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Messages - Deynro

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 19
General Discussions / Re: To admins pt2
« on: November 30, 2019, 10:41 »
I closed the topic because it leads to nowhere, writing a melodrama post about you not being happy and whatnot also leads to nowhere. When you give actual facts the way you did for Mara, I did take actions and removed his bot access. We work with facts here, not with your personal feelings towards someone.
If you want someone demoted, feel free to report him and we will take actions, anyone can get demoted, even of they qre admin or whatever. Which part of this don't you understand?
Your complaints will have value when you talk with actual facts, not by saying you are sad or "admins bad, members good"

Then let me manifest, don't delete my posts, i am always teling facts, with actual arguments. If you can't do that, then i won't be part of this community and i won't help it becoming a better and fair place.

General Discussions / Re: To admins pt2
« on: November 30, 2019, 10:38 »
I closed the topic because it leads to nowhere, writing a melodrama post about you not being happy and whatnot also leads to nowhere. When you give actual facts the way you did for Mara, I did take actions and removed his bot access. We work with facts here, not with your personal feelings towards someone.
If you want someone demoted, feel free to report him and we will take actions, anyone can get demoted, even of they qre admin or whatever. Which part of this don't you understand?
Your complaints will have value when you talk with actual facts, not by saying you are sad or "admins bad, members good"

So, i got demoted for abuing power. Did anyone even bother to check the game ? I guess not ... U would see what that guy did and will not think that is so abusive.
And u say to deynro if he wants to someone get demoted to report him ? U say that is up to Deynro to demote moderators ? I don`t think anyone checked the game.
Anyway , i am starting to understand why everybody left.

I think my part here is done.
I will move to another platform, in case i wanna play.

Good luck. Was nice to be a part of this.


I watched the entire game, he didn't deserve ban, it's only in your mind or personal. Their decision to demote you it's a right one since you are not suited being one with that low capacity of view. i gave you very strong arguments and a rational / objectively reason why you were mistaken over that, also it's very sad that you didn't even consider it, this way you will never grow up or evolve in better you could've re-read what i wrote but some admin deleted my posts.

General Discussions / To admins pt2
« on: November 30, 2019, 08:38 »
First of all, that was rude, clossing the topic, not giving me the chance to reply, this annoys me very much, also deleting my on-topic argumentative ,,complains" tells me how much you guys care.
You can grant them back their priviligies since i just found out that one of administrative member also do minor power abuses in-game, i won't give names anymore because i am done with this, do whatever you want, don't listen to us, be a king ... but ... you'll no longer be a king when you'll have no people to rule over. Community is rotten!

General Discussions / Re: To admins
« on: November 30, 2019, 06:31 »
This will be closed with ,,solving in private". 😂😂
You are wasting your time, for real. Just be done with it, like i am.

Offtopic / Re: Begin´s parking skillz
« on: November 15, 2019, 03:09 »
now i have a no idea if im too drugged or not, do i see that begin got 320kills with slark?:DD;sa=game;gid=6229637

Chill, it's just a bot error on map a9, all scores are multiplied 10 times, by doing basic math, he has 32, not 320.

DotA Discussion / Re: Stats Reset
« on: October 30, 2019, 15:59 »
If i am all 3 mentioned above, i can reset it 3 times?  :hm: :hm: :hm:

General Discussions / Re: Longest game ever
« on: October 29, 2019, 13:36 »
that game is still on....nearly 20000min = 2 weeks ….those guys have no life or just simple bug
That feeling when you cannot do math.
20000min = 1.984127 weeks, not 2 weeks.
Learn math !

Okay, i laughed.


Tournaments / Re: Dota 1v1 Tournament - Winner gets $25
« on: October 07, 2019, 18:11 »

Technical support / Re: Animations
« on: August 11, 2019, 00:25 »
Seems like it's completely random, some games have animations, some not, nvm, i will lock this topic. Thanks for answers!

Technical support / Re: Animations
« on: August 10, 2019, 22:26 »
there is also some library from rgc but i no sure if it fixed this probelm or just increases fps , can try too @Renovatio should know which topic you can find thme

I think that was a fix for fps. Is somewhere in tech supp but cant remember which one.

Try what fatality said, for once. And if doesnt work make sure you dont use -betterfps ingame command and disable it from the config file from insider war3 directory too.

Should be:
Code: [Select]
BetterFPS = false
BetterFPS2 = false
BetterFPS3 = false
from config.dota (in 1.26 directory)

All 3 are false and i also did all above, reinstalled drivers + rr PC, doesn't work. The weird thing is that i have no animations only in the online mode, if i go custom game (same map), i have animations.

Technical support / Animations
« on: August 10, 2019, 13:33 »
Hey there,

I can't see the animations (example: Invoker's meteor or Storm's clone). Any idea how to solve this?

Unban Requests / Re: Unban req
« on: March 30, 2019, 21:08 »
Wait until ban expires.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban request - jj_kevin
« on: March 27, 2019, 22:53 »
jj_kevin !banned 10 days !warned 10
Game ruin [Refusing to play]

@jj_kevin last chance, don't do it again.

Ban Requests / Re: Ban Request
« on: March 21, 2019, 10:32 »
-ken- !banned 1 day and 15 hours !warned x2 Family flame x2
Sanction reduced due to provoke

STOP provoking people, mind your own business.

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