lock the request).
Let aside the time you waste (most games are lost) playing a game against a MH user, I spent about 30 minutes watching the replay twice and took note of key events.

There aren't that many valid MH requests. If the bad requests (the one who posted the req. should watch
the replay and provide timestamped suspicious events in the game) are locked you'll probably get 2 or 3
proper MH requests (with specific situations for proof) per day.

I know MH requests take longer to solve than normal ban requests (having to watch the replay),
but MH req. are IMO more important than normal ban req and as I said there are just a few a day.

Is there any way to solve MH requests faster ?
Using MH is a serious offense, one guy using MH ends up ruining the entire game (well... every game he joins).

I posted a MH report about an user (with proper timestamped events that undoubtedly prove use of MH)
and 3 days later I still found that idiot trying to join the same game as I did.

There are about 3 to 5 MH requests a day and some of them don't give exact situations to prove MH
and should be locked, but those few proper MH requests that remain I think should be dealt with in a timely fashion.

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