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Messages - Geistesblitz

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 13
General Discussions / Re: can u report admins?
« on: February 13, 2011, 15:06 »
You can contact ek0 and Geistesblitz to report odd behaviors from the staff.

I would like to mention, even if MrNiceGuy uses a 2nd account, the rule specifies what we do not allow is evading bans, not multi-accounting.

-so is not on the modes allowed in ladder games on the new bot.

I don't know why people like -so so much.

General Discussions / Re: WHEN BAN EXPIRES ?
« on: February 08, 2011, 19:48 »
There are 2 scenarios on stats abuse rule.

One of them is when you go to the enemy fountain and participate several kills on leavers. This scenario is hardly punished compared to the other one you might find.

Even when there are new seasons, the DB keeps the data from previous seasons. Even if you had played 18 games on the last season; if you played 32 games on the current season that'd add up to 50 games and it'd work (thinking it'd be 50 to be able to host).

This is a pretty good idea overall.

Maniac and PLN stop trolling topics; this is your last warning.

Suggestion Board / Re: save during game = ban?
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:05 »
Saving game on bnet doesn't do anything good.

Can you list any and all things a host could possibly do to ruin a game?

Enough of this non-sense. If you don't want to help don't; but don't you dare make us waste our time.

Get back down to planet Earth, it helps when people provide us with parser data, but there are still lots of requests before yours that need resolved. We don't go checking requests and pick to solve them on how easy they are to solve, we pick them based on the order they were submitted.

i check click by click on my requestes with img and all stuff... and no response in 4-5 days, how you'll answer? i dont let moderators to losing his precious time with parses i DO it so where is 'the lazzy thing'' at me or moderators?

you speak on general but i speak for my req, how time it's take to look at my req and see a picture with parses  and see there all the stuff you need to ban? i think no more then 10 seconds

I play only 4-5 games on day and always make a req for leavers or mh. I saw many players with mh but i'm lazzy too to check click by click with parsers and i let them goo that players ....

The thing is, if you can't be bothered to check click by click for the MHer, why should we? We still have to do it if you don't and it takes a very long time. If you actually did and provided us with the exact data things would go much faster.

Then again, you're just too lazy.

Offtopic / Re: Describe maniac
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:07 »

Do I really need to treat you guys like little boys?

Feedback / Re: Game replay link does not work. Bug or ???
« on: February 05, 2011, 02:17 »
Game over.


Music / Re: What are you listening to atm?
« on: February 04, 2011, 17:59 »

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