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Messages - theNoobie

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 8
DotA Discussion / Re: Fourth DotA season
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:34 »
Can't wait keep up the good work

Whiskreet , how did u develop his profile like that , and how do u know all those things , coz u talk out of ur league . You dont know him , you played 1 game with him , 1. Firstly i would suggest to you not to flame again any moderator here , there is  room for that. Second dont flame him, especially when ur totally wrong , and this is not the usual defense of a colleague , but i experienced how he works and he checks most of the replays , even where smth like that isnt necessary , because u can get 80% of a game from the chatlog except some things in which i wont get into right now. This is just for ppl to know him better coz talking like u talk can bring some negative vibes

Imo, You have to truly watch the replay to understand everything.
I highly doubt the chatlog is only 80% of it.

this topic is lolz, DotA is quite balanced game, and each char usefulness depends solely on pick, lanes, strat and player skills.

all heros are usefull. Dota have no useless heros stop this useless thred pls.

Not really, some heroes you will never see picked in competitive because they are just shit tier. For example, clockwork has undergone so many nerfs such as base armor nerf and his battery assault nerf. His cogs are glitchy as well and he doesn't scale into late game. He is rarely chosen in a competitive game.

Offtopic / Re: Slavi, I_am_vigos video
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:48 »
thier was no aa and y all games are played -cm . Now Keep quiet i wont argue morons


Are you blind? You don't even know your own video?

Check at 1:00 IS THAT AN AA I SEE?

Also, Chaos knight is also there so it definitely cant be CM. It's probably an APEMSO PROZ PLZ ONLY game

And who the hell chooses pudge and techies in a competitve game

Humor / Re: Hitler gets banned from DOTA
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:30 »
Ahaha This vid was just awesome i love the meme and this version of it =)

Humor / Re: Farm Hack!!
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:02 »
Wait are we losing?


Offtopic / Re: Slavi, I_am_vigos video
« on: July 23, 2010, 11:55 »
Thanks dagger for clarifying

It must be a bad league since aa is available, therefore, -cm is not used. You guys probably use -apemso or something =/

And in what competitive leagues do people pick riki?...

Offtopic / Re: Slavi, I_am_vigos video
« on: July 23, 2010, 09:35 »
for last time first video is taken from SS tour which is a league not pub

Ancient Apparition in a league?

General Discussions / Re: 5v4 playable?
« on: July 23, 2010, 04:13 »
when 1 refuses to play n camp fountian = ban btw

not all 5v4 are playable. if the person leaves at start most of the time it's a loss but 15 or 20min later (assuming he wasnt feeding) then it's playable and easily winable since the boost in money.

^ Agreed

It's hard to win if the leaver leaves in the beginning but it's easier if it's later on in the game, since you can take their items and gold.

Strategy / Re: Stealth Assassin guide - by _Dead_Shoot_
« on: July 22, 2010, 23:34 »
I'd rather have ghost stick and a band and then make ethereal.
Butterfly is overrated since u usually get nuked to death not dps'd.

And when you calculate the  EHP bfly gives, it definitely gives you more survival.

Let's just get rid of Noob/pro games and add in a system where you get points for winning/killing/raxing and then split those into 2 rooms =/

General Discussions / Re: no Season stats?
« on: July 22, 2010, 03:02 »
Does it really matter?

Stats don't tell anything and you can check kda / C/D in game

DotA Discussion / Re: Solo MID with Dragon Knight
« on: July 21, 2010, 21:59 »
clock better at mid. he can gang and kill easily and he can check runes easily with missle for bottle.

or just wards

Pubs don't use wards

Strategy / Re: Naga Siren - Slithice
« on: July 21, 2010, 21:58 »
He is not noob!!!
Well he suggests incredibly noob items.

Strategy / Re: Naga Siren - Slithice
« on: July 21, 2010, 11:44 »
Basher on illusions is a failure. Please noobs, check dota mechanisms before posting bullshit.

It's discouraging to see how some mods don't know how to play dota =/

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