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Messages - De_Inferno

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5]
Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: April 11, 2013, 19:19 »
I think psr system should stay but remove stats from SD put only W/L we loose alot of games cause people pick and play for stats and victory shoulded be the main objective. People wouldn´t steal, people would buy more suport items like wards, dusts... Think about that
Agreed but, there are still the unlucky players like me. I had an account, around 1600PSR (im an avarage player) and then the lose steak begun. I lost around 15 games in a row and i left with an rly low psr around 1300-1400, but in every single game i had very good stats like 9/5/10 and i've been left with an terrible psr but an very good sd, just because in every single game i played, there was and leaver, afker or feeder, or all 3 of them. And then i made another account, and the first game i had 9/4/16 but, guess what, i lost because an feeder. And the second game i played, i had 4/8/6 (i was playing terrible, they were only focusing me) and i won -.-. So, the point is, dota isn't all about skills, in fact, for avarage player, its mostly about luck, and you cant make an perfect sistem because of luck!!!. I would prefer thad you guys leave the psr sistem as it is and hope the best. Best regards.

Feedback / Re: 15 minutes !ff
« on: April 11, 2013, 18:58 »
My opinion would be, when the enemie destroyes your lvl1, and lvl2 towers, thad you should be able to ff.
And anyway, ff after min 25 is just fine for me :=) as long as you play Ap,ar,sd,rd games.

General Discussions / New hack or a bug?
« on: April 10, 2013, 22:04 »
Ok guys, i once played a game, i was venomancer and i was at a lane with dragonknight. And after lvl 6, dragonknight used his ulti, and he was for the rest of the game a dragon. It just pissed me of and i was wondering how. I asked him, does his ulti even had an cd, and asked him does he has some kind of hack, and he admited that he was using some kind of hack. I wasn't using lagabuse at that time so i haven't the game link, but that wasn't the only time someone used his ulti multiply times or some other spell. I know you can buy refresher but im sure they hadn't it. Now that im using Lagabuse, i hope i will find another strange game and find the link to see is it rly an hack or is there a kind of explanation. P.S. If someone has an aswer, plz reply below.

Feedback / Re: psr system
« on: April 10, 2013, 21:54 »
I have an account, it has 1338 psr but it also has 6/6/13 and 67/5/2 but still when i get banned on my main account, and when i try to play on that account, everyone just writes !psr and sees i've got 1338 and kickes me without actualy checking my sd. Some players are just stupid.

Tools & tutorials / Re: +10 Fps / less lagg
« on: April 04, 2013, 17:03 »
Theres no Picture...

Offtopic / Re: Bart's Chicks
« on: April 04, 2013, 16:39 »

Feedback / Re: You should requite more ban/unban moderators!!
« on: April 03, 2013, 14:36 »
I was on the Forum for years, and after chanced the bot i didn't find it nessesery to make an account on, but today in every second game i meet an mher so i had to make an account to report them. I have a lot of expirience though. And anyway, you dont need to be a 10 years member to be able to watch a replay and decide does he has mh or did he broke any rule and to write !ban "name" "time".

Feedback / You should requite more ban/unban moderators!!
« on: April 03, 2013, 14:27 »
Hey, i just wanted to say that you should requite a few more B/U Moderators. It just takes a lot of time till someone read my posts and anyway, there aren't much of them.
BTW, I would like to be an B/U moderator my self :D.

DotA Discussion / Re: My first hero and item :D
« on: April 03, 2013, 13:57 »
First hero - Nevermore
First item - Helm Of dominator
After thad game i never played with nevermore again :D

DotA Discussion / Re: This Invo The Best
« on: April 03, 2013, 13:54 »
Thanks, i have a few invoker replays :)

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