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Messages - Astaroth

Pages: 1 ... 399 400 [401] 402 403
Music / Re: Lost my head with this ..
« on: May 13, 2011, 20:06 »
I don't like this kind of remastering. Maybe its because I love metal and transforming metal song into something like this is shit for me...

Feedback / Re: profile suggestion
« on: May 13, 2011, 19:55 »
Hard to make this.
As they say, doesn't know your password so you can show stats of any player...
If you have idea how to make this, tell us.

Feedback / Re: the one who has mount is talking
« on: May 13, 2011, 19:52 »
!ignore is enough imo, because if you don't want to listen him you ignore him, if you care about things he is saying don't ignore him. That's simple imo.
If he is really moron, voting will make him happy, because all the team will care about him and if you will not mute him by vote he will spam like: XAXAXA NO MUTE NAAAAABZ etc.

DotA Discussion / Re: Luck
« on: May 13, 2011, 18:40 »
Yeah, but you mostly remember only the bad things...

Totally agree. Just remember how I did double kill just with Spectre's ulty on low lvl and without mana burn...

Offtopic / Re: earthshaker ownage hihihi :d
« on: May 13, 2011, 17:46 »
Yep, you die so fast that you don't even know wtf happend :)

DotA Discussion / Re: Luck
« on: May 13, 2011, 17:42 »
But my luck with ogre magi is like 0.0001 chance to hit multi-cast!I have better chance of finding divine rapier in the woods than hitting a multi-cast...sometimes my stun doesn't even work xD :P

Yea, I sometimes do 2x multi-cast but I often get 4x multi-cast when playing against Ogre Magi  :'(
And if I survive it he pwn me with his club...

DotA Discussion / Re: Luck
« on: May 13, 2011, 16:12 »
yep. luck is major factor in dota too... my axe doesnt spin at all, i never backtrack 2-3 ultis in row like i saw on some videos on youtube... and dmg(eg. 56-64) + crit  and runes can be just the thing u need in right moment...

smbdy needs to send mail to icefrong to make luck wand... +1%evasion +1%bash +1%critical x10dmg

That's good idea - luck wand  ;D
Than upgrade it and it's active would give you random item  ;D

DotA Discussion / Luck
« on: May 13, 2011, 13:19 »
What do you think about luck in dota?
I've found out that many players don't know or don't believe in luck.
Some times you have luck when hooking, farming in forest and find enemy with low hp etc. But they always call you MHer.
How is luck important in noob and in pro games in your opinion?
I often see player calls other one "lucker" when you miss him (Mortred, Void, any hero with evasion) in 1v1 battle. It can be luck as well as math - he has probability to avoid or dodge that dmg/hit.
Also they call other player "lucker" when he successfully escape with low hp using juke spots, tangoes or Quelling blade. That is skill but imo you need a bit of luck. And brain so you will not get kill by neutrals  ;D

Feedback / Re: How admin find out that some1 has MH?
« on: May 13, 2011, 13:05 »
Forgot Bloodseeker, but I'm not sure he was in that games. If this situation occurs again and there will not be Blood in my team I'll post it here with replay.
Ty guys.

Humor / Re: english language
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:56 »
This is some kid. He thought that he is super smart when he let his friend feed him so he get super stats. But if he play with real players he will get pwned many times and he will be called noob.
Also he said his dad is policeman who can kill every criminal instantly and he will kill us all, than he said he has 2 jobs and he want to relax at DotA and we are ruining his time etc.
I (or probably everyone) don't trust him a word and I would normally ignore him. But you know what? It is funny as hell to watch how he goes mad  ;D

Feedback / Re: MH prevention
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:46 » is not using it,but some other bots on are using it.When you enter game lobby,if u have MH,it immediately notify that u are using MH.

Hmmmm...I entered a game once on some other bot and it spelled out that I am using MH,but I have never seen MH in my life!!!I was only running gproxy and LWT(Lescos Warcraft Toolkit) for inventory hotkeys...So is that prevention ok what do u think????

That sux. I used some program for inventory hotkey but I never had any problems. But I maybe know where is problem:
If you want to remap inventory hotkeys you need program and that program has to be turn on when playing. If you remap inventory hotkeys and turn that program off your new hotkeys will not work. So you have to use program that changes something in W3 and bot u played with blocks these programs and it doesn't care what your program changes in W3. This is my opinion.

Feedback / How admin find out that some1 has MH?
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:34 »
question is clear: How admin find out that someone has MH?
I can't find any info about it. All I know is that they have some program or something which can tell them that you've selected hero you can't see (is invis or in fog). But if I kill Riki by Neveromore's Shadowraze how do they find out if I have MH or not? Let's say I know that Riki is somewhere in my area.

And second question:
This happend to me few times:
I was farming in forest with Terrorblade. Then Gondar found me and attacked me. I used Metamorphosis and fight Gondar. He decided to escape so he went invis but Terrorblade attacked him when Gondar was already invis. How is this possible? I know Gondar's invis has some fade time but I'm sure Terrorblade attacked him when he was invisible. I could not see Gondar and I could not select him but after few hits Terror killed him. All I know is that Gondar wasn't running back, he stayed near me. There was no ward, dust or gem and I DO NOT use MH.
Same thing once happend to me when I fought Traxex and she used Lothar.
So question is: Can I get ban for MH because of this?

Feedback / Re: here is an idea
« on: May 13, 2011, 12:14 »
Maybe if you !sd someone it can show you how often he leaves/disconnects. But thats all, just another stat. Ban and autoban should be the same, no changes here.

General Discussions / Re: IP ban
« on: May 13, 2011, 11:51 »
Yea, IP ban may look like good idea, but some players have dynamic IP and if you ban IP range you may ban someone who didn't break any rules.
There are also ways how to connect with hidden/not yours IP. Ask hackers, they never show their IP when hacking something...

Humor / Re: english language
« on: May 12, 2011, 21:12 »
 ;D  :D  :o  :D
Sorry, I can't...  :D  :D  :D
...stop laughing  :D

Okey, I see what happend, this is reason to perma ban ofc.
I don't know to say to 741 and that Morph, I just don't have words. This is lame and it is top of moronism and stupidity.

But why I laught? Situation:
Pregame lobby. You type !sd my^^new^^acc
And it show you:
Hero K/D/A: 1/35.5/2.5
Creeps K/D/N: 3.5/1.5/0

Every one: OMG idiot. Kick ffs.
my^^new^^acc: dont kick me pls, Im not retard...
Poor guys who played with that "players"...

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